Posted by:
Date: March 19, 2023 03:22PM
You know the War I'm talking about! The one in which some people were "on the fence" and suffered, until 1978, as a result of their lackluster behavior. I'm assuming the post-1978 spirits were less lackluster than their forebearers.
Given that probably 100 billion humans have been born since "modern man" evolved (or over the last 6,023 years, take your pick), and only 100 million have been blessed to be members of the True Religion, one has to suppose that there were 99,900,000,000 non-officers, leaving us (assuming you were either BIC or baptized) to be the officers.
When first exploring this theme, I figured that as a Lamanite, and not born into the church, I might have risen as high as Gunnery Sargeant during that holy war.
But that can't be, no matter how unworthy I may feel now. I had to have been an officer, but I doubt I had much to do with actual combat. I'm thinking I was probably in charge of a motor pool somewhere in the Pre-Existence domain. And I probably got caught mailing a jeep home, part by part... I can imagine the ceremony where they ripped off my good conduct medal! Thank goodness my mom had an in with Elohim!
What was your rank in the Great War of the Pre-Existence?
Did you see a lot of action?