schrodingerscat Wrote: --------------------------- > …will never be understood > much less believed by the > masses.”
> --Plato
The smarter of Mickey's two dogs.
What exactly lies beyond the shadows and lies of a culture? And just because you can spot a lie doesn't mean you know the truth.
And what to do about those who CAN see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture but then just create their own personal set of shadows and lies for their convenience and profit?
Pretty soon you've got a horde of people denouncing the supposed current set of shadows and lies and coming up with their own scripts, including the promotion of Einsteinism and other assorted stuff and things!
"What exactly lies beyond the shadows and lies of a culture?"
COMMENT: Presumably 'the truth.' After all, if one claims to be able to spot a lie, there must be *some* underlying background truth that is inconsistent with that lie, even if such background truth is elusive in its details. __________________________________________
"And just because you can spot a lie doesn't mean you know the truth."
COMMENT: No, but surely being able to spot a lie (being a good 'lie-spotter') is a modest start in approaching 'the truth.' After all, acknowledging that there is a 'truth' is an important first step in discovering shadows and lies! __________________________________________
"And what to do about those who CAN see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture but then just create their own personal set of shadows and lies for their convenience and profit?"
COMMENT: Hopefully, good 'lie-spotters' can also spot such creations as also shadows and lies. _____________________________________
"Pretty soon you've got a horde of people denouncing the supposed current set of shadows and lies and coming up with their own scripts, including the promotion of Einsteinism and other assorted stuff and things!"
COMMENT: Maybe, but some such scripts will likely prove more truthful than others. After all, Einstein was an expert 'lie-spotter' who didn't do that badly in his search for truth! (Opps! Did that make me an Einsteinian?) _________________________________________
So then, given all you have so graciously pointed out as 'the truth' about lies and shadows, what should be the appropriate response to someone who proposes their own "script" or otherwise claims to be a 'lie-spotter?'
(1) Call out every statement or opinion as just another shadow and lie? (Unless, of course, you agree with it.) (2) Deny that there is any truth at all beyond shadows and lies? (Except what you personally find appealing.) (3) Deny that there are any 'lie-spotting' skills, or good 'lie-spotters'? (Except yourself, of course, when opining about shadows and lies.)
Or . . . when all else fails:
(4) Insult the supposed 'lie-spotter' for daring to think that truth is really out there and really matters, or otherwise daring to challenge your own preferred "scripts?"
I actually had a head of marketing for a Casino in LA, tell me about his firm, “We eschew contrivances, including this sentence.”
I laughed. But he was serious. I asked my Boss afterwards, “We eschew contrivances? What does that mean?” He laughed and said he had no idea. I said what isn’t a contrivance? Clothes are a contrivance. Food is a contrivance. Shelter is a contrivance. Money is a contrivance. Time is a contrivance. How do you eschew any of that?
You can’t. It’s total nonsense.
Or in the words of Bill Barr, ‘Oh, it’s bullshit.”
"Those who are able to see beyond the meat and potatoes on their their dinnerware will never be understood by those that eat only processed foods with their hands." Plate
If history were solely written by the victors, we would have no independent history of Ukraine; of African-Americans in the slave trade; of atrocities against Native Americans. We would know nothing of what is happening in Xinjiang or what occurred in Tibet or about India before 1947.
Sweeping generalizations are usually just excuses for not thinking at all. As you know.