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Posted by: OneWayJay ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 07:36PM

So - Jesus supposedly cast out Devils.

Can't you see Big Nellie and Diddlin'Dallin doing an excorcism? Maybe with cry'nEyring weeping on the sidelines?

When was the last time you heard anything about Mormons casting out devils or even "dusting their feet" to condemn someone?

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 07:43PM

"dusting their feet" I heard of this when I was in Argentina in 1958. My thought was how arrogant of a missionary to presume to cast anyone into hell. Not that it would be effective anyway.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 07:46PM

Wasn't the last exorcism just last week, when they visited an nursing home in Bountiful to cure all the coronavirus victims?

Oh, you might not have heard about it, as they are afraid of people wanting to convert based on witnessing a miracle rather converting via faith and prayer...

One of the Three Nephites was there, too. Good times!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2020 01:33AM by elderolddog.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 07:56PM

The only time that I've ever heard of one involved a podcast of JD of Mormon_Storxxx when he interviewed the daughter of Hartman Rector Jr. HRJ was your unorthodox convert who rose above the rank and file to church rockstar fame.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 07:58PM

They exorcised the demons from Elder Poelman's speech in the 1980s. That must surely count.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 11:07PM

A guy in my ward did exorcisms. It’s a real thing. He fasted for three days beforehand. You have to be squeaky clean or the bad spirit will follow you home. One of the ward teenagers had dabbled in witchcraft and needed an exorcism. My wife saw the “entity”, which communicated telepathically. She was surprised to learn that it could read her mind. Anyway, the exorcism was a success.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 03:24PM


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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 06:04PM

A good yarn.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: May 11, 2020 11:13PM

Dusting of feet was supposed to cast a curse.

Supposedly Joseph Smith Senior performen this ordinance against someone that offended him. Later in the week the house burned down killing everyone inside.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 01:57PM

How is an exorcism done ? Do you sit in a chair while old men with bad breath stand in a circle around you and put their hands on your head and spout some mumbo jumbo ?

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 02:21PM

"In 1977,then-church historian Leonard Arrington attended a dinner for a handful of people in Salt Lake City. Present at the dinner, and slated to address the group, was a man named M. Russell Ballard. Ballard had recently returned from serving as a mission president in Toronto, Canada, and had since been called as a general authority of the LDS church. Ballard’s remarks that evening focused on an experience he had while a mission president in which he performed an exorcism.72According to Ballard, a woman who lived within the mission boundaries began to exhibit “signs of possession” during a group trip to the LDS temple in Washington, D.C. She was behaving strangely on the trip down but was perfectly fine within the temple only to resume her behavior once she got out. Ballard eventually heard about this case from the missionaries who had been visiting the woman and trying to cast out whatever evil presence had possessed her, and he decided to visit her himself. When he arrived, even before he entered the house, the woman shouted, “Don’t let that man in, don’t let that man in!” This is an example of what Cuneo calls the “hero-priest” phenomenon. In The Exorcist, the demon that is possessing the young girl both fears and longs to fight with a specific priest. When that priest arrives at the house where the possessed girl lives, the demon cries out the priest’s name in a tone of both agony and expectation, and, as Cuneo describes it, the presence of the heroic priest yields “an almost palpable sense of relief and gratitude.”73In the Ballard case, the possessed woman behaves in a remarkably similar fashion. The possessed woman recognizes that this particular individual is to be feared far more than any of the other priestly functionaries who had been involved up to this point. Additionally ,she announces that fact in a loud voice just as Ballard arrives. This is very close to the scene portrayed in The Exorcist. I do not believe that Ballard ever read or saw The Exorcist. It is entirely possible, however, that the possessed woman had seen the film and was using it, as so many others did during this time frame, as the accepted typology for possession. Despite the demonic objection, Ballard entered the home and “saw a face that was contorted in such a way that she was82 Religion and American Culture unrecognizable. She spoke with a completely different voice than her regular voice, a deep voice. She spoke in a different manner than she had ever been known to do previous to these attacks.” Ballard accepted these signs as genuine. He instructed the woman’s Stake President to lay his hands on her once again. This blessing, unlike the ones per-formed by the missionaries, did have some impact. Ballard, who had by this point identified the possessing spirit as Satan himself, claimed to feel Satan leave the woman but remain in the room. Soon, however, the Devil returned and again took possession of the woman. At this point, Ballard took over the exorcism himself. He laid his hands on the woman’s head and carried on a “dialogue” with the Devil for twenty to thirty minutes before eventually casting him out for good, “not only from the body of the woman but from the room completely.” After telling this dramatic story, Ballard offered his interpretation of the events. The Devil possessing the woman had not wanted Ballard to enter the home because Ballard “was the ultimate Church authority in the region.” This was also the reason that “the Stake President was not able to use his authority to banish the demon” completely. Ballard thus saw the entire encounter as one not of priest-hood authority (because all of the men holding the Melchizedek priesthood have the same authority) but of Satan’s respect for hierarchical bureaucracy. At various levels of ecclesiastical administrative authority, the Devil seemed to respond differently. He apparently could ignore the missionaries completely, but he had to respond in a limited way to the adjurations of the Stake President. Only Ballard, “the ultimate authority in the region,” however, could command Satan to leave permanently."

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Posted by: [|] ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 04:52PM

this story would be more believable if told by Paul Dunn. ;-)

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 06:02PM

Too bad he didn't make apostle.

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Posted by: decultified ( )
Date: May 14, 2020 11:17AM

"Only Ballard, 'the ultimate authority in the region,' however, could command Satan to leave permanently."

