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Posted by: pettigrew ( )
Date: July 08, 2021 09:29AM

After having one anecdote from his autobiography (written by Sheri Dew) removed because it was demonstrated to be untrue, it now seems that he has been caught in yet another lie with his "Doors Of Death" anecdote that appears in the book and which Nelson has told a number of times over the years.

It's a bit of a long read (but well worth it in the end), and contains some quite detailed research and presented evidences, but tl;dr the incident never happened.

It's Paul H. Dunn all over again. The "smoking gun" is towards the end pages of the discussion thread where a report of all relevant aircraft incidents has been provided. It never happened.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2021 09:32AM by pettigrew.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: July 08, 2021 10:11AM

I could swear I heard another GA tell that exact story.

But I'm a lazy learner so I must have got it wrong.

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Posted by: alsd ( )
Date: July 08, 2021 12:19PM

The Civil Aeronautics Board archives do show that on November 11, 1976, a Skywest PA-31 did experience a precautionary engine shut down and landing in Delta, Utah while on a scheduled flight from Salt Lake City to St. George. So there is credibility to the claim he was on a flight that had an inflight engine shut down and make an unscheduled landing. However the fact that this is not in the NTSB archives indicate the event was not nearly as dramatic as the RMN and Sherri Dew retelling. There was no engine explosion, it landed at the Delta airport and not in a farmer's field, there was no "death spiral", and it was not a dual engine failure (Sherri Dew's account states the right engine exploded, then later states the pilot was able to get the left engine running).

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: July 08, 2021 02:04PM

I don't think much about whether they lie or not. I suppose I just assume they do as OBVIOUSLY they do.

What I found interesting was when Steve Benson posted some things that some of the GAs said were inspiring moments in their lives and they were NOTHING to be of any importance at all. Most members have had more "spiritual" experiences than those 2 GAs had.

I think Rusty takes the cake for being an obnoxious "prophet." I can't believe anyone would look at that face or listen to him talk and think he was anything special.

And those stories about his flashlight and writing his revelations down at night, blah blah blah--are we surprised he lies?

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