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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: September 23, 2018 06:15PM

If Nelson really wanted to, do you think he could convince members of the church (name too long) that Lord has authorized polygamy to reign on earth?

Isn't the church in a membership crisis where single female members easily outnumber single men?

I am not advocating the JS-BY evil practice, but I'm asking if you think there's strong following to Nelson?

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 23, 2018 07:21PM

The Saints abandoned (twice) polygamy under duress.

And it is an "Everlasting Covensnt", so sure!

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Posted by: babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: September 23, 2018 07:39PM

If you’re asking whether an organization undergoing ideological collapse could cause collateral damage. Of course. That can be factored into ongoing mop-up operations, which I’m sure TSCC will welch on too.

That nice little flag they drape themselves in can soon enough be the ropes around their necks.

Maybe I haven’t had my coffee yet, but I feel like a hangin’ judge.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 02:11AM

"Rusty" is huge dud compared to Monson and Hinckley, who both did a lot of damage to MORmONISM in their own ways. Rusty probably wont do much damage to MORmONISM but he will be completely unable to give it any kind of a boost that it so badly needs as it is imploding due to the influence of the information age these latter days.

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Posted by: badam2 ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 01:13PM

Church of(name to long) hahaha. I think rusty can do it. He probably has about 75 more yards to go to get a touchdown on this issue though. If he can do it, props to him. I think it would be popular in Idaho.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 04:27PM

Many think Rusty has a possible unusual relationship with two women. I don't think that he would try to make bigamy, polygamy or polyandry legal in terms of the law.

What I am suggesting is a way to use a temple ceremony to seal multiple persons for time and eternity. Heck, if the church could get over their bigotry and prejudice, why not allow people to get sealed to their own choice?

Another idea: We know that Rusty is sealed to his first wife and his current Wendy. How do we know that he isn't also sealed to the Dew? We assume that he isn't, but many members also don't know about the 2nd annointings that are performed in the temple.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2018 04:27PM by messygoop.

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Posted by: badam2 ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 06:39PM

Sealed to the dew?

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 06:59PM

We don't know. If we assume that he is following what is taught then he should not be sealed to more than one living woman. But they can do whatever they please in the temple and the rest of us will never know.

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 04:59PM

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Posted by: badam2 ( )
Date: September 27, 2018 04:41AM

Oh, you guys dew follow this stuff for me haha appreciate it. Keeping me up to date with all this.

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Posted by: Heidi GWOTR ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 06:35PM

What is the reason for the speculation about him and Dew?

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Posted by: badam2 ( )
Date: September 27, 2018 04:48AM

Do the dew. Aww man that was bad.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 01:46PM

While I'm sure some percentage would follow along, I'm pretty sure it would push a huge percentage too far out of their comfort zone.

Members of Churchco are already seen as oddballs by the outside world. But as long as there are scientologists, JWs, snake-handling fundamentalists, extreme members of other religions that originated in the Middle East...Mormons don't come off as being too weird. "Oh, you don't drink coffee? Good, more for me then, I guess."

In the days of Briggy, the cult leaders had a splendid isolation to work with. Everyone who travelled to Utah to "join Zion" soon learned that they were dependent on the community for survival to a large extent. Resources, government, pretty much everything was controlled by the Church. You could secretly hate polygamy with a passion, but you'd be afraid to say much against it publicly. Even then, though, there were people who found ways to escape from it. There were more divorces than modern Mormons realize.

Nowadays, there is no isolation. There is a large number of non-Mormons living right in the heart of "Zion". I don't think polygamy would be able to get off the ground, even if Nelson pushed it hard and claimed to be getting stuff straight from angels and such.

What's weird is that we are also living in a day and age when virtually any type of consensual sexual arrangement is permitted among adults. Technically, anti-bigamy and anti-polygamy laws are still on the books...but those prohibitions are only applied to people who actually bother to formally get married.

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Posted by: Concerned Citizen 2.0 ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 02:03PM

..."If Nelson really wanted to, do you think he could convince members of the church (name too long) that Lord has authorized polygamy to reign on earth?"

Forget the members!! He could convince society at large!! Easier by far!!

...He could promote something trendy to describe it, like .......#MeTwo. Or, just do a Bonneville Media churched-up reboot of Sister Wives or Big Love. It would probably go over huge plastered all over the NYCTA subway cars than "I'm a Mormon".....the out-of-work youngsters would go in big for it!! Might even stop the muggings and grafitti!!!

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 03:53PM

The profit has no power to lead, guide or give any revelation concerning the church unless the full quorum of the 12 agree.

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Posted by: scmd1 ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 11:49PM

Heartless Wrote:
> The profit has no power to lead, guide or give any
> revelation concerning the church unless the full
> quorum of the 12 agree.

Or is it that he has the power UNLESS the full Q12, or whatever constitutes a quorum of their qurosum, disagrees? Don't they need some sort of consensus to block him? Doesn't the full Q12 equal the First Presidency in power? Or do the rules change depending upon who is in power. Do they follow the protocol more precisely when someone who is just a tad scary or out on a limb is sitting in the catbird seat?

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 04:09PM

I personally don't know one woman in the church who would accept polygamy. Even my very TBM sister wouldn't accept it. Naw. Russ would blow the modern church out if announced the return of polygamy. It would ruin a lot of goodwill the church has built up with it's community service and public relations programs. It would send the church backwards big time. If Russ started acting that way they would sedate him ASAP. The prophet would suddenly be too frail and tired to make appearances.

