Posted by:
Date: December 12, 2019 03:50AM
One thing I have noticed is that the rate of silly and forced "transactions" has escalated.
There is a increasing degree of humiliation involved.
What is being transacted? Small gestures. Setting aside time doing menial things for each other. Why? To show "love", no no, to show that you still obey every whim. Everybody involved are around 40-60 years of age. All these small transactions are being performed instead of adult people talking with each other about issues or problems. This passive-aggressive tactics have taken a different route since I said NO to one of the siblings.
They do not ask me directly anymore if I would help them because they are afraid I would say No. I would not say no in every issue because I only said no to one individua, I did not say no to the whole family! But they code what I did in their black white-way. I am abandoning them.
The new thing is that they ask another family members at the same time to do more "complex" gestures so that it will be obvious that they deserve a thank you more than I do.
This is very childish. I do not know if I should laugh och cry about this.
I think they need to evolve their mentality.