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Posted by: hujo ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 06:34PM

Hello everyone, I can't wait for the covid vax to be out, however I have some concerns. I've been hearing a lot about a "vaccine passport" to be able to travel on planes, go to school, go to stores ect. I don't think that is right, but that's not the point to be made here.

In Revelation 13:15-16 (real bible) and Revelation 13:16 (fake joe smith version) it talks about a mark that everyone would have to have. Do you guys think this is it??

I know I've posted about the second coming on here before, and if the covid passport turns out to be the prophesied "mark," I might convert to Christianity.

I only been around for 15 years, but 2020 certainly seems like it could be the start of the "tribulations." You're all a lot older and have more experience than me, so have there always been sh*tty years like this, or is it maybe something more?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2020 06:35PM by hujo.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 06:46PM

" I might convert to Christianity." ... tell us why you think you are not a christian.

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Posted by: hujo ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 06:58PM

I'm not really religious right now. I'd consider myself agnostic.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 07:03PM

Then there is no reason to waste any neurological energy on the Book of Revelation.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 08:13PM

Revelations reads like apostles on acid, so it’s interesting as a trip report. Given the history of Greece and the elucinean mysteries, it’s plausible. Would that make it less revelatory? Life is multidimensional. One dimension is under our control, and even that is suspect. The only certainty is only making sense of it after the fact. What does it matter what John saw if we can’t make heads or tails of it in the moment?

To the OP: have you noticed that everything you worry about is in your head?

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Posted by: hujo ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 09:17PM

What do you mean "is in my head"

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 07:52PM

I was born in the 1950s. In my youth there was a vaccine that did often leave a notable mark on the injection site on the upper arm. I want to say it was one of the early polio vaccines (***Correction: It was the smallpox vaccine.) The mark looked like a nickel or quarter-sized indentation -- maybe the best description is as if someone had permanently impressed a bottle cap into your upper arm. Older people often had that mark, but kids in my generation did not have it.

Do you know what that mark represented? It represented life to the people who got it. It meant that they would not die from, nor be disfigured by, that awful disease that had killed and maimed so many.

The Covid vaccine will represent life as well. I have no reason to believe that it will leave any mark at all. Tens of thousands of people have already safely been vaccinated, starting from last spring. I will be so grateful when I am able to get it.

As for the vaccine passport, that was mentioned by the CEO of Qantas airlines, as a possibility for foreign travel. He stated that it is a point of discussion among the CEOs of major international airlines. Whether that will be the case or not, who knows?


From Summer, who was notified today that a family friend recently died alone in the hospital...because due to Covid restrictions, her beloved husband was not allowed to be with her to hold her hand as she passed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2020 08:22PM by summer.

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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 08:14PM

You are probably taking about the smallpox vac which left this mark rather than polio. Had a friend who was an immunological with a major pharma company. His company is the only one in the world that still holds smallpox cultures. He claimed if it ever came back, and he believed it could, we would be in dire straights trying to ramp up vaccines again. When I moved to Canada in 67 a smallpox vaccine was required.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 08:21PM

Both the US government and the Russian government, perhaps some others as well, have stores of small pox both as a potential weapon and as a potential source of countervailing vaccines.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 08:45PM

Tell us the story of Catherine the Great and vaccinations, pleeease?

(I know you were talking about Cold War+ stuff, but I love Catherine.)

You have to tell it like a story.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 09:32PM

You could do it as well as I, Beth. . .

Smallpox ravaged Europe in the 18th century, killing some 400,000 people. By way of comparison, the US will reach 400,000 dead within a year of the emergence of COVID. But to those wimpy Europeans, 400,000 over decades seemed like a big deal.

In St. Pete, Peter III caught the disease and survived albeit with permanent health problems thereafter. Catherine the Great, wife of the aforementioned Czar, succeeded him and decided to do something about the plague. So she brought the Scot who was developing the relevant vaccine to Russia and asked him to vaccinate her, her family, and the court in public so that the people would decide to follow suit.

The doctor said it would be safer to try the vaccine on serfs because, well, serfs. But Catherine refused. She insisted on setting an example for the entire country. The result? by 1800 a couple million were vaccinated and hundreds of thousands of Russian lives were saved.

I suspect Cat would have worn a mask--and she'd definitely lead her nation in taking an anti-COVID vaccine now. Not sure if Putin will do that, however.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 09:40PM

Thank you :)

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 09:46PM

Yeah, but my recitation of the facts would be a helluva lot more interesting if done in your irreverent Jack Kerouac style.

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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 09:10PM

Don't know enough to disagree. His claim was that pharma companies would be hard pressed to respond quickly to a major outbreak.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 08:21PM

Yes, you are right about that. Thanks for the correction.

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Posted by: [|] ( )
Date: December 06, 2020 08:14PM

>I was born in the 1950s. In my youth there was a vaccine that did often leave a notable mark on the injection site on the upper arm.

That was smallpox.

A truly successful vaccination program. There hasn't been a case of smallpox in the world since the late 1970s.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: December 07, 2020 12:16AM

Note to OP: the statements in the Book of Revelation have noting to do with any current events. You can prophesy anything. That doesn't mean God approves of your message.

