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Posted by: eternal1 ( )
Date: January 24, 2022 01:27PM

This is an old article from October, didn't realize until I read it. lol

The church declared caffeinated soda and hot chocolate OK in 2012, but this article is saying:

"Whether it’s cold brew, lattes, Frappuccinos or some other Starbucks concoction, it’s pretty much all against the gospel, the church says."

"“Green tea and black tea are both made from the leaves of the exact same tea plant. They’re both tea and against the Word of Wisdom.”

So, is is the caffeine that makes it forbidden? If so, why is caffeinated soda and hot chocolate ok?

Is it because tea is a hot drink (usually)? If so, why is hot chocolate ok? Or hot soup for that matter? And what about all those herbal teas that are perfectly fine to drink?

Meanwhile, "In a church survey conducted earlier this year, nearly a third of respondents indicated that they had used at least one or more of the Word of Wisdom’s forbidden substances in the past six months. According to an analysis of the survey by the Religion in Public blog, 35% of church members said they consume coffee, 25% consume tea and 25% consume alcohol. The survey also found that younger Mormons are less likely to feel it’s vital to avoid coffee and tea drinks, and that as much as 70 percent of church members consume caffeinated soda."

This has always been a confusing thing for me as it has always seemed hypocritical to be ok with one but not the other. During a temple recommend interview one time, I asked about the eating meat only in time of winter or famine thing, cuz I definitely wasn't following that and he said neither did anyone else, so, it really didn't matter. They were really only worried about the coffee (cuz caffeine) but other forms didn't count. Since I didn't drink any of it at the time, it didn't matter too much for me, but, it was always a huge brick on my shelf of Mormon hypocrisy. This article just triggered it. I know the WoW was all about the Temperance movement of the time, but they seem to pick random things to hate without any real reason. It's almost as if it's just a control thing and they're making it up as they go. Things that make you say hmmm.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 24, 2022 01:58PM

> "In a church survey conducted
> earlier this year, nearly a
> third of respondents indicated
> that they had used at least one
> or more of the Word of Wisdom’s
> forbidden substances in the past
> six months.  According to an
> analysis of the survey by the
> Religion in Public blog, 35% of
> church members said they consume
> coffee, 25% consume tea and 25%
> consume alcohol.  The survey
> also found that younger Mormons
> are less likely to feel it’s
> vital to avoid coffee and tea
> drinks and that as much as 70
> percent of church members consume
> caffeinated soda."

Good, cuz that just means more room for me to stretch out in the CK.

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