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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:31AM

Whoever deserves credit for creating this statement, it is one of my favorites.

I began playing a game to come up with variations. Want to help?

The church cares about truth until they don't.
The church cares about honesty until they don't.
The church cares about its members until they don't.
The church cares about charity until they don't.
The church cares about racism until they don't.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:40AM

A very insightful phrase, and, I get how this would work for so many organizations and individuals, but when it comes to Mormons I would say the wording is backwards.

The church didn't care about racism until forced to pretend to care.

The church didn't care about charity until their PR department realized the advantage of pretending to care.

The church didn't care about truth until Google gave them a reason to care.

Somehow though, the "Church cares" is an oxymoron except when you say the Church cares for itself above all else.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:57PM

I like your way of looking at the phrase, "The Church cares about rules until they don't."

And your last comment, "Somehow though, the "Church cares" is an oxymoron except when you say the Church cares for itself above all else," hits the nail on the head (as the old saying goes). The Church's actions on its "exing" of Natasha Helfer certainly highlighted what it will do to take care of itself above all else.

This is what transpired. Natasha's church approved witnesses to speak at her church court trial were not allowed to come into a ward of the church, the church they belonged, to use the restroom as they waited to find out how the delay would play out. And, the so-called-loving-LDS Church would not allow Natasha, also a member, bring her phone into the court hearing because, even though she gave her promise and word that she would not use it to record, this church would not TRUST her. Hmmm? What were they so afraid of and what did they have to hide?

Next, this church called the local police. Three police cars arrived, and Natasha, her witnesses, and all her supporters, about 50 or so, were ordered to leave the church property. Just get out of here!

Caring for others in this situation might have looked like, you know, allowing the people to come inside the stake center out of the cold, offering them some water, and for hells sake EVEN allowing these people, many who had traveled from other states, to use the church rest room.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: April 23, 2021 10:08AM

Thanks for that. I had not read up on the details of all that. Typical. No?

Let's add another one.

"The Church cares about its lawyers advice and always will."

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Posted by: Human ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:41AM

The church cares about the scriptures, until they don’t.

The church cares about me, until they didn’t. (Psyche! The church never really did care about me.)

The church cares about tithing...well, that’s their one, actual care. Even with a hundred billion, hard to see that care diminish, ever.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:42AM

“The church only cares about the church.”

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:48AM

I'd flip it around.

the church doesn't care about racism, until they do.....they didn't care about keeping full fellowship from African Americans until no one wanted to play basketball with BYU.

The church doesn't care about members, until they do.....they don't care what your struggles are, what you care about and need, until people start leaving.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:49AM

I can’t say to what extent it might help . . .

I would be very impressed by a ‘revelation’ that extended the sealing ordinance to faithful mormons and the pet or pets of their choice.

Meaning getting to take your pet to the temple and through the veil...playing fetch in the celestial cozy area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2021 10:49AM by elderolddog.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:53AM

I like this idea. Especially if someone has a beloved pet camel.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 10:56AM

JoJu apparently had pet females . . .

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 11:00AM

And the occasional black servant.

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Posted by: Blackcoats Daughter ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 11:03AM

The thing about continuing revelation is all the backlog we now have to deal with.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 01:37PM

Never even got to sit down in that room. I thought if I could sit there and meditate, maybe I could figure out my life situation. I was always slow to get through the veil (the few times I went) and never got to sit down.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: April 23, 2021 10:38AM

Very funny, creative talent we have here....Thanks to all.

*Sealing pets of their choice (no to my pet boa?...sheesh, it is just like the Garden of Eden pet)

*Playing fetch in the CELESTIAL COZY AREA (hey come on, he is such a nice and well behaved Doberman and he has guaranteed that he loves JESUS)

*Especially if someone has a pet camel (oh yes! I have two and they are the best and can last forever without water. Did you know this?)

*JoJu apparently had pet females (and you know, I would really like to to see if they appear and meet moi (me) and my pets in the Celestial Cozy Area)

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 11:03AM

I came from the thought that the church was totalitarian rule~ do as we say (not as we do) or else!!!

I remember all the lessons throughout my church years about "Well done good and faithful servant" and I never heard those words- ever. One time I expected to hear that line or something familiar was at the end of serving a 2 year mission. I baptized some 20+ people and "reactivated" around 10 families and instead I was told that I had disappointed the lord and wasted his time.

My house later burned, was still smoldering and all the bishopric wanted was their keys to the church building.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 11:20AM

they have little if any sense of Basic Right & Wrong,

the thought of Core Values has nearly 100% escaped them, even at the top level.

