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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 14, 2018 12:29PM

It was a fascinating read here.|5

And I realized what a joke forever family thinking is. We aren't cookie-cutter divided into Celestial Units.

Such a crime the Mormon Church perpetuates in attempting it and they don't just do it "in this life" but like a crazy Scientological cult they take their crazy into the next life with their "work for the dead."

What started as a polygamist con have evolved into an afterlife effort of absurdity from a genetic standpoint. Yes, collating, correlating, and coordinating a giant human pedigree effort probably has some kind of significant genetic information usefulness but at what human psychological costs?

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 11:45AM

The Mormon God has some sorting out to do after The Mormons get all the records of the world processed.

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 01:24PM

It is absurd. It's also dangerous. My TBM parents act as if we, their adult children and our own children, are their property reserved for the CK. My mother doesn't see her behavior as abusive and she thinks that anything goes and that families have to forgive each other no matter what 'cause Families are Forever. I would not want to be stuck with them for eternity.

Also, what about people who were adopted? Are they going to spend their eternity with their biological family or their adoptive family? All of it is just so absurd.

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Posted by: logged off ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 02:54PM

Do your parents see themselves as "property" of their own parents? Or does "ownership" of children only start with their generation?

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 05:57PM

Exactly!! I have no idea! Besides, my mom is from a huge family, and many of her siblings have loads of kids, etc., etc. Seems like a lottttt of people together 'forever'. Where does it begin/end????

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 10:52AM

bluebutterfly Wrote:
> Where does it begin/end????

"“The Priesthood is an everlasting principle, and existed with God from eternity, and will to eternity, without beginning of days or end of years [see Joseph Smith Translation, Hebrews 7:3]. "

Their absurdities never end. What about their "Great Apostasy"? IT is just hyperbolic ruses.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 05:22PM

my Super @$$hole MORmON male parent never saw any of his offspring as individuals in their own right. all of his children were merely appendages to his own utterly myopic and self centered grand personal MORmON legacy.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 05:30PM

Mormonism is a hive mentality. Their Celestial family units are merely kings and queens of a mini-hive. You are a worker bee appropriately spiritually castrated until you fly from your parent hive to create a new unit.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 07:28PM

You are so correct.

Our would be maternal figure in the family was basically OFF LIMITS to us children in most ways, especially emotionally through out our developmental years, as the male family head,a MORmON God in embryo, so thoroughly dominated our MORmON style family scene. It is a miracle that our MORmON sperm donor actually allowed us just a little while as newborns to nurse on the breasts were basically his exclusive property. For that, and the fact that he did not flip out in a fit of jealous rage and kill us, me and my siblings are supposed to be eternally grateful. That was the most concentrated dose of maternal care and concern that we would ever have. It was a huge drop off after that, and then we were pretty much on our own. I could go into detail, but I think you already know what I am talking about.

What a horrendous vacuum that created in our upbringing.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 21, 2018 11:01AM

smirkorama Wrote:
> What a horrendous vacuum that created in our
> upbringing.

Right! That vacuum is the space of The Universe itself and Mormon's purpose is to fill it with intelligences organized into spiritual hives made up of smaller wards of family units on to eternity.

Rather frightening if you think about it.

In my hive mother was definitely the controlling royal procreator. She didn't need to be emotionally available as she was so busy producing progeny for our hive and coordinating the workers.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 01:42PM

And then you get older and start thinking. Okay, so what family am I sealed to? When I was temple married, would I be stuck with his ridiculous family or mine? But how could that be if we were gods and goddesses? And had our own planet? AND I'm sorry, but I'd rather share my husband with a bunch of men than a bunch of women as I'd still be the only woman. I'll always have a special place in his heart no matter what guy he is with. All his gay friends say that he can't live without me and his ex's say that (I'm friends with several of them). NEVER would want to share him with a woman.

When we went inactive, the primary presidency came by to tell our kids we were bad parents and so they would now be coming to pick up our kids to take them to church. They let us know that we are only our children's caretakers and that we have only been given this privilege if we do what God tells us to do. So they aren't our's. They belong to the organization.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2018 01:43PM by cl2.

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Posted by: jett ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 08:49PM

That is some serious boundary crossing on the PP part. The nerve of them to say that to you.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin (cussing) ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 11:27AM

and at the ripe old age of 8 told me that that was the day he KNEW mormonism was bullshit. We never allowed them to take our kids to church. I don't think they even tried. Must have forgotten. ha ha

We were so shocked at what was going on that we both just stood there listening to the damn PP. She used to try to be friendly towards me after that and I would ignore her.

My son is 32 now and definitely NOT mormon. My daughter sadly is, although she was anti for a long time.

