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Posted by: michael anderson in id ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 06:09PM

I know that's not a nice thing to say and I know we all have are strange traits, but out of curiosity I watched the Arizona fireside at State Farm Stadium online and I don't understand how I was ever mormon.

I just don't get it.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 06:22PM

My TBM Mormon family are strange. They look down their nose on their ex-Mo "apostate" relatives. Which makes them seem stranger to me than ever the longer I've been out. They don't understand they're the ones living inside a cult with that cult mindset.

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Posted by: PHIL ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 06:48PM

I am offended and personally insulted. To repent you must stand on one leg and kiss my toes.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 06:52PM

Kiss my A.S.S.

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Posted by: chipace ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 08:07PM


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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 06:47PM

I've searched a bit, and couldn't find what you saw. Can you post a link? Or your search terms to find it? Thanks.

Also, I agree with everything Amyjo says.

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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 12, 2019 09:50AM


thank you for the link. It sent chills down my spine to look at all those people sitting in the audience who had been compelled or pressured to sit in those big rows in uncomfortable chairs, dressed in Sunday best, to listen to that crap.

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Posted by: macaRomney ( )
Date: February 11, 2019 10:35PM

(anono this week)

I agree mormons are strange. I read through much of the article and it just goes on about the size of the crowd. It's like they are rock stars or something? And then this unique line:
"Arizona battalion of the Lord’s army to help gather Israel on both sides of the veil,”

I'm just scratching my head at that one.... Someone needs to explain to these old men that gathering Israel is literal. That immigrants are suppose to relocate, immigrate, and show up at temple square expecting their inheritances. Nelson should be demonstrating against the border wall and Trump, if he "really" "really" believes what he's saying. (But of course he doesn't believe in Gathering anything).

Mormon's are hypocrites and strange

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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 12, 2019 09:53AM

macaRomney Wrote:

> "Arizona battalion of the Lord’s army to help gather Israel on both sides of the veil,”

Yes, all the military metaphors in religion make me scratch my head too. Did he want the audience in camo with guns strapped across their chests? Rocket launchers trained on all the 'non-believers' and apostates outside?

Wonder if anyone was at the gate protesting.

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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 12, 2019 10:33AM

> macaRomney Wrote:
> > "Arizona battalion of the Lord’s army

And then later in the article some politician calls him a "Man of Peace"


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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:28AM

They meant piece (oS) but can't spell, or see, or even hear.

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Posted by: Cathy ( )
Date: February 12, 2019 10:36AM

I'm humiliated that I was ever Mormon as well. I looked at the article and just felt sick - I was once one of those who attended that sort of thing and it embarrasses me to no end now. It angers me too - what waste of time and energy, supporting that nonsense, but the church uses peer pressure and manipulation to coerce support.

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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 12, 2019 03:48PM

Cathy Wrote:
>It angers me too - what waste of time and energy...

AND Money!!! Look at that bouquet of flowers next to the podium, that was at least $500! And the rental of the stadium, and the security and parking attendants and cleaning afterwards (unless of course they made the attendees stay after and clean the toilets, sweep and vacuum).

I imagine this whole circus cost a bundle not to mention the gas all those 65,000 people used driving there and back!

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Posted by: kairos ( )
Date: February 12, 2019 11:43AM

Check out the DN pix- mostly "White bread" in that Morg gathering!

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:30AM

kairos Wrote:
> ... mostly "White bread" in that Morg gathering!

It's mostly sacramental
And sacreligious

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 10:28AM

because my parents were not like the other mormons, our family wasn't. We never fit in. I tried really hard to fit in. Never did. The best I fit in was when I was with my gay husband and we were active mormon as he knew how to play the mormon culture game. He is still considered mormon royalty and I'm not. (I need to look up that list again.)

My dad was as not mormon man as you can get, thank goodness. He had his issues for sure, but he was the strongest, most what you see is what you get man you'd ever meet. Since he died, there has been a huge void in all our lives in terms of we always knew we had this MAN who everyone feared and so nobody dared touch us.

My mother was the oldest daughter of 2 deaf parents. She had been their voice from a very young age and she was not social, especially growing up under those circumstances.

So I always thought we were the strange family and then I grew up and found out we weren't the strange family, we were the normal family. Most of us are out. I was the one who tried to live it more than any of the rest. My daughter is the only TBM of all the grandchildren/great-grandchildren (of course it had to be my daughter). My active moron sister, all her children are out. She went to my daughter's wedding while I was outside with her children and grandchildren.

The real world is so much friendlier to me than moronism ever was.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2019 10:29AM by cl2.

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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:39AM

cl2 Wrote:

> My mother was the oldest daughter of 2 deaf parents.

Your life story is very interesting. Thank you for sharing these bits of it.

> The real world is so much friendlier to me than moronism ever was.

Yes, I am hoping that I find that as well. I have for sure found it here on the Board! :) :) :)

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Posted by: madera ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:50AM

I've learned that it's the mormons who are the odd ones not us that didn't "fit in".

I've taken up the habit of asking mormons about angels, flaming swords and 14 year old girls whenever I'm around mormon family or friends.

I hope that it helps them see that they can't assume that non-believers are odd or missing out on the truth.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:25AM

You're no stranger to yourself.

Gets more familiar every day...

Unless you are LDS

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:33AM

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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: February 13, 2019 11:39AM

smirkorama Wrote:

Funny clip. Smirk, since a profit has said it, must be true, right???

Thanks for the laugh!

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