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Date: October 26, 2018 03:46PM
Gordon was thoughtful. His time was over. After 40 years of guiding the church, he knew he had done some good. Even after the Hoffman forgeries had confirmed what he had already suspected for years as a special 3rd councilor in the first presidency.
He and Tom had discussed it, afterword. It was tough to agree to continue to perpetrate one of the biggest lies ever told, but the church did so much good! And people liked it. Even after he admitted it was a fraud on national television to the entire world, no one even paid attention.
So he did what he could. Downplayed the more egregious of beliefs, centralized what was taught so the revisionist history and endless gas-lighting would stick. He had even made "mormon" a word to be proud of.
But his crowning achievement had been Dieter. An absolute stroke of genius! Good looking, still white, but a mind that worked so much differently than the Utah boys club that was the rest of the 12. And an accent! Give those poor women someone to fantasize about while their pasty husbands grunted on top of them.
Tom was going to keep it up. Allowing the schism to grow by giving Dieter a more and more prominent role. Embracing the outliers, accepting the gay community, and continue to spend ridiculous amounts of money on the greatest ad campaign ever. It would continue to keep those blowhards Dallin and Russell in check. It would be catastrophic to let those idiots anywhere near the reigns of true power.
Hopefully Tom would outlast Russell. He knew what would happen if he didn't. Russell would throw out the "mormon" ad campaign first thing, he had been trying in every talk since 1990. But "proud to be a mormon" was what finally had the more intelligent members paying a little tithing and feeling good about going to church for three hours a week.
Without that monthly stream of income, the church would run out of money far faster than anyone expected. Since the "internet exodus" started the church was more cash poor than anyone realized. He had done everything he could. Centralized finances, eliminated paid positions, he even had to put a temple on top of a chapel to save money.
Well it was up to Tom now. Because if Russell took over, the crazy would start again, worse that Spencer even. And now that all the dirty little secrets were where people could find them, and attempt to do something stupid like getting rid of the word "mormon" would be the first domino.
Gordon closed his eyes, tired, after a lifetime devoted to keeping the lie for the greater good. He missed Marjorie, and 4 years was long enough for them to be apart. Whatever came next, he hoped it was with her.
The preceding story is the property of RfM and its officers and may be used, distributed and displayed as they see fit.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2018 01:03PM by icanseethelight.