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Posted by: azsteve ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 12:16PM

It's too bad the Mormon church seems to be known publicly for taking care of their own and for good and wholesome values. They sure tricked everyone. That stuff only applies if the cameras are rolling, or if someone is watching.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 12:19PM

...and only if the 'volunteers' are wearing matching t-shirts.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 02:47PM

The Church claims the BoM is the keystone of their religion until they don't.

The Church claims God likes white skin better until they don't.

The Church claims the BoA, until they don't.

The Church claims they don't practice polygamy, until they do practice polygamy, until they claim they don't practice polygamy, until they really don't practice polygamy, except for serial polygamy if a male happens to end up widowed or "time" divorced and remarries.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: April 23, 2021 01:49PM

Your last line had me laughing so hard as it reminded me of Vicky Pollard (yehbutnobutyeh . . .) the Matt Lucas character on "Little Britain." She really should be the church spokesperson.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: April 25, 2021 05:13PM

Agree that the last line especially of Brother of Jerry is timeless and

Done and Done's citing that Vicky Pollard "...should be the church spokesman".

I get dizzy from the LDS Church continuous "circling". Why don't they?

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 02:55PM

Cults only care about cult things.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 02:57PM

True, but there are many cult things.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: April 22, 2021 02:59PM

The church cares about money until....oh, right, like that's ever going to happen.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: April 23, 2021 01:13PM

"The 'church'" cares NOT about the souls from which the MONEY comes through, BUT TSCC itself.

It wants to think of itself as Superior.

It's not even (Lord) Huron!

TSCC cares (not!) about you... IF...
Until it doesn't?
It never did. $%√

TSCC doesn't want you-
It wants your money...
YOUR TIME, and Worship (it)

It wants your ignorance of what is really important (including yourself/ family/ time/ talent/ "tithing" [MONEY]/ TOIL/ 'teaching', unless it's TRUE), Not your TRUTH, and your 'world', and to focus on the nothingness Mormonism itself posits, ponders, preaches, and practices.

It wants members to lose their ["God°Goddess Given"] natural feelings, passion, path, direction and purpose and become a pawn in Mormonism's inWARD EXclusive reflection of nothingness, of drudgery and of ENDLESS TOIL... but for the lazy, rich and dead and/ or dying.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: April 23, 2021 02:23PM

This is soo powerful. So very well spoken:

>It wants members to lose their [God Goddess Given"] natural feelings, passion, path, direction and purpose and become a pawn in Mormonism's inWARD EXclusive reflection of nothingness, of drudgery and of ENDLESS TOIL...but for the lazy, rich and dead and/or dying.<

Your use of the word, pawn, vividly places me back in the clutches of this so-called church when it felt it had the right to decide what was needed for our child when she was going through turbulent teenage pangs of reaching for adulthood. How dare they!!! I only wish we had sued their sorry asses.

Yes, they were lazy and did reflect nothing but "nothingness" in how they interferred, running with their tails between their asses because they were too uncommitted, too lazy to take any steps further. This story ended well for our daughter and my husband and I but because we, unlike the church, did not give up. The whole church-caused-tragedy never needed to happen.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2021 02:26PM by presleynfactsrock.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: April 24, 2021 08:29PM


It figures if it can run interFEARance, distract and divide you, it can have you.

It's oft like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

What Mormonism says is important IS NOT important.

What is important to the individual is paramount!

The [Mormon] 'church' (TMC) will lead the follower astray.

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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: April 23, 2021 04:38PM

presleynfactsrock Wrote:
> The church cares about truth until they don't.
> The church cares about honesty until they don't.
> The church cares about its members until they
> don't.
> The church cares about charity until they don't.
> The church cares about racism until they don't.

To me it's more like:

The church pretends to care about truth/honesty/members/charity/racism but never has.

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: April 25, 2021 09:08AM

The church, most any church for that matter, cares about that which will advance it's ajenda!!!!!!

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: April 25, 2021 05:47PM

* what the church (any org) has as policy / rules but fails to enforce turns rules into MUSH, inviting arbitrary & capricious decisions & actions.

I can see discretion about 'minor' items, but ChurchCo really doesn't make any (outright) distinctions between Major & Minor issues.

When they compromise on (what I consider) as Core, Basic items such as Honesty, Kindness, etc., that seals the deal IMHO.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: April 26, 2021 04:54PM

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Posted by: Mannaz ( )
Date: April 27, 2021 02:35AM

Cares about the handbook until it doesn’t.

I should have been excommunicated years ago for apostasy and heresy. I led most of my kids out of the church. I told old bishop, who is now the stake president this. I told a couple of my Old HP quorum this at a ward Chile cook off. But alas, that might be action that could push my DW and last daughter out. I need to do a news interview or something.

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