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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: August 08, 2020 10:24PM

Seriously, if this isn't a time to reach out & share information & resources... What possibly could be?

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Posted by: MormonMartinLuther ( )
Date: August 08, 2020 10:41PM

GNPE the best is yet to come.

God will help people once Jesus arrives for the millennial audit.

After ensuring all temples have renovated up to city creek standards and no tithe payer has winced at even the most egregious of requests, he will finally set up shop and roll out the Divine Reimbursement program of the church. And anyone anywhere who was not helped during this time will be able to file a claim to thereby be made whole.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 06:27AM

sharing information and resources is just like sharing revenue, which means that; A. LDS Inc does NOT like it B. it will ONLY be done on a very restrained / highly limited, token basis with strings attached that highly favor LDS inc.

Of course, at one time "Utah" wanted to share in the excitement of hosting the Olympics, which begs the question -WHY would anything as fabulous as the only true church /gospel of Jesus Christ need to affiliate itself with anything else that would have to be something lesser, in order to increase its allure and appeal ??????

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Posted by: allegro ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 03:28PM

I am in the Salvation Army denomination now and love it. I have been trained for disasters, I am now certified to run a commercial kitchen, and I love the fact men and women work together no matter married or not. I was talking to the Major(pastor) and asked about partnering w/the Mormon church in the community. He stated that would be great, they partner w/many denominations and organizations throughout the world. He continued to say, Mormons are not receptive so they do not reach out anymore. My daughter is still Mormon( though she is beginning to see the light) so at times I go with her to church. I asked the Bishop if, at times, they would partner w/the Salvation Army. He said they were fine and walked off. There you have it.

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 05:01PM

Cooperating? lol
(Loud Overt Laughter)
I'm just kidding...

You mean like "joining forces" . Relying on other's visions, services, dedication, compassion, networks, structures, experience, liability, promises, money, etc.

Taking all the credit for doing as little, for as few, as late as possible, if they can't get out of it altogether.

allegro, you said it well about LDS partnering: meh-

The LDS 'church' doesn't want to help. It's better set up to hurt, and to harm, and him and haw.

It wants help: BLIND FOLLOWERS

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 05:06PM


You've got to be kidding.

The 'church' TAKES.
It's not set up (maybe set apart) forGIVING.

Isolationist cult.
Need I say more?

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