Posted by:
Date: January 28, 2023 06:09AM
As I have not stepped foot in a Mormon church (and fast and testimony meeting) in well over a decade, I wondered if testimonies were the same pat blah-blah of, “I know this church is the only true church, I know that the BoM is the word of god and the Bible so long as it has been translated correctly. I know that Joseph Smith and Russell full-Nelson are prophets, seers and revelators, etc”
I just wonder if members will be able to testify to anything doctrinal, at all, as the certainties of past truth claims have started to fall by the wayside. I found the restoration-circling-the-drain post extremely fascinating as claims that Mormonism was THE restored church of Jesus Christ was one of the only reasons for people to actually hold fast to a very uncomfortable, unsettling and potentially abusive iron rod. What to say now?