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Posted by: valkyriequeen ( )
Date: October 13, 2021 09:08PM

Our daughter just called us and said that her soon to be ex husband called her and said he thinks he may have Covid because all of a sudden, he can't taste or smell and has a couple of other symptoms.

Our daughter (who is the nurse that went to New York) is bringing some Covid tests home tonight and is going to test the grandkids.
(She and the grandkids are living with us until the end of the year.)

This Asspost is refusing so far to get tested. If the grandkids test positive, what legal action can we take against him?

He's planning to go to a comedy show tomorrow night. He is one of those who refuses to wear a mask and refuses to get vaccinated.

Sorry for the venting folks, but I am so angry right now, I can't even think straight or type very well...

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: October 13, 2021 09:26PM

I hope the tests are negative for everyone.

It's frustrating. People like him are the reason we can't get rid of this pandemic.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: October 13, 2021 09:26PM

valkyriequeen Wrote:
> he thinks he
> may have Covid because all of a sudden, he can't
> taste or smell and has a couple of other
> symptoms.

Loss of taste/smell is one of the cardinal symptoms of COVID, as I'm sure your nurse daughter knows. She is right to be very concerned. I'm glad she has access to tests. She will know too that a negative test doesn't give 100% assurance that a person doesn't have the virus. Too, as she knows, a person can be infected with no symptoms at first but still be transmitting the virus to others. This means even if she and the kids test negative they can still be infected and infectious.

I'm so sorry for the distress this situation is causing.

> This Asspost is refusing so far to get tested.

Unbelievably selfish of him.

> what legal action can
> we take against him?

I don't know about this.

> He's planning to go to a comedy show tomorrow
> night. He is one of those who refuses to wear a
> mask and refuses to get vaccinated.

Again with the unbelievably selfish behaviour. This is why I don't go out into crowds (even if masks are mandated). I don't want to go anywhere or see anything badly enough to risk getting sick. Additional bonus, avoiding colds and flu as well. I cannot wrap my head around people being so selfish or uninformed or both as to still refuse to take the smallest precautions against hurting others.

> Sorry for the venting folks, but I am so angry
> right now, I can't even think straight or type
> very well...

Never have to apologize around here for venting, especially when you have good reason to.

Sorry I can't say anything cheery or positive because, COVID.

I guess it's too late for you to isolate from your daughter and grandkids but still you might want to consider trying to distance as much as possible even though you're all under the same roof as well as other precautions such as with eating spaces and not sharing utensils or plates.

I would still be ultra careful even with negative tests for the reason mentioned above.

And I'd be very glad to know my daughter is an experienced, dedicated, capable, careful nurse. All the best to you all. Please let us know how it goes.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: October 13, 2021 10:00PM

He went to some art fair in Midway by Park City for labor day weekend with his YOUNG boyfriend. They had me test 2 days later as I had stronger symptoms and I was positive. My ex got the monoclonal antibodies quickly and he was doing well within a day and, of all things, he went to Yellowstone for 5 days while I was home sick of course. His boyfriend never got it and neither did our son, who is 35 and lives here.

It took me a while to go out as I was afraid I might still be spreading it.

That loss of smell and taste is weird. I can taste soups and things like the old mormon pistachio salad and ice cream. It took a while to be able to eat anything but sherbet. I still feel famished most of the time as when I think about finding something to eat, it makes me sick to think of.

For you and your husband, I'd get tested right away and, if you have it, call about monoclonal antibodies if you fit into the categories like 65 and over, diabetes, high bp, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cancer of course, and overweight. I'm sure I can find the e-mail they had me write to if you are in Utah to a study group of doctors who decide who gets antibodies. I got a call within 30 minutes. Got the antibodies that day. I'm sure they helped me, though at first they actually made quite sick, which usually doesn't happen.

Let me know if you want the e-mail address and I'll look for it.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: October 13, 2021 10:20PM

I'm not sure if you have to give your doctor's name or not.

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Posted by: Lurker 1 ( )
Date: October 15, 2021 04:10PM

What is there to worry about? If you are vaccinated and if vaccinations are effective then you won't get it or spread it. If vaccines aren't effective but still reduce the symptoms then you reduce your chances of major problems by 90%. If vaccinations are not effective then the sooner we all get it and develop natural immunity the sooner this will end. If someone who is unvaccinated catches it from him, that is the chance the person took. I was relieved when it went thru my almost totally vaccinated family and the symptoms were mild. They all have natural immunity now and it turns out I also have natural immunity and didn't even know when I had the virus.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: October 15, 2021 05:49PM


If he is infected and going out in public unprotected, he is a clear danger to the community. This is spectacularly irresponsible. I'd notify his employer.

Vaccinations are effective, but they are not 100% effective. Your chances of getting infected are much lower, and your chances of being infectious yourself if you should get infected are also lower, but they are not zero.

The grandchildren are not immunized. There is very low risk of serious illness or death, but again, it is not zero, so why needlessly expose yourself to risk?

You seem to be very impressed with "natural immunity". Like vaccination immunity, it is not 100% effective. I know of no studies that show it is more effective than vaccine-induced immunity, and several that show natural immunity is more variable both in effectiveness against other variants, and in duration of effectiveness.

Short version: it may be as good, but is likely no better than vaccines, and may be less effective. And of course getting natural immunity runs a much higher risk of killing or incapacitating you, which is kind of a downside.

True, most people recover just fine, but most people recovered just fine from polio too. [I looked it up, and was surprised that most cases of polio had the symptoms of a cold. Rates of paralysis and death were comparable to rates of "long-covid" and death from covid.]

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Posted by: valkyriequeen ( )
Date: October 15, 2021 06:23PM

Thanks you guys for your input; I appreciate it very much.

We are all negative; what a relief! The outlaw son in law is positive.

He wound up not going to the comedy show,but not because he had a sudden epiphany about decency towards others, but because he knew one of us (especially me) would let the place know if he showed up.

So glad that he moved out 5 months ago.

The grandkids are too young to get vaccinated yet, but like I've said in other posts, the rest of us are vaccinated and my antibody test showed a very strong red line.

I almost see it as karma in a way because of his selfish, stupid attitude; I don't feel sorry for him one bit.

Again, thanks to you all for your comments. It really helps to be able to vent.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: October 15, 2021 07:26PM

Well, he's an ex for a reason, right? I'm sorry that all of you have had to go through that. Hopefully the kids can get vaccinated before too long.

I don't know how Covid affects custody and visitation rights for parents. Your daughter could consult a lawyer about that.

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