Posted by:
Date: July 02, 2018 07:34PM
A lot depends on how you were raised and what you were accustomed to wearing as under clothing as a child and as an adult.
I joined the LDS Church in 1961.
What I did not grasp, until much later, is that if a church can control a woman's naked body (as in the temple rituals), they have her complete control. I've written about the Role of Women in Mormonism in posts in the past.
As to why members wear them, this video explains it very well. I post this for INFORMATION ONLY. to the question in the OP.
I grew up wearing a little "under shirt" as a young girl and always under panties. Proper dress for work attire for woman always included a full slip, half slip or petticoat which was for fuller skirts. We also wore panties, a garter belt and hose or a girdle that held up our hose.
Consequently, wearing the garment was not a problem in itself. The problem was the foolish RS President who ordered them for me did not consider my size properly nor the fact that I was moving to UT. So, she ordered the one piece (all that was available at the time) in one size too small and in nylon. As quickly as I could afford to, I changed to bemberg-rayon and the proper size. Many years later, and was happy to see the two piece.
When I finally stopped wearing them entirely, I found that I still liked to wear a camisole and a half slip if needed for skirts and dresses. I still prefer a camisole.
I didn't feel naked not wearing the garment.
I felt WONDERFUl!!
I finally took my power back and owned it!!