At the time, Ballard wasn't a GA yet, only a mission president. Does that mean MPs outrank stake presidents? SPs are assigned the general charge over all the area, while MPs only lead however many missionaries happen to be there (at that time, most likely a few dozen from the US).

This is the first time I've heard that Satan respects bureaucratic hierarchies.

"carried on a dialogue with the devil" for 20-30 minutes. LMAO. Why the foreplay?

More faith-promoting horsesh** compliments of TSCC.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 02:24PM

I think it's fair to say that every single person who has experienced an exorcism left the experience free of demonic possession.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 03:22PM

Most exorcisms are performed to shake money out of dead beat temple recommend holders.

-Brother Brown your Heavenly Father is very displeased with your non payment of tithing. We are here to collect. Now we order you in the name of Jesus Christ to hand over your banking accounts immediately.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: May 12, 2020 06:32PM

Ironic that Mormons have temple rites for their dead but nothing special for their pets for whom I bet they have more love than dead people they never knew.

They treat animals with irreverence ("Fluffy") yet respect long dead people simply because those people donated some DNA contribution.

And ironically, long dead prophet who aren't Joseph Smith also aren't respected like one would think simply because their reign has variances with the current code of Mormon conduct.

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Posted by: azsteve ( )
Date: May 13, 2020 10:58PM

When I was on my mission, a single mother had us come over to her home to give a blessing on the home. When we arrived, she said that her daughter was possessed and that she thought a blessing on the home would help her daughter. I didn't believe that anyone was possessed. But we gave the blessing on the home. From before we arrived and continuously as we started giving the blessing, her late-teen daughter screamed and babbled continuously from a distant back room in the house. It seemed weird. I figured at first that she was probably mentally retarded or something and just out of control or having some kind of an incident. I didn't know what this screaming was about at first. It was like someone arguing with someone else who didn't exist except it was continuous. I figured she didn't even know we were there. My companion spoke reletively quietly as he gave the blessing. When he commanded any evil spirits that were present to leave the home, the screaming from the back room stopped immediately in that same exact moment, as if in response. Suddenly, I believed the woman's claim about her daughter's posession. We stayed for another ten minutes or so afterward and the screaming didn't return. There is no way the woman's daughter could have heard us from so far away on the other side of walls and closed doors. I don't believe in the church now. But I think that supernatural things happen. The Mormon church doesn't have a monopoly on spiritual power either, nor an exclusive right to use it. Anyone with the right intentions (man or woman) can do supernatural things.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2020 11:13PM by azsteve.

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Posted by: macaRomney ( )
Date: May 13, 2020 11:21PM

Thanks for sharing AZsteve, I saw some of these kind of things too as a missionary. In my recollection we encountered the man with cloven hooves himself. He didn't want one of our investigators to investigate. We did the rights and he stopped haunting the place. At the time I was scared the fellow wouldn't go, and we'd be in serious in trouble, but it worked.

I agree good people have power over the dead. Mormonism doesn't have a monopoly on helping folks.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: May 13, 2020 11:29PM

Thank you AZSteve.

I do believe as you that anyone with the right intentions can do supernatural things and can even receive revelation/inspiration too.

The mormon church has no monopoly on any of these things but sells their wares under its umbrella and that is why people can have legitimate spiritual experiences in the mormon church as well any other church.

It is not church dependent.
I think there is great power in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: May 13, 2020 11:34PM

Also I am sure this is often said but thank you AZSteve for shining a light on the Mormon Church.

I used to think you were as evil as they come but you bore the brunt of the criticism, the ridicule and the nay saying but the truth is finally making itself known that the Mormon Church is not only not what it claims to be but is in fact a con of ridiculous proportions. (Cue the $100B cash register sound)

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Posted by: desertwoman ( )
Date: May 18, 2020 11:59AM

Delving into the depths of memory. Let me set the scene. Note: Narcissistic Son, or NS, was the former husband.

I was a convert who married into a narcissistic family. Boy, was I ignorant. His dad claimed to be buddy-buddy with Harold B. Lee, and loved to talk about the differences between The Preparatory Gospel and The Fulness Gospel. He often talked about looking forward to having his calling and election made sure. So much Holier Than Thou.

Narcissistic Son was a rebellious one, but that’s another series of stories. Anyway, one night we went to a drive-in movie, NS and I. This was in National City or Chula Vista; it was a very long time ago.

I don’t remember what brought it on, but NS developed digestive distress which culminated in him vomiting out through the car window. He insisted, so we drove to his parents’ house, not our home, whereupon NS got worse and began behaving oddly, moaning and writhing about on the bed. This was late at night and his dad declared he needed another Melchizedek priesthood holder for the blessing, so NS called a good friend from our ward across town. Remember, this was very late at night. We all waited for the friend to show up, who arrived in his Sunday suit to participate in the blessing.

First the oil and sealing, then his dad did the blessing, ostensibly for healing. During that blessing, his dad verbally rebuked “The Adversary” repeatedly. What stands out to me was that after the blessing was completed, NS got up as if he were completely over what he had had, and walked his friend to the front door as if he were completely fine. Except. All the rest of that night, his mom and dad and I were required to attend to him in his continuing pain and discomfort. No sleeping for anyone but himself.

It was days or weeks later when his dad claimed to have seen “The Adversary” in the bedroom where we all were during the blessing. Looking back, either the dad believed he saw something or this was just another effort to exert his “Speshulness” to the family.

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