Posted by:
Lot's Wife
Date: September 04, 2021 12:51AM
caffiend Wrote:
> And he encouraged others to get vaccinated. But he
> emphasizes that it's a personal decision.
He has said that if his followers don't get vaccinated, he won't have a lot of followers left. That renders his conviction personal and self-interested: he's reversed himself for a reason.
> After all, the vaccines were developed during his
> administration. Remember when experts were certain
> a vaccine could never be developed in a half
> year--that it would take at least a full year,
> probably two or three?
I do remember that. I also remember being told by a vice president in one of the big pharmaceutical companies that there was a 90% chance of having at least once vaccine out in the fourth quarter and a 100% chance by the first quarter of last year.
> And how the Enlightened
> swore they'd never submit to a vaccine developed
> under his auspices? Mia Farrow comes to mind.
> People posted side-by-side tweets of her swearing
> off the untrustworthy "Trump vaccine," only to
> later brag that she took the shot.
Yeah, you can call Mia Farrow "enlightened" if you want. I personally don't expect much from Hollywood stars and think you are using her to tarnish an entire category of people who probably only exist as such in your mind.
> I'm still abstaining. I'm not anti-vax, just this
> one--for me. I put my faith in certain health
> protocols (exercise, Vitamin D3, Melatonin, and
> God) and (so far) the blessings of a robust immune
> system.
Don't forget sheer luck. My hope is that a combination of luck and your robust immune system will suffice.
> BTW, my chainsaw gash is completely healed. Ugly
> but healthy scarring. I promised my better half:
> no more solo chain-sawing, and I've just bought
> some chainsaw chaps. Now, back to deforestation!
caffiend in chaps. The mind boggles.
Otherwise I'm glad you've recovered from your misadventure.
> Let's get this thread back on track. I'm sure
> you'll all appreciate this interpretation by the
> late, great baritone Klaus Nomi:
>'m holding out hope for a Stephen Miller performance of that song--ideally in drag.