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Posted by: gettinreal ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 02:05PM

Given childhood mortality rates in the 19th century... a forever family has a strong emotional appeal.

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Posted by: Greg in LA ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 01:59PM

I never could comprehend the Forever Family concept. If I'm sealed to my wife, and she's also sealed to her parents, and so on and so on...then isn't everyone sealed to everyone else?

In other words, if everyone is sealed to each other, then isn't that the same as not being sealed? How is that actually different from now? What does that even mean?

Is my wife going to live on MY planet, or her dad's? What about polygamy and what about those wives' dads?

Seems to me that relationships are a matter of personal choice, 2 people deciding to have and honor a relationship, whether that's a spouse, parent, child, brother whatever.

So again...the entire point of the Mormon church is the eternal family and we have no information about it and can't even describe what it means.

I call major BS

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 11:53AM

Well said.

How is your family going to live in a galaxy of created planets with all crossover family sealings? Live in the solar system next door and drive the celestial minivan over for BBQ's? End up on a planet next to that brother-in-law you never really liked?
Become empty nesters after having 10 or 12 billion spirit babies to fill up that new planet, but then never having time for a vacation because even though they are in their mortal bodies they're constantly sinning or asking where their car keys are? Then you have to kill one of them off to show how much you love the rest of them? And by the way, the one you kill off? You sex with one of one of your daughters to "begot" the guy, and her husband (who is also your son, whicj makes him her brother) can't do anything about it.

People from big TBM families will have trillions of nieces and nephews on hundreds of planets in a dozen solar systems, and they'll have that same mormon look.

The Star Trek Borg/Morg meme comes full circle: "Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated"

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 04:15PM

Chicken N. Backpacks Wrote:
> The Star Trek Borg/Morg meme comes full circle:
> "Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated"

God and Jesus and Holy are all just workers for The Holy Queen for whom all this pre-existent, existent, and afterlife "work" is being done. We are a spiritual insect populating The Universe with "family units" of vast interplanetary hive systems surrounding a spiritual God Mother Queen forcing us into "eternal families" for her work and glory.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 05:30PM

you are completely discounting the quantum aspects of (quantum) MORmONISM -that deal where all things, even all conflicting stuff, are all ways, all at the same time.

MORmONISM: It makes sense to MORmONS!!! even makes them feel good !!!!

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 05:31PM

The dance of the bees makes sense to them. They make honey like Mormonism makes money.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 03:03PM

LDS - later days suckers

Always preaching "forever" (FUTURE) when it can't even do NOW right.

Constantly screaming "family" when it has NO RESPECT, knowledge of, appreciation for, or recognition of the IndIvIdual!

It expects - and DEMANDS - you WORSHIP it (like it was Jesus Christ), SUPPORT it, PAY attention (and $) to it and IT WILL PAY YOU BACK [in the next life (death)], with NO interest. I'm not interested. I can't lower my wisdom STANDARDS or stoop to such a base (dead) standard [or lack thereof].

They can't do NOW; "FOREVER" scares the Dead Nightlights out of the LDS (living dead slants). It TAKES what you give.

Give it HELLo!


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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 03:58PM

Funny story.

My uncle was the bishop, and a widow asked to see him, a month after her husband's funeral.

"I want a temple divorce!" She said.

"But--your husband is dead."

"I know, and this has been the best month of my life! I don't want to die and spend all of eternity married to that old crab, again."

I could relate to this story, because the Mormon cult always told me that when I died, I would be married to the creep who beat me, for all eternity, and my children would be his eternal possessions, too.

Evidently, family sealings will NOT be voluntary in the hereafter, at least not for women and children. How arrogant for Mormons to believe that their stupid rituals are so important and necessary in God's own Heaven! Can't God-Almighty-Creator-of-The-Universe handle His own dead souls? Doesn't He-Who-Is-Mindful-of-Every-Sparrow-That-Falls remember our names (our real names and not our new temple names). How arrogant of the Mormons to believe that God will need all those microfiche records in those granite caves above SLC. Creepy!

You know, like when Mormons say that those posthumously-baptized dead people will have a "CHOICE" to be Mormons after the die? Where are the scriptures about this? What did God and/or Jesus have to say about this?

I'm sure there are many, many other tired widows and abused wives and children that dread the Mormon forever family.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 10:56AM

exminion Wrote:
> I'm sure there are many, many other tired widows
> and abused wives and children that dread the
> Mormon forever family.

My maternal grandmother married her sister's widower. She told my mother he was the love of her life. My mother sealed her to him when they were both dead. Her sister sealed her to their father whom was abusive to all three women.

They don't speak to each other much since those sealings. That was over 25 years ago.

