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Posted by: newcomer ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 03:09PM

Yes, Mormons have a fan in Dr. Laura. She was dealing with a Mormon caller and went on about how she likes how the church makes those who receive aid work for the church in some capacity.

Over the years, she’s been reserved in talking about Mormonism but I guess she’s no longer holding back.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 03:59PM

Actually, I know of 3 other people who got help and didn't do any charity. Two of them were gay friends of my husband. One was his boyfriend at the time and had never been mormon. He was even stealing from "us." He had stolen a credit card from my husband. The thing that was especially odd about this is that the bishop of the ward he was getting help from is the bishop who was OUR singles' ward bishop and who we dealt with when he "repented" to the bishop for his "sinning" and then they got me sucked in to saving him.

My brother's MIL was an alcoholic and was in jail for beating up her boyfriend when the bishop of her ward was helping her pay her house payment. She had blown through a $100,000 inheritance and he was helping her out.

I was no longer active and hadn't been for a while. It was after my husband left. My brother told me about his MIL's situation and told me to go to the bishop. I got 4 house payments paid, some utilities paid, and food for about 2 years. I didn't do anything and I certainly didn't go back to church. The bishop did call my "husband" to repentance. He knew my husband, had worked in a bishopric with him.

None of the above people did any charity work and I'm the ONLY one who had ever paid any tithing or other donations. So Dr. Laura would be incorrect.

I told other single mothers I worked with who were active mormon to ask for help and none of them got help. It is my experience that a lot of those who get help are missionary projects.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 04:12PM

I was told to count my blessings after my home fire.

My blackened charred walls and smoke/water damaged home didn't look too bad. Some peckerhood leader drove by after work in the dark and said -it didn't look too bad.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 05:29PM

I'm sorry that your ward's leadership was so heartless. I learned the hard way that the chances of getting the smoke smell out after a fire are dismal at best. The dry cleaner where I had dropped some of my nice office clothes off at (many years ago,) caught on fire, and I never could get the smell out of the clothing no matter what I tried. I think I ended up putting in a claim for them with the dry cleaner.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 04:16PM

I bought a "gay to straight" book recommended by Dr Laura for a gay TBM family member. I guess the book kind of worked because he married straight, but I don't think he's very happy.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 04:54PM

I could pretty much guarantee you he isn't happy. Ask most of the gay men who married straight and then ask their wives.

I actually used to listen to her when I'd go pick up my kids from school. I'd go a little early and sit and listen. She is pretty what is a good word? But she helped me in the worst years of my life, helped me focus on what I needed to be doing when I didn't even feel like getting out of bed. I had kids to take care of and she did focus on kids of divorce a lot. I haven't listened to her since they were in school and they will soon be 36.

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Posted by: newcomer ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 05:26PM

I know a gay Mormon who convinced himself that he’s bisexual. So he’s still in denial, but thinks he’s in a loving relationship.

The lengths people go because they’re afraid of dying and no afterlife.

> I could pretty much guarantee you he isn't happy.
> Ask most of the gay men who married straight and
> then ask their wives.
> I actually used to listen to her when I'd go pick
> up my kids from school. I'd go a little early and
> sit and listen. She is pretty what is a good
> word? But she helped me in the worst years of my
> life, helped me focus on what I needed to be doing
> when I didn't even feel like getting out of bed.
> I had kids to take care of and she did focus on
> kids of divorce a lot. I haven't listened to her
> since they were in school and they will soon be
> 36.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 10:42AM

some of my experiences. I had never had sex with a straight guy until 16 years ago when my old boyfriend came back into my life. My ex and I had more sex than you'd assume. Everyone thought we had had it once since I had one pregnancy. Well, his lesbian sister had 3 pregnancies/children and they had sex once.

