Posted by:
Lot's Wife
Date: December 19, 2020 02:15AM
If you tell me which topics interest you, I will happily provide a bibliography.
Long story short, I was once studying Greek mythology and came across a passage in Hesiod that was almost identical to the second book of Daniel. I asked the professor about that and he gave me a ton of information about the interaction between various Indo-European myths and those of Israel and other places. His emphasis was less on the history than on the linguistics and mythology.
I wanted to learn more, so I read a bunch of books on the various Aryan peoples from Tocharia and India to Ireland while wading through books on Jewish/Canaanite mythology. Some of those books (Avesta Eschatology was a very old one whose name I remember, Norman Cohn's Chaos, Cosmos, and the World to Come) focused directly on the Hebrew/Israel/Judaea connection while others (Mallory, Renfew, gimbutas, Childe, et al.) addressed the Indo-Europeans.
It's a simple story. The proto-Jews (meaning the people who would return from Babylon) underwent a galvanic experience when interacting with the Persian elite who were also captive in Babylon. Those proto-Jews took monotheism, the sense of God in fire, the Book of Job (a version of which exists in the much older Avesta), and many other ideas with them when they returned to Palestine.
Here are a couple of treatments of the Swastika/Greek Key tradition. latter reference is particularly relevant in its pre-history and history sections.