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Posted by: loislane ( )
Date: September 05, 2021 09:05AM

I think I found a clue to understanding CD's and LV's psychopathic behavior.

I think both of them underwent some form of the SA in the Mesa Arizona temple.

It puzzled me how LV went to the temple every day. I've never been to the temple, but I thought it odd that LV and her cohorts seemed to have free run of the place. LV and CD even got married there, even though they both were already married to other people.

So given their interest in "deep doctrine" and their eagerness to climb higher on the stairway to heaven, it only makes sense that they would go through the SA, with Jason Mow officiating.

And once you have gone through the SA, you are like a god. Which means you cannot sin. Nothing you can do is counted against you as wrongdoing. You are a God. Everything you do is something that has to be done, and it is not a sin. Even if you kill your spouse and your children. You literally cannot sin. The rules of society do not apply to you. You are above all that.

So Chad Daybell, who had lived the life of a good Mormon, who dedicated all his books to Tammy, his "one and only" could kill his beloved Tammy with impunity, because he was a god, and as a god, he had determined that Tammy must die.

There are little hints that Lori, at least has dropped that she has undergone some sort of spiritual transformation. She is no longer bound by the rules of society.

The SA is something you go thru as a couple. This might account for the fact that Chad and Lori encouraged others to divorce (or kill) their current spouses and take up with a mate who will be a more appropriate candidate for becoming one of the 144,000. The first step, after marrying your new spouse is to go thur the SA and You need a partner to do that It can't be done to a mere individual.

ANYWAY, once you have gone thru the ceremony, ALL THINGS are permissible to you. You have transcended ordinary human experience. You are on a different level. The rules don't apply to you. That would account for the smug look on Lori's face during her initial hearings. The law of the land does not apply to her. To her, this is just a bit of silliness she has to go thru.

But that is what Mormonismm was, to begin with -- climbing your very own stairway to heaven and becoming a god.

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Posted by: auntsukey ( )
Date: September 05, 2021 09:49AM

Totally makes sense. Mormon doctrine run amok.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: September 05, 2021 11:02AM

I don't think that's how psychosis works. Mormonism collects the nuts all in one place.

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Posted by: loislane ( )
Date: September 05, 2021 11:54AM

I think the idea that some people come become gods in this lifetime can turn an ordinary true believer (Chad) into a psychopath.

The idea is the same: I can do whatever I want, and it is not a sin because I am special.

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