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Posted by: anono this week ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 04:59PM

This families are forever story should be looked at from pioneer perspective, what there is now really doesn't make a lot of sense. Remember when they were doing the Nauvoo rituals before coming West. It was all about becoming a king and Priest and being able to lord it over others less special. Brigham married loads of woman (old joes widows) and the rest of the twelve did likewise. Then they also did the same-sex sealings where men abandoned their own fathers for Brigham Young and his genealogy. And all the young girls who died as children were mostly sealed to Old Joe so he could have more virgins.

The whole thing was meant so that the High Priests could be lords and kings over all the land in a sort of manifest destiny across the western wilderness. Of course the dream didn't last long because they ran out of water and the US government pushed republican government and taxes on everyone. But the dream lasted about 50 years or so?

What the mormon church is doing now just isn't what was on the mind of the original top-dogs in charge.

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Posted by: fordescape ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 02:17AM

My late mom, who was nevermo but influenced by them, had a belief in the eternal reunion of the family. I wouldn't mind seeing her again but I do mind seeing some other relatives. They were drunk down here are they drunk out there? That gets into a bunch of philosophy but in the meantime, no thanks.

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Posted by: snagglepuss ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 02:29AM

I advocate at least 300 miles from your nuclear family to keep them out of your job, your apartment, your college, and choice of friends. There's nothing more annoying nor depressing than to be too close to family trying to drop in with you with no notice, just pushing through the door, or deadbeat cousins, etc..., trying to move in.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 02:52AM

The families forever idea gets more absurd the older you get. I can't even be around family for more than five minutes.

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Posted by: Joe the man ho & Brig the pig ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 04:54AM

I always wondered how "forever families" was suppossed to feel like a blessing to the abused child. That seems quite horrifying honestly. Also isn't it a little cruel to keep promoting the whole " families are forever" thing when some people aren't lucky enough to get married, cant stand there family, are being abused by there family, ext. Also I have a mormon friend who's really sweet who's parents are going through a divorce and she told me in church they kept talking about how families are forever and that she had just started crying and crying. Seems to me they just need to be a little bit careful about the while family thing its a little cruel honestly.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 06:53AM

Maybe the reason Mormon families are so large is that the CK sucks so badly that people will do anything to get away from it for a while, including being born into another Mormon family. In Utah.

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Posted by: angela ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 09:03AM

It really is stupid.
The whole Mormon thing.

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Posted by: nli ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:55PM

Remember the stand-up comic (I forget his name) who talked about his visit to Temple Square, where a missionary was explaining Mormon beliefs to him. The missionary explained that Mormons believe that they will spend eternity with their families.

"But what if you've been GOOD?" he asked.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 10:59AM

Santa Elohim and his elves Jehovah and Michael don't care if you are good. It is only important if you are baptized and sealed to get their North Pole Eternal Deep Freeze with their lost 10 tribes.

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 02:14AM

I would not want to put up with my mother for eternity. Heck, I barely survived the mandated 18 years, and then I escaped to an "away" university." After that, I took Federal jobs in several other States.

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Posted by: anonyXMo ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 02:18AM

The forever family story is transparently designed to hook people in and keep them in by dangling the promise of being able to be "together" with loved ones in the future. It's especially galling when this carrot is used in regard to deceased loved ones. Of course you have to "pray, pay and obey" forever to stay qualified which the ads don't tell you.

Also even according to their own myth, people in a higher kingdom can visit those in a lower kingdom whenever they want. So if a relative ends up in the CK they can still visit me down below if they want to!

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Posted by: Testiphony (can’t login) ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 11:10AM

I believe that the forever family concept appealed to my parents because of the inexcusable things they did to us. I believe they knew that the only way their crimes would stay hidden, would be if their victims stayed numb and dumb in the cult.

But like other crimes...despite all efforts to remove evidence of the crime, the criminal act itself leaves its own evidence.

My father is terrified of me because of the way I explore my consciousness. I think he knew all along that there were certain ways a person could unlock repressed trauma memories, and these methods were “not of God” according to TSCC. All he had to do was make sure I stayed Mormon. Serving a full mission cemented it for him, and why shouldn’t it? It usually works!

My mother is a little better with denial, and offers it with enviable facility. I don’t think she can feel remorse.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 12:05PM

Testiphony (can’t login) Wrote:
> I don’t think
> she can feel remorse.

I know my mother can. For her it is her failure to control her two children who escaped her clutches and the cult.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 05:10PM

The horror, the horror...

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Posted by: lazylizard ( )
Date: July 01, 2018 02:30AM

It doesn't matter to me if I have a forever family or not because I believe in reincarnation anyways.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: July 01, 2018 05:09PM

What if you reincarnate around family forever? Say you get to be human but that hated cousin comes back continuously as an insect that bothers you over and over again.

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