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Posted by: commongentile ( )
Date: December 07, 2020 03:07PM

slskipper Wrote:
> Note to OP: the statements in the Book of
> Revelation have nothing to do with any current
> events.

There are mainstream scholars of the Book of Revelation who have concluded that it was written, not to predict events that were to occur two thousand years later, but rather to encourage Christians living at the time that it was written, some of whom were experiencing dire persecutions. There was a belief among many early Christians that the second coming of Jesus would occur within their lifetimes and the Book of Revelation itself seems to express that belief. The first three verses of Chapter 1 say that it is the revelation of Jesus Christ, given to John to show "what must shortly come to pass." And the end of the book, it says that Jesus will surely "come quickly." And John then prays, "Even so, come Lord Jesus."

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: December 07, 2020 10:11AM

The Bible again? Try "The Old Farmer's Almanac" instead. Not as ridiculous or scary and actually makes some sense.

Thousands of years ago someone began writing down all the fun Israelite lore. And people are still following it as if it wasn't just scripts for Road Shows in the first place.

If you make a prediction "timeless" then it has no sell-by date. Being non specific is the key. How many varying interpretations have the predictions been given? Let me count the ways . . .

And if you are still doing your own interpreting, then you still believe I would say.

Somebody made the amusing comment that in the year 3,000 they are going to find some tanning beds and assume they were used as torture devices in the 1990's. Time heals, but not as well as it obfuscates.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: December 07, 2020 10:54AM

hujo Wrote:
> In Revelation 13:15-16 (real bible) and Revelation
> 13:16 (fake joe smith version) it talks about a
> mark that everyone would have to have. Do you guys
> think this is it??

You are doing great hujo with trying to win a Darwin Award. But if you truly are in high school shouldn't your studies be a better investment of your mental energies. Colleges might still be open for The Apocalypse.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: December 07, 2020 08:33PM

I'm calling BS on hujo here. You "can't wait for the covid vax to be out"?!!

Just a week ago you were breathlessly pleading with us to listen to an Andy Popescu podcast about covid. I started to listen. The very first thing he brought up was the hope that Youtube wouldn't deleted his video. YouTube has pretty lax standards as to how much verbal sewage they can put up with. If Popescu didn't make the cut, in spite of their low bar, that says something.

His next claim was that Covid-19 was a hoax. When I downloaded the podcast, I was not looking forward to wasting an hour and 22 minutes of my life wading through a podcast by someone apparently in love with his own voice, but as it turned out, I only had to wade through two minutes to know enough. There is zero chance that all 18 million health care workers in the US are cooperating in a fraudulent claim that covid-19 is a thing. There is also a zero chance that they are all too stupid to realize it is not actually a disease.

And by zero chance, I mean zero, not just really long odds. I'm not buying that you are gullible enough to think this pandemic is a hoax, yet you are also anxiously awaiting a vaccine. Seems more likely to me that you thought you had to make your vaccine claim just to make your claim about the vaccine being the start of the "tribulations" even remotely credible.

As for when will the tribulations start, here's some events that were considered starting points:
The persecution of Christians by Rome.
The adoption of Christianity by Rome
The fall of Rome
Every bubonic plague pandemic in Europe.
Invasion of southern Spain by Moslem Arabs
Invasion of eastern Europe by Mongols.
Hundred Years, Seven Years, Thirty Years Wars
Invasion of England by Normans.
Invasion of Scotland by Vikings
Northern Europe dumping the Catholic Church in the 16th century.
US Civil War
Fascism in Europe.
WW I and WW II
Every time US Blacks got too "uppity" (examples, Tulsa 1920, 1960s lunch counter sit-ins, Rosa Parks, Rodney King riots 1991, Colin Kaepernick kneeling protest 2017, George Floyd/Breonna Taylor protests 2020, just to pick the ones that leap immediately to mind).

So microchips in vaccine are going to have to work really hard to qualify as the tribulations.

BTW, I pointed out in a post on another thread that the reason the vaccines had to be super cold is to shrink the microchips down so they can fit through the needles. So be sure and insist they heat the needle with a match before you will accept an injection. Or wear two shirts like Steve Bannon, and insist they inject you through the two shirts. That will heat the needle enough.

See, I'm looking out for your safety. :). Happy Tribulations.

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Posted by: Ignorance is Stank ( )
Date: December 07, 2020 11:51PM

It is like you people finally got out of Amway and found a new church you like that surely will tell you all the truth and nothing but the truth. Guess what guys you are still mormon

Fact checkers which you guys love spouting to prove you are right over someone else are nothing but paid mormon apologists under a different name. Think for yourself for a change. People stop reading only the official literature. That is why so many mormons can't see their own church is a fraud in the first place and that their existence in it is to serve as cattle to the church. Hell the temple even tells them they are property of the church - funneling all money and energy they possess to their communist masters, er the church. This is while they are paying 10% for the privilege to go there to be told such.

Recovery from what? You are all still mormons. Don't believe me? LDS church is saying its Christlike now to wear a mask. How does that disagree with what you are saying? Go back to church already. If the LDS church was demonic or had any evil intentions, the thing they would be doing is collecting everyone's money and telling them things will get back to normal real soon without a offering a single specific warning from the heavens. $100B much?

Can we finally change the website to be Recovery to a new form of mormon-(dumbed down)-ism?

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