When I had sex with a straight guy, then I knew the difference and I knew WHY my husband needed to be with a man. Believe it or not, it was just in the past year that I realized he was never interested in me romantically in the least. We've been married 37 years now and it took me that long. I thought he at least was interested in me. Hell, if you weren't interested, why did you even date me? I had other opportunities. I asked him why he didn't marry Jolene (I'm Colleen) so I find that hysterical. Jolene looked him up a few years after he left me as she never got over him. I asked him if he told her he is gay and he said he didn't and I was like WHY NOT! She deserved to know as she is still pining after him.

I know some gay men who have stayed married (we are not a couple) and I am sure my old neighbor growing up never cheated on his wife. I worked with a man actually right after I found out my boyfriend was gay who stayed married and he never told me he is gay, but others had. And my husband knew him from meetup places he'd seen him at.

I would have stayed with my husband forever, but he couldn't. I needed him to stay to raise the kids, but he didn't. Now he's back now that they are raised. We both have boyfriends. I've been with mine for 16 years.

Gay straight marriages are a recipe for disaster. Just look up Josh Weed. Oh, they were SURE, SO SURE it was all going to work out.

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Posted by: newcomer ( )
Date: October 06, 2021 01:24AM

Your stories always get me.

And the church telling gay men to marry straight women. Don’t we deserve people who are sexually attracted to us?

Not gay men and women marrying straight partners so they can fit in?

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 12:39PM

>>And the church telling gay men to marry straight women. Don’t we deserve people who are sexually attracted to us?
Not gay men and women marrying straight partners so they can fit in?

Exactly! That really irritated me too. It's more evidence they really don't care about women at all.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 05:32PM

bradley Wrote:
>> I bought a "gay to straight" book recommended by Dr Laura for a gay TBM family member. I guess the book kind of worked because he married straight, but I don't think he's very happy.

I wonder how happy and fulfilled Dr. Laura would be if she tried to live a gay lifestyle for the rest of her life? When the shoe is on the other foot, it doesn't fit quite so easily, does it?

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Posted by: Northern_lights ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 04:18PM

I am sure market research has shown she has many Mormon fans, since they would love the "advice" she gives out. This take is one of the most basic props a person would give the Mormons who does not know a lot about Mormons, it is like "they take care of their own" or they are "pro family"

She can praise Mormons,without pissing of the Evangelicals that are listening but praising some fluff.

I am sure many Mormon fans think she is this close to taking the discussions though

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Posted by: Gordon B. Stinky ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 10:58AM

Yes, she probably knows little or nothing about Mormons beyond the surface. It's about a schtick that sells. And I'm sure the "make 'em work for it" bit also resonates with her conservative talk show type listeners.

Imagine the notion of a "Christian" group giving away charity with no strings attached...

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: October 04, 2021 05:50PM

She's still on the air? Wow!

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 10:35AM

to pay for. I can't think of the name right now. She moved over to that some years ago and I don't pay for radio. Do they really have to pay for these radio stations?

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Posted by: Northern_lights ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 12:44PM

Yes you do, unless you just bought a car and it comes free a lot of the time, but then you need to pay for it. It is something like $20 a month unless you call to cancel and they will drop it sometimes as low as $5 a month.

There are no ads which is the only plus. The music stations have a very very small play list. It was nice 15 years ago, but is antiquated now almost as much as regular radio.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 04:34PM

I have satellite radio in my truck but I have no clue if she's in SiriusXM and wouldn't listen to her anyway. She was on a Calgary AM station years ago and I could not stand to listen to her.

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Posted by: The original MOI! ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 10:42AM

My radio station of choice back in the day was 1090 CHEC! I still shed a tear when I pass by their building to see the west wall blank where their name was. I'd hear songs I liked, then buy the 45 rpm of it at Woolco in the College Mall. My first 45 was You're So Vain by Carly Simon in 1973. I still have all my wonderful records.

I'm not a radio listener now. Years ago it was Dave Rutherford's show on QR 77 from Calgary. But only when I was in the car.

