Posted by:
Date: June 28, 2021 09:22AM
Oli London is a British male who does not identify as British but instead as Korean. He has had 18 surgeries so far as part of his transition. Here’s his coming out video: asked a very thoughtful RfMer a while ago what the difference is between Gender dysphoria and Racial dysphoria. I received a well considered answer but I confess that I did not fully understand it.
What confuses even more is that most people agree with banning conversion therapy. But certainly as people well aware of Mormon culture we can understand an LDS homosexual’s dysphoria towards their sexuality, right? What makes their dysphoria different from gender or racial dysphoria?
South Park a very long time ago spoofed all of this with species dysphoria.
If it is better to train a dysphoric homosexual to accept their homosexuality, why isn’t it better to train racial dysphorics to accept their race and gender dysphorics to accept their sex (leaving aside the anatomical ambiguous)?
I have no firm opinions, let alone conclusions, on any of this, just questions. I have a lot to learn about this phenomena.