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Posted by: Sharapata ( )
Date: November 05, 2021 08:23PM

Great! Another disincentive to go. You are on your own to bring your own meal.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: November 05, 2021 10:33PM

Just a statement as a matter of fact, no explanation or rationale why the poor church is overburdened by providing meal services for a handful of church volunteers.

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Posted by: Curelom Joe ( )
Date: November 05, 2021 11:23PM

"After careful consideration, and to simplify operations," they will close 20 out of the 22 temple cafeterias early in 2022, and phase out the other two over a somewhat longer period because no reasons given.

"To simplify operations?" How complex is it to run a cafeteria in the same place in the same way with the same captive customer-base, and joyful member-employees, as has always been done?

There are only 22, however, and there are far more temples and McTemples than that now. So in the grand scheme of the COB, no big deal.

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Posted by: Sharapata ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 12:27AM

> There are only 22, however, and there are far more
> temples and McTemples than that now. So in the
> grand scheme of the COB, no big deal.

I suppose that's true, but we also know thst not all temples are created equally. The affected temples are the biggest and busiest in the Church, definitely not the appointment only McTemples that never had a cafeteria to begin with.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 12:17AM

So, that means the temple workers are not there long enough to need a meal?

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Posted by: Sharapata ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 02:08AM

My question is are the cafeteria workers paid employees of the Church? If so, and I am assuming so, they are all about to lose their jobs.

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Posted by: Dallin Ox ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 01:25AM

Will they be replaced by overpriced vending machines?

Rasband to Stevenson, over a catered prime rib au jus at church HQ:

"Hey Gary, d'ya think we can get 'em <<chomp chomp chew>> to fork over three bucks for a Snickers?"

Stevenson to Rasband:

"Should be easy, Ron <<chomp>> if we tell 'em to fast the day before. <<chew chomp>> These loaded mashed potatoes are really good, aren't they? What's for dessert, vanilla bean crème brûlée?"

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 02:19AM

Two Words:


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Posted by: Josephs Myth ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 03:06AM

Now I don't have my most sacred restaurant place anymore!

How sad, huh?

That comment about a maybe a coffee or snick-snack vending machines in the temple was precious!

You never know where the chuckle can come from, now and then ..

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 06:46AM

As a former Elder’s Quorum President having a cafeteria that served very good roast beef for a very reasonable price in the temple helped me avoid getting reprimanded by our A-Hole stake president on low temple attendance. This nut job told me he wanted every Elder to have a temple recommend.

I can tell you without that cafeteria with the roast beef that the Elders so loved the temple attendance stats would be much lower. They were willing to do the the silly temple shit to get to the cafeteria after.

We always had to schedule roast beef night because that was the main priority. It also taught me most members really don’t care about temple work that much. It really isn’t a high priority for most the people in a ward.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 07:35AM

The church leaders seem bound and determined to suck everything away from the church that made it enjoyable for the members. The temple cafeterias were a part of that. The church leaders also drained money away from the wards that had been used for fun activities such as dances, dinners, and road shows. Everything has to have a "gospel purpose." Every spare cent needs to be sent to Salt Lake City.

Even IKEA knows that an in-house cafeteria with some tasty food serves as a magnet to draw people to their stores, and to keep them there.

The beatings will continue until morale improves, right?

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 02:39AM

What the church can’t do is loosen it’s grip. I would say during the David O McKay years the church became more focused on fellowship and activities. But the church was finding providing fun activities and enjoyable fellowship was creating good memories but not necessarily making the members true believers.

The church now wants to program the youth into being obedient believers. It’s all about believing a narrative and not about fun or fellowship. I find it a huge mistake. It might backfire badly on the church.

I really don’t care about the church but I do care about the psychological damage this does to people. Micromanaging what people think is not good. Most people attend a church to enjoy the company of people who have similar beliefs and values. Nobody is going to see things the same way. If you try to force what to believe on people you have overstepped the line.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 10:59AM

about the temple. She and a few friends would go to a session and then eat dinner. She talked about it and I always wanted to try it out, but never "got to." I went so few times. Just one of those things I didn't get to experience in the temple like sitting down in the celestial room. I missed out on so much because of my rebelliousness.

