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Posted by: madeguy ( )
Date: March 24, 2023 08:48PM

The spell is created by subliminal suggestions delivered in 'talks' by general authorities.

They're not trying to get your approval. they couldn't care less about you.

They're manipulating your will. The goal is to reinforce your belief system in TSCC, every time they speak.

The people on this board know better. Do you see it?

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Posted by: PHIL ( )
Date: March 24, 2023 08:59PM

Yes Its all very clear to me now! I will now obey all that the board tells me.

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Posted by: Tahoe Girl ( )
Date: March 24, 2023 09:44PM

Seventeen years ago when I was learning the truth about Mormonism, I felt like I was coming out of a dream. The indoctrination and brainwashing had been very effective. When the spell was lifted, I was able to see it for what it was, and see and accept reality.

And yes, they are very manipulative.


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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: March 25, 2023 08:51AM

What has been very clear to me, looking at the church from the outside, is *how much time* Mormons spend being indoctrinated. They have had the three (now two) hour block, callings which often take an absurd amount of time, early morning seminary, missions, etc. Few other churches even come close to that level of indoctrination. I can see why it is so difficult to escape the mental chains.

Plus, you have frequently enforced demands such as tithing, the WoW, and the near cult-like, unquestioning worship of church leaders.

I think that it can be difficult to walk away from the mental conditioning of any religion, but Mormonism even more so.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: March 25, 2023 10:57AM

Please. Don’t give them too much credit. My BYU film production class took a field trip to the Salt Lake Tabernacle to learn how General Conference was lit and filmed.

They used some neat lighting techniques but one thing I learned is all talks are pre-written so they can be translated into multiple languages. Unless the speaker memorized their talk they read a Tele-prompter.

Most people don’t read prompters well. They lose the dynamics of their speaking and the talk becomes stale. The worst was Richard D Scott. He sounded horrible at conference. I saw him give a talk in a ward building and he sounded much better because he wasn’t reading a prompter.

People stay in the church for many reasons. Does the church use mind control techniques? Sure but so did your parents and teachers at school. Is there any occult magic going on? Unless you are an evangelical or baptist the answer is no. If you are the Mormon leadership are summoning Belzebub every chance they can in Lucifer’s temple.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: March 25, 2023 11:34AM

u didn't mention garments wich many TBMs fawn over.
Can't sleep nude with your spouse or go skinny-dipping at a secluded place on a hot day?

yup, that's a CULT.

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