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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 06:47AM

Think about it. When you were a TBM, weren’t you out of your mind? I was all-in, wake and bake TBM. Completely out of my fucking mind.

But it goes with the territory. If I were a defense attorney for Joseph Smith, I’d plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Besides crazy running in his family, the trauma of the leg infection was enough to dissociate him. He sincerely believed in his fantasy world. Rigdon et al found him a useful idiot until he turned the tables. They learned too late that you can’t reason with a man who’s lost his mind.

Sometimes I wonder if the empty skulls who inhabit the upper echelon of Mormondom are just instruments of demonic possession, since they obviously checked out a long time ago. Nelson was once a smart guy. What happened, did his brains fall out? No, Mormonism made him stupid. The institution breeds malfeasance. It’s not okay to drive people out of their minds. They belong in their minds, using their birthright to hopefully bring an end to this mindless insanity.

I take my mind seriously, so I can’t have any part of this asylum run by inmates whose minds are the most gone. A mind can be well ordered, open and self-correcting. Because left on autopilot, their madness will take you where it takes you and leave you holding the bag.

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Posted by: jett ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 08:40AM

I was never all in to start with. I saw the signs early and blame my parents for baptizing me under force and peer pressure. They claim I wanted to do it. It is called peer pressure for a reason. When you have 50 ward members egging an 8 year old on, you don't have much of a choice. I still bring it up to them just to make them feel like crap. They claim no responsibility though, they were just doing what they thought was right, i.e, what the cult told them. I still have a lot of anger towards them for things they did to me and towards the cult.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 08:46AM

The March of the Mindless Morons carries a steep price. Shouldn’t I be saving my brain for Zombie Jesus?

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 02:11PM

I agree...I cringe every time I see a social media post about, 'we're so proud of our son/daughter's choice to be baptized!!'

They did not have a choice. Period. I always tell my parents that the church was chosen for me. I left at 18 because I don't choose it for myself.

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Posted by: Joe the man ho & Brig the pig ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 03:36PM

Ya I agree that IS irritating its ALSO irritating when they make there young children get up to bear there PARENTS testimonkey and go " oh isn't it so sweet and amazing how they know the church is twoo?! (Even though I'm up here whispering every word they say into there ear?)

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Posted by: koriwhore ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 06:05PM

Joe the man ho & Brig the pig Wrote:
> Ya I agree that IS irritating its ALSO irritating
> when they make there young children get up to bear
> there PARENTS testimonkey and go " oh isn't it so
> sweet and amazing how they know the church is
> twoo?! (Even though I'm up here whispering every
> word they say into there ear?)
That shit always made me sick.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 02:39PM

It definitely can make you insane.

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Posted by: Josephina ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 07:53PM

Sidney Ridney wasn't too right in the head, either. He'd had an accident when he was young that did some kind of damage to his brain.

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Posted by: Pooped ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 11:00AM

I think Oliver Cowdery finally had enough of JS when JS started sending men off on foreign missions and "spiritually" marrying their wives. He either figured out JS was out of his right mind or he decided the perks he was getting from the Mormon scam were not worth it.

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Posted by: jett ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 11:28AM

I agree.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2018 11:32AM by jett.

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Posted by: koriwhore ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 06:52PM

Mormonism is a religion for bullies, abusers, liars and the deluded.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 11:50PM

Yes! The dissolution of boundaries in the presence of wolves in sheep’s clothing (simply wishing away the latter) is a recipe for disaster. It’s also a bad business decision, as the church’s lawyers can attest. But as long as the members keep paying for it, why change?

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 12:06AM

This is where the church’s basic dismissal of the entire field of psychology is biting it where the sun doesn’t shine. It’s well established that about 4% of people are sociopaths and 1% are psychopaths. Those numbers apply to your ward. You can’t rely on “warm fuzzies” alone for containment. In fact, people need to be taught how to identify and protect themselves from abusive people rather than leaving the job to God. Unfortunately, that won’t happen in a religion (or cult) that is itself abusive.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: June 21, 2018 05:28PM

Babyloncansuckit Wrote:
> Yes! The dissolution of boundaries in the presence
> of wolves in sheep’s clothing (simply wishing
> away the latter) is a recipe for disaster. It’s
> also a bad business decision, as the church’s
> lawyers can attest. But as long as the members
> keep paying for it, why change?