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Posted by: Tyson Dunn (not logged in) ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 11:27AM

I remember hanging out in the playroom with my siblings waiting for my folks to do their thing and then joining them in the sealing room.

It was a long day for us three little kids, and the cafeteria definitely took a load off us as a family. I’m sure we could have left there and found somewhere to go in late 1970s Montgomery County, Maryland.

But what the church leadership forget is that having to leave to get food thrusts people right back out “into the world”. There’s no whiplash of going back and forth from the spiritual to the secular.

And this is a tell - a tell that there is in fact no difference. That the temple isn’t really anything special. Otherwise, the leadership would care about families that travel, diabetics, elderly, disabled, and so forth.

I note that we shouldn’t be surprised. If I remember correctly, they had already gotten rid of clothing rental and laundries.

Do they still have Beehive Clothing on-site? If not, this might be a way to remove all monetary operations from temples.


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Posted by: Tyson Dunn (not logged in) ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 11:30AM

“I’m not sure we could have left there…”
“There is a whiplash…”

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Posted by: ~ufotofu~ ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 12:17PM

Tyson Dunn (not logged in) Wrote:
> ... this might be a way to remove all monetary
> operations from temples.
> Tyson

JESUS, shouldn't this have been done a long time ago? WASN'T that done 2,000 + years ago?

EVERYTHING in tMc (the mormon 'church') GOES AGAINST itself, religion in general, spirituality, common sense, decency, morality, the 'Book end of Morman', and lovely people everywhere.

Mormonizm taught me as a kid that NO MONEY in the temples...

LIARS! Money everywhere. Of course its in the temples, in the walls and in the closets...

I heard tell that they are closing the bapdismal fonts for good next year.

Great places to stash the stash!

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Posted by: Mr. Rogers ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 01:47AM

Thank YOU for capitalizing for EMPHASIS

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Posted by: lurking in ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 01:12AM

Mr. Rogers Wrote:
> Thank YOU for capitalizing for EMPHASIS

Can you say "SARCASTIC" (or maybe it's "SARDONIC")? I know that you can.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 02:29PM

> ... this is a tell - a tell that
> there is in fact no difference.
> That the temple isn’t really any-
> thing special. Otherwise, the leader-
> ship would care about families that
> travel, diabetics, elderly, disabled,
> and so forth.

I agree. The temples with no nearby, neighboring, temples should have Ronald McMormon Houses.

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Posted by: RPackham ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 12:09PM

Perhaps the Brethren are realizing that the cafeterias were contrary to scripture:

The temple is to be a "house of fasting." (D&C 109:16) "And that this house may be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, ..."

Fasting has never been a part of the temple rituals. Any Mormons who may feel the need to fast before entering the temple are not doing so in obedience to this command.

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Posted by: Concerned ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 12:31PM

The Alberta Temple always had a great food and great pies. Ther was something special about doing a session then sitting down with the wife in the temple having dinner together. Dusty sure knows how to take away small pleasures. Some temple having vending machines in them. I would like to know who has the contact for those and what connections they have to the top brethren!!!!

So basically it it is in, do a session and then leave now. How I miss those days when we took 2 days to drive to the Washington Temple and spend a day in the temple. Good food, good companionship, great discussions on all topics, lots of singing, etc. Now its get to temple, dress, do session and get out. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. My question is why do the top guys not see this? It might have to do with lack of people wanting to serve in the temple. I have a friends who used to work in the Toronto temple and he told me hardly anyone attended and that was before covid.

I have two male friends where I live. TBM's and they served only a short time as temple workers and quit!!! When I asked them why, they were hesitate to tell me except to say they were disappointed in how things are run in the temple. Maybe that is also an issue too.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 02:47AM

The BB King song The Thrill is Gone comes to mind. Sure there is initial excitement with a new temple but that’s short lived. Then there is the whole process of running it and attending it. Too many temples is going to cause temple burnout.

I think building so many temples is short sighted. It’s going to even burn out the more active members.

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Posted by: ~ufotofu~ ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 12:54PM

RPackham Wrote:
> Perhaps the Brethren are realizing that the cafeterias were contrary to scripture:

> The temple is to be a "house of fasting." (D&C 109:16) "And that this house may be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, ..."

