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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 05:50PM

So, you have so many nieces and and nephews that when you get an announcement that one nephew is going to be "sealed for time and eternity at the Idaho Falls Temple, yadda yadda yadda..." (and you've never met the bride to be, but she has one of those made-up mormon names)--you're thinking "Isn't this nephew already married to a girl with the same name?"

Turns out (through some facebook sleuthing) that, no, it's a different girl with a similar made-up name, but the same nephew, so it's a second "sealing". The first wife turned out to be psycho and their little kid lives with dad, so I am soooooo tempted to find out if the first sealing was cancelled, or if it's going to be polygamy in the CK, with the kid sealed to the woman who he doesn't even consider his mom.

Sucks to be in a cult.

P.S. They're registered at amazon; pretty tacky for a second wedding if you ask me, but I can't go to the "wedding" anyway since I'm a bearded RfM heathen.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 06:27PM

who got married for the 4th time while I was working with her. They had a "money tree" at their RECEPTION and asked for money as they had all the things they needed.

She thought I was horrible because I was having a relationship outside of marriage and yet she was on the 4th. One of her temple marriages only lasted a month.

I'm rather shocked that they still think that they should marry in the temple, that the leaders allow it at #4.

I've seen more and more kids in their 20s, my kids' age, who are divorced and on their 2nd or 3rd marriages.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 08:02PM

Tell her she has 52 to go to catch up to Brigham Young.

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Posted by: jthomas ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 11:04AM

Are you comparing getting married a second time to lying and be an adulterer?

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 11:08AM

jthomas Wrote:
> Are you comparing getting married a second time to
> lying and be an adulterer?

If you knew anything about cl2's life (which she's posted on here numerous times), you'd know there was no lying or "adultery" involved.

But, hey, I guess just being judgmental and condemning people is easier than a quick site search, right?

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Posted by: jthomas ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 11:15AM

I simply asked. I never said thats what SHE in particular did. Is there something wrong with asking questions now? BTW I never said SHE did any of that, just asking if the two concepts were supposed to be the same.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2018 11:16AM by jthomas.

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Posted by: Particles Faith ( )
Date: June 14, 2018 10:36AM

I thought the lying and being an adulterer referred to Brigham Young,

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Posted by: notmonotloggedin ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 06:44PM

How about the fact that divorces among TBM couples are always the fault of “the other”. It’s happened multiple times in DHs TBM family. It’s always the inlaw that was at fault.

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Posted by: gettinreal ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 11:02AM

1st failed marriage... fine, things happen.
2nd failed marriage... starting to see a pattern here
3rd failed marriage... it’s definitely you

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Posted by: Josephina ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 07:12PM

One of the selling points of the LDS church to young people (as I was when I converted), was that temple marriage is so special, your relationship is just about guaranteed to last forever and ever. Marriage outside the temple was a marriage of doom. Does anyone in Mormonville believe this anymore?

In middle age, we were taught the reason that so many temple marriages were failing--Old Satan works exceedingly hard to bust them up, but tends to leave non-temple marriages alone (they are not of God, so why bother?). They then reassured us that temple marriages were a lot more likely to last than the others. But that was not what I saw around me.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 07:42PM

So Mormons are married in the temple for time and (all) eternity, or until one tires of the other. Do I have that right?

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 08:16PM

The OP, upon entering the great "Celestial" beyond, can simply refuse to call her through the veil. Since we're on the subject--let's not hijack this thread from the OP completely! -- a few related questions, if you learned folks can help:

1) What happens if a husband forgets his wife's (wives') secret name(s)?

2) Can a husband refuse to call his wife (wives) and bring them by the hand through the veil? Should that happens, what is her spiritual state and destiny? This might be helpful to the OP's nephew.

3) (I asked this once before, last try:) I heard a legend (not exactly faith affirming!) that Brigham Young bragged that at the resurrection, he would raise only certain wives, but not others: "Rise, Hannah! Arise, Lydia! Stay, Elizabeth. Stay, Ann. Arise, Mary!" etc. Anybody ever hear that story?

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Posted by: Mother Who Knows ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 02:47PM

Ya got that right, Summer! Except, this just applies to MEN, not women.

That is, the man can just collect wives, and not bother to get a temple divorce.

If you are a woman, you can't get a temple divorce. I tried for 25 years to get one. My temple ex-husband beat me almost every day, and strangled me, and almost killed me. He assaulted other people, too. I divorced him civilly--with witnesses testifying in court--but the Mormon cult didn't think that assault and attempted murder were good enough reasons, for a woman, to get a temple divorce. A woman friend, on the other hand, got a temple divorce, on the grounds that she and her husband "decided they didn't love each other anymore.

The difference between my appeal and my friend's appeal? It's WHO YOU KNOW. Her father was a "Seventy".

According to Mormon doctrine (you know there's no such thing) Chicken's nephew's child is sealed to HIM, and also to BOTH wives, as a Mormon polygamous family.

The "crazy" ex wife didn't know any Mormons with clout, evidently.

Oh, and my wife-beater ex-husband got married in the temple again, the day our civil divorce was final.

Mormons are not only "interchangeable", their laws are interchangeable.

Mormon females, however, are expendable!

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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 08:22PM

Mormons are pretty much playing roles for each other. Priesthood Holder, Devoted Wife and Mother, Obedient Overachieving Child, etc. Who the person is is less important than the role they play in Heavenly Father's Script.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 01:48AM

Cogs in a wheel.

Characters in a play written by Joseph Smith.

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Posted by: baura ( )
Date: June 14, 2018 03:34AM

olderelder Wrote:
> Mormons are pretty much playing roles for each
> other. Priesthood Holder, Devoted Wife and Mother,
> Obedient Overachieving Child, etc. Who the person
> is is less important than the role they play in
> Heavenly Father's Script.

Mormons aren't people . . . Mormons are Mormons.

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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 09:37AM

Can we say it's all just SO stupid? Stupid stupid stupid. All this trying to figure out who will be with whom in mormon heaven is simply because a 19th century charlatan couldn't keep his pecker in his pants. Hey, two of the three PS&Rs in the mormon trinity now are polygamists. Whatever. Tell people to do some research into where the temple nonsense came from. And don't even get me going on the made up names. My parents were into that (you know, the normal names with weird spellings). Well, my Utah mother, anyway. I doubt my NPD father cared one iota about names, as long as the first boy was named after him.

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Posted by: bobofitz ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 10:56AM

I can say it. It's just all so stupid.

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 02:19PM

To the OP, yes. Kind of. A family friend I grew up with had this girlfriend before his mission. During his mission they wrote and were planning to wait for each other. One of them broke it off during the mission (I forget if it was him or her). As soon as he returned home he had a replacement fiance that looked EXACTLY like the first one! She had the same tall (5'10') slender build, with the same sunken in eyes that looked empty (tssc steals your soul).

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 10:57PM

Fairmormon says, "There is no Biblical obstacle to the doctrine of eternal marriage. This doctrine is consistent with the Bible, but it is not drawn from it. As in all things, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is guided by modern revelation, and the doctrine of eternal marriage came to the church through this means."

This was in response to Matthew 22:29-40, "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."

Mormons say, "We don't need no stinkin' bible!"

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