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Posted by: kilgravmaga ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 04:29AM

Early in my marriage. I was trying to be a good mormon wife. I wore the garments, trying style after style to find a good fit for the harsh Arizona summers.

After all no one else complained about their garments.

I forget how it came up, but my sister-in-law brought up how she felt naked without here garments on.

I stated that I'd be so happy if they were gotten rid of.

She was shocked!

She then stated that it was Satan influencing me and that I was one step away from dressing like a whore. That it was the garments that kept us modest.

She went away feeling very superior from that conversation. I went away feeling very annoyed.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 07:09AM

That’s strange, dressing in them didn’t stop Joseph from acting like a whore.

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Posted by: lazylizard ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 06:11PM

Boom! Best reply right there. Good one.

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Posted by: lazylizard ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 06:12PM

I never wore the mormon G's, but the worlsly G's I have ;)

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Posted by: alsd ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 07:55AM

I was so happy to ditch them. Of course as a man, nobody would accuse me of "dressing like a whore", so the experience was different in that respect. But I feel so much more free without them.

My wife has felt so much better ditching them too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2018 07:56AM by alsd.

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Posted by: mankosuki ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 08:19AM

Garments are a hard obstacle to overcome for some and often one of the final things that goes. I checked out of the church mentally a few years before I finally had the courage to get some regular underwear and never put the garments back on.
At first I would put them on if I was meeting family or other TBMs that would notice that I didn't have the "heavenly smile". When I finally ditched them all together it was very freeing and I felt I'd finally broke free and had my life back.
The damn things caused me more headache and mind f**k then you can imagine. Part of the indoctrination that runs deep. So glad I don't worry about my underwear anymore.

Oh, and yeah, at first I did feel naked after wearing them for close to 40yrs. But the summer heat is so much nicer without those things!

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Posted by: Pooped ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 10:14AM

When I ditched them after years of enduring unbearable heat in not air conditioned summer working conditions, I felt like an idiot for wearing them all those years. The relief and comfort after I shed those rags was enlightening. God REALLY wanted me to suffer that much???? I don't think so!! Either God is a sadistic B-STARD or the creation of a cult religion. You decide.

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Posted by: gemini ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 10:46AM

Yes...yes I do, thankyouverymuch!

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Posted by: Jaxson ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 10:48AM

Is there something wrong with feeling naked?

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:38PM


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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:49PM

For the OP, me not wearing garments led to a marital separation. I understand the difficulty in ditching the Gs.

And, any person who feels religiously superior for wearing a type of clothing n need to get their shit together. (Even the Book of Mormon rants about people’s clothing-superior attitudes.)

Maybe it’s because I’m an old fart, but I don’t let people get away with trying to act superior around me. If your SIL starts her religious virtue signaling, tell her to stop flattering herself, and that you’re still trying to figure out Joseph Smith’s philandering.

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Posted by: scmd1 ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 11:10AM

No. I feel naked without my clothes, but I feel normal without my garments.

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:37PM

^^^^^^^^^^another winner!!!^^^^^^^^^^^

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 11:39AM

Not Even

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Posted by: jett ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 11:46AM

I have never worn the G's. I imagine they are horrible. My family thinks they protect them from harm, etc. Can they protect you from bullets and knives, cancer, etc? I think not.

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 06:47PM

I've never worn them either. My family believes the same crap....that they actually protect you. It's an absurd scare tactic that actually works.

Oh and I remember the first time I heard my younger siblings refer to their garments as G' if something sexy. Ick!!!

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Posted by: jett ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 07:00PM

I only use the term G's because I heard someone else use it.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: July 01, 2018 07:36PM

I never wore garments either, thought it would be the end of me if I did. The final submission of slavery to an organization, not god.

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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 11:58AM

Everyone in the 19th century wore long underwear all the time, so temple garments were long too.

One of the great advances of the 20th century was the realization long underwear wasn't necessary. "You mean we don't have to sweat so much in hot weather?"

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:01PM

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Posted by: doyle18 ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:46PM

I'm glad I got out before having to wear them, as visiting my mom in Vegas in the summer is much nicer without wearing long underwear. For me, the only time long underwear is acceptable is when I'm camping in the winter.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 01:50PM

I’m glad Joe got rid of the cutting part of the original Masonic ceremony. Otherwise, I’d still have some ugly scars. I mean, I have scars but they’re not visible.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 02:02PM

I wore them when I was pregnant in the summer..... until I could'nt take it anymore. I ripped them off and never put any
on anymore.