> Fasting has never been a part of the temple rituals. Any Mormons who may feel the need to fast before entering the temple are not doing so in obedience to this command.

True, however, they can't.
Their "church"-temple won't let them.

And: They are doing it because 》they are planning to eat At The Temple《?

Maybe that is why tMc is finally - reluctantly for some - CHANGING THIER WAYS, members pointing things like this out, and some making a stink over it [mormonism stinks anyway]. (Mis)"leaders" finally beginning to read their 'strictures' [something that closely restrains or limits : RESTRICTION; moral strictures] or glance at their structures.

Well, if they are trying to get rid of ALL the Oxy Morons/ CATCH-22s/ limitations/ subversions/ booby traps and pitfalls - and problems/ negativity - they will be trying to the last days, and hours. But Not OURS!

We can see right through those plastic houses. Avoiding liability? They would rather KEEP PEOPLE MOVING...

Money in the temples... THEY LIE to the children, to the world, to each other.

If they could somehow make the Mormon bom and ALL other strictures disappear (hmmm, like get taken up into hellO by a dangling angel), and bring forth overflowing love and light and truth and acceptance OF EVERYONE, with equality and universal peace, like the book or bad man acting might have read IF IT WAS WRITTEN PROPERLY.

Had Joseph Smith written stuff properly - and IF the Mormon 'church' represented him (and "the 'church'") properly, there might be a more spiritual tack TSCC could take, but as it stands, with all the darkness, and bs, hate and mixed messages, etc. All TSCC can do is CHANGE.

They can't get rid of the strictures... FAST ENOUGH
So, they read.them, and change to appear differently

Than before

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 01:19PM

This was sooooo important it was actually on the local news on TV. LOL.

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Posted by: ziller ( )
Date: November 06, 2021 02:21PM

in b 4 ~

shaved prime rib ~

melted gruyere ~

roasted garlic aioli ~

natural jus ~

sourdough baguette ~

and ~

fries ~

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Posted by: lurking in ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 01:38AM

"It's like Sizzler started a cult!"

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Posted by: lurking in ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 01:48AM

Some non-member dude wanted to check out what goes on inside a temple, so he borrowed a recommend from a (non-believer, apparently) member friend. After going through an endowment session he went to the cafeteria...but he asked for a COFFEE (D'oh!). Confusion, loud laughter and excommunication ensued.

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Posted by: moremany-ME ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 03:11PM

That's great. What (temporal) "fun"!

Two got exxxed for the price of one!

Speaking of seminary, I grew up in a town named [Zion] Seminary, so I went to seminary in Seminary. Ironically, we didn't go to REAL seminary, where you learn about the church and all that, but to the Mormon 'church', where we all learned and memorized - and chaste/ got chased - pretend and made up FACTS (fiction) about what it means to be a moron, how void it all is of personal autonomy, TRUE spirituality, pure FREE-AGENCY, and the nonsense that makes up Mormon'z HIS-story. Someone says, "so, you went to seminary", assuming you could LEARN SOMETHING in seminary, until they realize it is purely a cult, posing as a "church". It's just a milking organization. It has a LARGE fleecing department... and it will Take Everything You've Got if you don't watch out.

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Posted by: allegro ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 10:11PM

I remember working at This is the Place bookstore in Kensington MD. I went to the DC Temple frequently. The main reason I enjoyed going so much was meeting friends in the cafeteria. One of very few fond memories being a church member. It seems the leadership, for awhile now, has been taking away every opportunity for people to have a sense of community.

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Posted by: subeamnotlogedin ( )
Date: November 07, 2021 10:50PM

So I googled average wage for deseret industry worker and it said.
"The average Deseret Industries hourly pay ranges from approximately $16 per hour for a Sales Associate to $12 per hour for a Lead Associate. ... Deseret Industries employees attributed a compensation and benefits rating of 3.3/5 stars to their company.Oct 26, 2021"
Maybe the kitchen staff gets paid and so they would save money by shutting down the cafeteria? Or is the cafeteria run by senior missionaries and they do it for free?

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Posted by: Bicentennial Ex ( )
Date: November 08, 2021 01:55AM

Ok, careful readers will note that what is referred to as a
cafeteria was called a refectory in official church (or Church)
publications. Look it up! Note also the distinction.


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