Posted by:
Date: February 03, 2023 07:22PM
summer Wrote:
> I sincerely hope that you are not
> subjecting yourself to another high-control group
> such as the JWs or Scientology. You are coming out
> of a high-control faith, and you deserve a break
> from that way of thinking.
Having dipped my toe (literally) in both the Mormon font and the JW pool, I yell a hearty AMEN to your timely caution, summer.
I had this fleeting thought too when the OP said that joining this religion "will be an event". It doesn't sound like s/he is going to be able to just slip into the back pew and stay apart and anon, at least not at this point where a ceremony is booked (it sounds like).
As a point of reference, I found the JWs to be more controlling/oppressive than Mormons, by far, due to their isolationist ideas and strict expectations, up to and including not just letting people leave quietly but publicly excommunicating them for doing so, ensuring that other JWs will not even speak to them in passing in the street (not allowed to engage with such despicable sinners as those who used to know "The Truth" and chose to leave it - most serious sin possible in their book).
However, I had more fun with the JWs than with the Mormons so what does that say, about both groups, - and me - I'm not even sure.
With the JWs, they don't WANT you to join until you've read all their literature and are fully aware of doctrine and practice.
With the Mormons, you're OK to jump into the font asap and, according to their fervent promise, you'll learn what you need to know after that. Yeah, well, that didn't happen.
I would highly recommend taking time to decompress from one demanding faith before joining any other, for sure. But it sounds as if the OP left Mormonism a good while ago as "years" are mentioned.
Again, I would caution that, as strange as it sounds to BICs, the Mormon church felt familiar to me because they have a lot in common with JWs, in my experience, plus it was people inviting me to attend who I thought were good (and real) friends, not just strangers who wanted to convert me without even knowing me.
It seems impossible to outsiders but I enjoyed the JWs, at first, as I had friends in it as well. However, as with the Mormons, the moment you start asking questions they're happy to see the back of you. That has been my experience twice.
If a person wants to find another church, I'd highly recommend trying out as many as possible and choosing one that is truly "mainstream" where they're free to choose the time and promises they want to give to it and the extent to which they want to get involved.
I am definitely wary now of bait and switch-type attempts, especially when it comes to religion. I visualize it now as akin to buying a house - would you sign the contract and fork over a fortune without checking out the basement and the back yard? Thoroughly? And maybe do a repeat visit?
I seriously hope I would never jump first and ask questions later. Twice is already twice too many for one lifetime.
> Not every
> faith is "all in" as the Mormons are.
Absolutely. A live and let live attitude can be a most enjoyable experience.
> Last, it can be very difficult for exmos to shake
> the black-and-white thinking that is the bedrock
> of Mormonism, whether they join a new church or
> faith, or not.
Yeah. I want all the colours of the rainbow now. The only black and white I still admire is that of my cherished ancient family photographs.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2023 07:25PM by Nightingale.