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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 09:11PM

LDS inc is currently busing MORmON youth to Wyoming to spend of few days re enacting the Martin and Willie handcart experience. The fact that LDS inc insists on promoting the Martin and Willie handcart DISASTER as something admirable, instead of as the shameful DEBACLE and FIASCO that it really was, speaks volumes about the *TRUE* nature of pathologically deceptive and manipulative MORmON church. Supposedly God's own appointed grand guardians of truth and righteousness of God's ONLY true church on earth, by its own action, THE (MORmON) church is shown to really be the work of crass pathological spin artists and self serving merchants of propaganda.

Paul Dunn was a great story teller, because Paul told the most dramatic and most entertaining version of stories by not worry about being restrained and bogged down with facts and pedestrian reality of any instance. Paul Showed how EVERYTHING can be made more fanciful and entertaining by stretching the truth.

And then there is the original MORmON BS artist, Joseph Smith Jr. of Palmyra, New York.

Gordon BS HinckLIEy had his own moments of NOT allowing facts to keep a good story from being even better.

Drop down to the segment of the Wiki piece entitled Sweetwater River Rescue, Note how details of HinckLIEy's fanciful account are called into question.

HinckLIEy's final comment may be the most interesting. HinckLIEy directly quotes Brigham Young on the matter to conclude.

It should have been blasphemic and fanciful enough to note Brigham Young's blasphemic declaration that certain people were entitled to MORmON Heaven for their rescue work at Sweet Water, a determination left to Jesus Christ in more traditional (actual) Christian based religions.

However, HinckLIEy choose to keep going, to end up making the rather strange MORmON utterance "worlds with out end", which is a reference to old school MORmON doctUrine of eternal progression which would definitely include faithFool MORmON priestDUD holders attaining God hood in order to posses their "worlds with out end" as MORmON style eternally procreating man Gods with countless eternal plural bride to breed with, -which is a MORmON doctUrine that HinckLIEy also disavowed at various times.

Once again MORmONISM demonstrates just how phony and deceitful that it really is.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 09:24PM

So if they're going to re-enact, does that mean lots of the kids will die?

It'll all be on facebook, I'm sure...

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 09:51PM

Here's an authentic accounting I have in my library...

And a number of us were at this presentation Will Bagley gave a few years ago. It's time to recycle it...

>>"In truth, there were not two handcart disasters; there were ten."

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 10:02PM

I was there. I spoke to you then.

WIth facts, instead of fancy, Bagley very effectively exposes Brigham Young as the greatest "anti MORmON" figures ever, some one who heaped misery and death onto MORmONS more than any other person or group.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 12:30PM

it here several years ago. Eye opening!

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 19, 2018 09:54PM

excellent point. Three of my brothers each had a son, three of my nephews, go to Wyoming for their reenactment session last week. Yes, they were really promoting it on face book.

I openly asked on Face Book, IF the martin willie handcart experience was so worthy of admiration as a demonstration of faith and devotion, then why not have the kid go to Wyoming in January instead of June to more closely match the conditions that the Martin Willie companies ended up subjected. There was No response. LDS Inc can NOT honestly address the issue without devastating themselves, so they go on with their MORmON style spin and BS wizardry.

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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 12:26PM

Dunn's lies were usually about himself.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 20, 2018 04:20PM

good (excellent) point!

However, Paul Dunn was very likely hoping (aspiring) for further ascendancy in the MORmON executive hierarchy i.e. getting the official formal LD$ Inc approval of being made a full on MORmON ASSpostHOLE, which was a fete that Gordon BS HinckLIEy had ALREADY achieved and held for quite some time by the time that HinckLIEy gave the talk in question. In Fact, HinckLIEy was the de facto operational LD$ Inc president by then as the other members of the LD$ Inc first presiDuncy were so infirmed and incapacitated with age. As well, at that time when HinckLIEy gave the talk in question,it was fairly evident that HinckLIEy would most likely formally make it to the very apex of LD$ inc control, that of attaining actual title of LD$ inc Pres/ MORmON PRofit, a thing that HinckLIEy actually did / realized just a few years later.

SO, with quite a ways to go to get to the very top of LD$ Inc, Dunn probably had some interest in more self elevation/ personal aggrandizement /personal promotion / political ambition as motivation in spinning up his Pro LDS propaganda, in attempting to keep his upward climb going.

While with HinckLIEy at very near the very top of LD$ inc and on a trajectory to go/ to easily coast all the way to the very top of LD$ inc, HinckLIEy's motivation would be more along the lines of the gratification of MORmON style LYING just for the sake and old habit of MORmON style LYING. which is *better* / worse ????

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