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Posted by: Felix ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 02:07PM

After I figured out Mormonism was a "Marvelous work and a deception" I quit wearing the garments - except that is for the nice light breezy ones that lets the air flow through them when it is hot out. I would wear the breezy type without a shirt on hot summer days because they were cool. This really bothered my wife that I so disregarded the sacred nature of the holy garms that while I was at work one day she took all my breezy garments and cut the sacred marks out of them like you are suppose before you discard them. Can you imagine what that looks like. I wish she would do that to hers too. That would make them real sexy garments. Shame on me for thinking that thought.

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Posted by: kilgravmaga ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 05:13AM

free the nipple?

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: June 17, 2018 05:46PM

sent me to RfM so I could read about whether God would strike me down for not wearing them and the rest is history.

I feel so much better without my garments and I definitely don't need them to be modest. ha ha ha I'm just someone who likes to wear jeans and I'd prefer a turtle neck, but I give up turtlenecks for the summer. I've considered capris, but I just don't think they look right on me. I'm 6 foot tall and have really long legs, so I wear my jeans.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 05:48AM

Normal people might feel naked if they are actually naked.

Someone who is used to strange underwear might feel naked without it because they're brainwashed to feel that way and they might think this makes them more acceptable with fellow church people.

I'd like to laugh at this sister and tell her that.

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Posted by: Naked and happy! ( )
Date: July 06, 2018 07:20PM

Thanks yes. Being naked is good and it is a perfect state of being

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Posted by: severedpuppetstrings ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 07:48AM

I don't for sure, just more comfortable. I remember wearing garments after my endowment and how they itched. Wearing them in the Summer in 100 degree heat was killer. I felt so self conscious about sweating so much because of my wearing layers for the sake of "Mormon modesty."

Interestingly enough, I kept wearing them after my shelf broke. I guess it was just second nature to just put them on every day. But I was getting ready for a week long trip to San Francisco, and while I was packing, I noticed that I was running out of room in my roller-suitcase, so I decided to remove the garments from my suitcase and voila! I had more room to fit all of my items. It felt wonderful to be garment free and I just stuck with it. I threw them all in the trash, but I should have just saved them to use them as bathroom rags.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 11:12AM

ALL out of fear. I can still remember the feel of my t-shirt against my skin when I went for a walk. It was AMAZING.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 10:26AM

And what's wrong with feeling naked...?

Try actually *being* naked sometime -- with your SO, take a shower together, give the kids something to do and lock your bedroom door and have some naked time.

It's a wonderful thing.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 12:29PM

I think it's about being a lone naked person at the super market or coffee shop. Some might like that feeling but others wouldn't.

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 12:01PM

The garmies are a control method of the cult. Yes, when I didn't wear them, I felt guilty. Guilt is the method of control.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 12:49PM

(for Cheryl)
That's exactly what I meant.
The OP implied feeling naked without garmies meant feeling guilty. Why should feeling naked equate with guilt, since feeling naked is perfectly OK?

The cult has programmed the guilt of both being naked and not wearing garmies into the same place in member brains. My suggestion was to reprogram your own mind and break the cult programming.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 01:53PM

Possibly to some mormons but not to nonmos.

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Posted by: GNPE1 ( )
Date: June 18, 2018 01:42PM

No one here can out-nudist me...

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Posted by: readwrite-NLI ( )
Date: July 02, 2018 01:48PM

Out nude the Nude?

Time and Place!!
Let's save face!

I could do nothing without my body.


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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 11:50AM

I have my grandfather to thank. He was a very charismatic guy who lived a double life. At home he was the good charismatic LDS guy who was one of the richest people in town. At his hunting cabin there was beer and bottles of scotch whiskey for him and his hunting buddies. The cabin was visited often.

My dad wasn't a closet drinker but he had his LDS life and his non LDS life. My parents might be working in the temple one day or be going to Vegas with their Jewish friends the next. Some of my favorite possessions are pictures of my parents sitting at a big table at a show in Vegas with friends from the neighborhood. Non of them LDS.

So I grew up with the attitude the church stuff was all for societal show. There were some advantages being in the church. I got some good jobs having that connection and a few other benefits. I wore my garments on Sunday only and rarely during the week. I drank alcohol with my non-LDS friends. I was my grandfather. I was a likable jack Mormon.

I just got tired of the charade. Found other people in other faiths had to put on the charade as well. Knew Jews who loved bacon and ham and they ate it with me but never at grandma's house. They didn't want to give grandma a heart attack.

