Posted by:
Mordor, not logged in
Date: August 27, 2021 02:43PM
Val-d'Or was brutal. I was there Dec 80 to Jan 81. I didn't actually see much of it, since we were forced to stay indoors for our own safety.,1270692,1271225#msg-1271225We weren't in the BP. The weekly branch attendance was maybe 10, including us. The extreme isolation would have been a bonus in the summer (no ZLs to get on our case) but during the winter, too dangerous.
An elderly sister in Amos gave me a hand-knitted wool tuque for the cold weather. I have it to this day, one of the few things worth keeping.
Cornwall was a blast, easily the best part of the mission. Not because of the area, but because of the trio of sisters across the border in Potsdam, NY. It was part of our district, so we could visit without getting in trouble. They were a lot of fun – laid-back, great sense of humor, liked to flirt and engage in risqué talk… what more could you want? All of us (my comp, me, and the sisters) were from California. They had a sweet living setup too, a two-story house; for three months I felt almost normal. We even had what was essentially a group date our last evening together before we were transferred out.
We spent a ton of time with them in Potsdam, so TBH I don't remember a lot about Cornwall itself. I do recall that for some reason our place had a radio, so of course we took advantage of that.
The APs once called us. They were doing a mission tour and asked if we could pick up some American Dr. Pepper for them. I didn't ask why they couldn't do it themselves, since it gave us a legit reason to leave our area and cross the border again. We bought them a sixer, and they appreciated it. Swear to god this is true.