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Posted by: selena ann ( )
Date: March 25, 2023 12:09PM

Despite my hatred of mormonism, I have some fond memories. I was wanting to track down missionaries that baptized me and missionaries I had over for dinner. I spent half my mormon time in Macomb Illinois and the other half in Clarksville Tenn?

Any of you guys on here by chance? I know it is a long shot. I am guessing most of them are still TBMs

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Posted by: Sterling Skouson ( )
Date: March 25, 2023 08:29PM

Spent many weeks tracting in Macomb, Peoria, Pekin and surrounding areas in the mid 1970s. Actually spent an afternoon after a zone conference in Nauvoo one spring day tracting in Carthage, Illinois. Long time ago.

Never baptized anyone in Macomb. More successful in Springfield and Jacksonville.

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Posted by: Selena ann ( )
Date: March 25, 2023 09:26PM

I wasn't even
born in 70s lol

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