I just found most people don't live up to the so called standards of their faith. It really is a charade. For what ever reason human beings love charades.

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Posted by: lazylizard ( )
Date: July 01, 2018 03:11AM

I never wore the religious G's due to getting out fast.

I am glad I didn't go through the endowment sessions. I hear they're boring as hell.

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: July 01, 2018 07:27PM

Not when I am skinny dipping

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Posted by: Naked ( )
Date: July 02, 2018 01:59AM

She confuses "naked" with NATURAL, and forgets she's supposed to feel that way.

Her 'church' proudly, and purposely, misleads her/ its folowers

TSCC is naked.
You can see right through it.


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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: July 02, 2018 07:34PM

A lot depends on how you were raised and what you were accustomed to wearing as under clothing as a child and as an adult.
I joined the LDS Church in 1961.

What I did not grasp, until much later, is that if a church can control a woman's naked body (as in the temple rituals), they have her complete control. I've written about the Role of Women in Mormonism in posts in the past.

As to why members wear them, this video explains it very well. I post this for INFORMATION ONLY.

Back to the question in the OP.
I grew up wearing a little "under shirt" as a young girl and always under panties. Proper dress for work attire for woman always included a full slip, half slip or petticoat which was for fuller skirts. We also wore panties, a garter belt and hose or a girdle that held up our hose.

Consequently, wearing the garment was not a problem in itself. The problem was the foolish RS President who ordered them for me did not consider my size properly nor the fact that I was moving to UT. So, she ordered the one piece (all that was available at the time) in one size too small and in nylon. As quickly as I could afford to, I changed to bemberg-rayon and the proper size. Many years later, and was happy to see the two piece.

When I finally stopped wearing them entirely, I found that I still liked to wear a camisole and a half slip if needed for skirts and dresses. I still prefer a camisole.

I didn't feel naked not wearing the garment.
I felt WONDERFUl!!

I finally took my power back and owned it!!

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Posted by: logan ( )
Date: July 03, 2018 11:20AM

Its funny- women can call other women whores because of the way they dress and its ok but if a man calls them out, women will defend other women and claim they can dress any way they want and the way they dress does not define who they are. I guess its kind of like blacks and the "N word"

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Posted by: moremany-NLI ( )
Date: July 03, 2018 06:09PM

So, they felt naked all their lives, until feeling smarmy joining the garmy army?

Their religion removes their mental clothes (thinking cap) and, and like the emperor with no clothes, who is likewise morally naked, it shames them and blames them.

They don't know/ forgot what naked feels like. It feels NATURAL.


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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: July 03, 2018 08:31PM

I never wore em. Didn't miss em. My parents wore them. I thought they were so butt ugly that I had an aversion to them.

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Posted by: Phoney Moroni ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 05:53AM

So much nicer to see my Wife roll out of bed each morning, in a pair of black panties, as opposed to seeing her in those awful G's, for all those wasted years.

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Posted by: Life Number Five ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 06:39AM

I ditched my garments when my husband left the cult, and I was still a member. I always hated garments. We lived in a beach town, and the polyester and the bulky cotton didn't allow the breeze to reach the skin. Because of an abusive first temple marriage, the sight of a man in garments would horrify me, and I asked my husband to please not wear those ugly things to bed. He was very happy to agree to be nekkid!

Ah, I love the freedom of not being confined, not having bulky underwear tugging and pulling and bunching up! It was nice to slide down into cool, smooth sheets, in the dark, and snuggle up against my warm, fuzzy husband. I'm glad we didn't let the cult get in the way of that. How sad to think there are couples who can't experience that. How sad that they can't wear cool clothes in the summer.

My mother thinks that's why so many Mormon women are overweight. She says they seem to have just "given up." The men rule over them, and they have to cover up their bodies in shame, and they keep getting pregnant too soon, and they just let the fat build up, and try to hide it under their garments.

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Posted by: moremany-NLI ( )
Date: July 08, 2018 02:32AM


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Posted by: formerrlds ( )
Date: July 08, 2018 06:30PM

Underneath my garments I'm completely naked. ;)

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Posted by: snowball ( )
Date: July 09, 2018 09:39AM

Once I got rid of them, it felt just about as weird as when I first started wearing them. But naked? No.

But, I can't imagine wearing them again. The summer where I live is hot & humid. I only put in one summer here in my G's and it was miserable.

I like being able to choose what is sensible to wear given the weather and the occasion.

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