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Date: September 26, 2022 02:41PM
This has been on my mind lately:
Here in Southern CA, there are a TON of members involved in the Senior Care/Elder Care/Managed Care businesses. Facilities mostly, but everything in-between home healthcare and acute managed care. And these members almost all seem to have the following three characteristics:
1. Incredibly wealthy and successful in their businesses. They all live in multi-million dollar homes, drive $100k plus cars, and have all of the toys associated with extreme wealth.
2. All of them seem to be Bishops, Stake Presidents, Mission Presidents, High Council Members, Stake Leadership, General Authorities, etc. It's an old-boys'club, and they all feel inspired to call their buddies into positions of leadership. In recent times, there were 4 bishops, two members of the Stake Presidency, and 5 members of the High Council in our Stake, and very similar in the Stake next to us, who were owners/leaders in these types of companies. I mean, come on, does the Lord only call owners of Senior care companies and attorneys to run TSCC?
3. Almost all of their businesses have been sued multiple times by disgruntled patrons, and especially the Federal Government, for things like Medicare fraud, billing fraud, etc.
This to me is the clincher. I don't fault them for being successful and wealthy, but when they do it by defrauding people and the government, that's where I have a problem. So many of them have settled, etc., so it makes very little news.
Why aren't more people talking about this? Is this a secret? You could literally make a list of these companies in Southern CA and see how many of their company leadership also corresponds to Church leadership positions. And then see how many of them have had legal issues with their companies.
I brought this up once to two of them, who were both bishops, and they laughed and blamed it on the government. They said that if you aren't pushing the envelope, there's no way to make money and survive.
Back when I was an active card-carrying member, I thought of the temple recommend interview question, "are you honest in all of your dealings with your fellow-man?"
How much hypocrisy is there in that statement by the two bishops? It makes me sick.