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Posted by: blindguy ( )
Date: October 06, 2021 12:15PM

Not on the air but on satellite radio. Here's the link to her website

As to why the good doctor can no longer be heard on over-the-air radio, her Wikipedia entry gives some details:

From that article (with the references removed):

"On August 10, 2010, Nita Hanson, a black woman married to a white man, called Schlessinger's show to ask for advice on how to deal with a husband who did not care when she was the subject of racist comments by acquaintances. Schlessinger first replied that "some people are hypersensitive" and asked for some examples from the caller. Hanson informed Schlessinger that her acquaintances had stated, "How you black people do this? You black people like doing that."
Schlessinger responded that her examples were not racist and that "a lot of blacks only voted for Obama simply because he was half black. Didn't matter what he was going to do in office; it was a black thing. You gotta' know that. That's not a surprise." Schlessinger continued by telling the caller that
she had a "chip on [her] shoulder," was "sensitive," and also, "Don't NAACP me," and, "a lot of what I hear from black think ... it's really distressing and disturbing."

When the caller noted that she was referred to as the "n-word" by the individuals in question, Schlessinger complained that blacks are fine with cordially using the slur among themselves, but that it was wrong when whites used it to slur them. In doing so, she uttered the n-word 11 times, albeit not directed at the caller. She discussed the word and its use by blacks and in black media.

When Hanson asked, "Is it ever OK to say that word?" Schlessinger responded, "It depends how it's said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it's OK." After the call Schlessinger said, "If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race."

Early that evening, she wrote an apology to Los Angeles Radio People online journalist Don Barrett. A day later, as soon as she was back on the air, Schlessinger apologized. Hanson questioned the motivation and sincerity of Schlessinger's apology, believing it to be result of being "caught." Hanson also said that Schlessinger did not apologize for her comments on interracial marriage.

Schlessinger announced that, while not retiring from radio, she would end her radio show at the end of 2010:

block quote
I have made the decision not to do radio anymore. I want to regain my First Amendment rights. I want to be able to say what is on my mind.
block quote end

In 2011, she began broadcasting on satellite radio with Sirius XM. Her program is also available as a podcast at iTunes and from her own website."

I think she is a phony.

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Posted by: Gordon B. Stinky ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 11:03AM

Here's an old Vanity Fair piece that enumerates a lot of hypocrisy:

Do as I say, not as I do, or did.

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Posted by: newcomer ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 11:18AM

Then she has a quote from Gandhi about being a teacher because you make mistakes to excuse her hypocrisy like allegedly sleeping her way to the top, working with a young child (something she chews people out for) and other hypocrisies.

Every show is such a train wreck. I listen to it for pure entertainment value.

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Posted by: moehoward ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 11:05AM

I remember listening to Dr. Laura on my commutes in SCalif in the 90s and I enjoyed listening to her advice. I don't remember her discussing gay issues or being heavy on religion. The people usually had absurd problems that a junior high student couldn't have given the same advice. A lot of people start out giving good advice and then they start believing their own press. I'm sure the money influences them also.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 11:33AM

When building a fan base one attempts to be as one-size-fits-all as possible. Mormonism is meeting her half way as fast as it can. They are both diluting.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: October 05, 2021 12:14PM

All I can add is that my brother, who worked in the COB in the Bishops' Storehouse Division (or something like that), says they help people out and expect "at least a little something in return."
That doesn't necessarily sound too "Christlike", but yeah, I can imagine giving a guy a $20 to help him get some food and or helping him rent for a month-one time-- but if I keep helping him out he's gonna probably be asked to lend me a hand with some work around the place.

Jesus: "Hey, Larry, c'mon, you been sleeping on my couch for over a month, can you at least help us move this pool table?" :-)

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Posted by: want2bx ( )
Date: October 07, 2021 03:07PM

Oh sure, the way the LDS church handles its welfare program sounds fair until you get the whole story. What Dr. Laura doesn't understand is that LDS church welfare is generally reserved for church members who quite often also pay tithing. Being a full tithe payer is often a requirement to receive church welfare. Often, members have given in the past or will give in the future after their circumstances improve and it's most likely much more than they'll ever receive in church welfare. The church double dips. It requires tithing and makes those who receive its welfare work for it.

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