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Posted by: scmd1 ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 11:52PM

Rubicon Wrote:
> I personally don't know one woman in the church
> who would accept polygamy.

I'm not convincinced that Wendy the Unfrieldly Witch and Mildew wouldn't go along with it for obvious reasons.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: September 27, 2018 04:37AM

Naw. Wendy wouldn’t want to share her position with another woman. Wendy can always hide the viagra.

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Posted by: Pooped ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 04:49PM

Too bad tscc came out against artificial insemination. They could have grown the church a bit more by letting the unmarried females start a family with sanctified (sacred not secret) sperm from the Big 15. I bet there would be a run on sperm from the German GA. They might try selling it and make even more $ for the corporation.

Then they could all be sealed together in the next life and make it eternal.

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Posted by: Anon for this ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 06:32PM

This summer I got invited to attend a party for a group of Exmos that has a large private presence on the internet. Several people in the ~30-45 year old age bracket were seriously discussing open marriages and swinging and were basically recruiting at the party. I was a little bit gobsmacked by that behavior. It also seemed that these folks were also into over the top drinking, as if they were college freshmen. Most of these people have only been out of the church maybe 1 to 3 years, and seem to have gone over the top in trying to get away from their staid boring Mormon lives.

I suspect it would be quite easy to suggest to a certain subset of mormon men that taking multiple young wives and gaining huge priesthood status is something the lard wants them to get behind.

Personally if the Lard ordered me to take Sherri Dewdrop as a plural wife I think I would ask to be sent straight to hell.

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Posted by: babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 06:14PM

The wildness binge only lasts for a few years after the shelf collapse. I don’t think you can extrapolate.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: September 25, 2018 07:28PM

Sorry to be the wet blanket here- but I believe that if Rusty said to do it, there would indeed be lots of active Mormons who would take comfort in the notion that we have a living Prophet, and would suddenly be inspired to see that it is indeed God's will in These Last Days (TM). They would them proceed to (1) first start practicing it in secret, and (2) alter US and state laws across the board to legalize it, because the Prophet has said it's OK.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: September 27, 2018 04:42AM

A lot of members would leave. It would cost the church a lot of money and it would b breaking the law endangering it’s tax free status.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 11:20AM

The LDS Church of today ("Churchco") ain't your grand-grandpappy's Churchco.

Nowadays, it's all respectable businessmen, lawyers and doctors in business suits, relying on polls, market research, organizational behavior consultants, media outreach, government affairs consultants.

Get a new revelation? On something bigger than preferred shirt color? On something more earth-shattering than deciding where ground will be broke for the next MacTemple? Not gonna happen.

It wouldn't get past the first deliberative committee meeting.

Probably the last really big thing was the 1978 "revelation" that Spencer W. Kimball got to reverse Brigham Young's ban on blacks getting the priesthood. And when he once described the process of revelation, wouldn't ya know it, it sounded EXACTLY the same as the thought process that any business executive relies on to come up with a decision in circumstances where the organization is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

You know...some sleepless nights, weighing pros and cons, what-ifs and what thens, until finally a decision that had to be made is made. Spencer W. Kimball described that very ordinary decision-making process and then insisted on referring to it as the process of "getting a revelation". I call it the standard model of constipated decision making that has been used by ordinary humans in millions of situations at all times and in all places throughout history.

The local Wal-Mart manager is probably going through that process right now, as she contemplates making some personnel changes.

Funny how Churchco can stick awe-inspiring labels on the most mundane things...and get away with it.

"Hey, why you rubbin' olive oil in my hair?"

"That ain't olive oil, son, that's sacred anointed oil, set aside for the gift of healing and such."

Kimball also forgot to mention the two key External factors that made the decision an obvious one, an inevitable one and a forgone conclusion before it was even made.

The U.S. Federal government was essentially circling Churchco with a big club in one hand, pounding it into the palm of the other hand, basically telegraphing that Churchco would be in for some hard times if they didn't reverse the policy soon.

Another factor was the blood-purity rule that had been in place for many decades, where anyone with African ancestry would not be eligible to hold the priesthood...and therefore any leadership positions. This was wreaking havoc on Churchco in some of Churchco's fastest growing markets, like Brazil. If they didn't change the policy soon, it was going to blow up in their face like a cigar stuffed with black powder.

So...back to Nelson. Nelson's a figurehead. They've mostly all been figureheads after Briggy.

Most of the past 7 or 8 "prophets" have just been corporate hierarchy office placeholders. Several had to literally be propped up and have the drool wiped from their mouths just to make an occasional public as to reassure the flock that they still had a living prophet...even if barely.

Modern Mormons don't expect their modern "prophets" to act or talk like Joseph and Briggy. I'm pretty sure if Joseph Smith showed up in any modern Mormon meeting and started making his claims, they'd call the police on him.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 11:31AM

I follow the money when looking at the morg. I don't think it would be a good direction for their "brand" of cult.

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Posted by: anono this week ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 06:05PM

I don't think it could be pulled off. As ET Benson once said: the greatest enemies of the empire were mostly over there in the COB . The level of cynicism and double think at temple square is pretty high, even though everyone pretends to be extra pious.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 06:19PM

When I saw "position" and "pull it off" in the header, I thought this was a masturbation thread...

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 06:22PM

A Mormon prophet hasn't gotten the rocks(seer stones) off for some time.

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: September 26, 2018 06:34PM

The Mormon Church has enough lawyers to keep Mr. Nelson from doing something that is against the law.
Multiple wives is against the law and always has been, even when it begin an Illinois.

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