It was the kids against the grown wolves for most of my life and i know i am not the only one that tried to fight against this evil surrounding us growing up. It was an impossible scenario from the beginning, the cards were stacked against us back then. But maybe one day the table will turn entirely in our favor to be noticed on a grand scale.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: June 21, 2018 05:23PM

Yes this.

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Posted by: Anon for This One ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 11:31PM

I won't go into a lot of IRL detail, but I was in very bad shape and very vulnerable when the missionaries showed up on my porch. I was hurting so much that I think it is safe to say that without the kindness and support I received from them and the people in my first ward, I probably would have died by my own hand.

I gradually healed, saw the Mo Church for the fraud that it was, and left.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 12:20AM

How much of life is a great mystery? The divine hand of providence causing the right things for the wrong reasons. Moving puzzle pieces around in ways that don’t make a lick of sense until they do. Mormonism is a riddle wrapped in an enigma under a pile of horse shit. It’s not just a pile of crap.

I’m glad you lived. I didn’t start living until I left Mormonism. I didn’t know that life was a wonderful gift. My Mormon eyes could not see that, even if I found it intellectually plausible. But now I feel it deep down in my soul. Would I have “gotten it” if Mormonism hadn’t worked me over? I don’t know.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 11:56PM

They told me I was crazy for not believing. Believers did that to me.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 04:50PM

I feel that way about all religions.


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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 07:07PM

well said

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Posted by: Honest TBM ( )
Date: June 21, 2018 06:49PM

Our beloved missionary work is advertised as being the most important work on earth to help people get the answer to what our glorious doctrine calls the most important question - is the LDS Church the true Church. In other words, is it the most honest, transparent, and truthful Church out there? Well here are some suggestions that can help :)

1. Does the Church have an unmistakable super clear history and attitude of being super honest, transparent, and truthful about everything? If you have any questions do you see a strong attitude and desire of the members and leaders to get all the possible information they can get about any questions and anything they don't know about they go up the chain of command quickly to get you official answers :)

2. The keystone of the religion is the Book of Mormon. It and the D&C and other teachings of modern day Church leaders is strong about how the Lamanites, i.e. literal descendants of Father Lehi, will blossom as a rose. Well talk to every Bishop, Stake President, and General Authority you can to get the contact information of as many of the well-recognized descendants of Father Lehi who are in the various Wards/Stakes around the Church. Talk to them personally about their testimonies and everything. Don't forget to test their DNA to verify that its Hebrew :) If there weren't any out there then the Church would be a fraud. But thank goodness such a thought is impossible to consider because Doubts are grievous sins.

3. Go read the Book of Abraham, a record translated by Joseph Smith from papyri written by Abraham himself, and look at the facsimiles and how awesomely perfect the explanations for the symbols were made by Joseph Smith. You can even go to libraries and Egyptian scholars to find plenty of available resources with the same symbols in them and confirm how awesomely perfect the interpretations of Joseph Smith were. Go to Church HQ and see the papyri for yourself :)

4. Some critics like to say that the Church hides info on their finances and statistics. Well prove them wrong by contacting the missionaries or members and get copies of those summary financial statements and statistical reports. As you peruse through the lists of LLCs, other assets, and all their reports and all the regularly made available information then you can think "wow what a super honest and transparent Church" as you think negatively about those pesky critics who ever claimed the Church hides its finances or statistical information. The only reason the Church would hide its finances and stats was if there were some nefarious reasons to do so. But thankfully being a "true" Church makes such wicked behavior unthinkable.

5. Go read everything I have written on this board. When you think to yourself "wow this Honest TBM is right on and super credible" then the original idea of the OP will seem like nonsense that Mormons are out of their minds. If in reality you think "wow this Honest TBM is so delusional" then of course you'd see that the Church is not true. But such a thought is impossible to consider because its a grievous sin called a DOUBT and thanks to the effective engineering of the Correlation program I have been blessed to disallow any DOUBTs to ever penetrate the glorious bubble gift from the Holy Ghost around my brain :)

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