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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: March 31, 2023 06:48AM

In the original spirit of this forum- recovery- I am going to announce my personal triumph over attitudes and fears that have dominated most of my life. I know that everybody here shares the same emotions. Here is my manifesto.

They do not own love. They do not own sex. They do not own happiness. They do not own love. They do not own morality (that one should be obvious). They do not own God. And they sure as hell do not own me.

About the only thing they do own is vast stretches of real estate.

Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2023 09:46AM by slskipper.

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Posted by: Soft Machine ( )
Date: March 31, 2023 07:36AM

You're quite right. Here's the soundtrack:

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: March 31, 2023 08:49AM

They also don't own the afterlife, assuming one exists. People have different beliefs and thoughts about what might happen after we die. The Mormons don't get to bully others to their way of thinking.

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Posted by: tensolator ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 07:44AM

summer Wrote:
> They also don't own the afterlife, assuming one
> exists. People have different beliefs and thoughts
> about what might happen after we die. The Mormons
> don't get to bully others to their way of
> thinking.

When Neil Maxwell was with us he sat with PBS and was interviewed for a segment of Searching for God in America. I recall it was quite cordial. The interviewer asked him if only Mormons would go the the highest level of Heaven. He answered yes. The the interviewer asked about Albert Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, and maybe the Dali Lama. Would they not be allowed in Heaven? This is where Neil Maxwell broke the mold. He stated that when was 21 he would have said no. Then he qualified his answer with: in his present age, and having lived life, he basically said I believe they will. He could not say they would not. I sat with my mouth hanging. I had just heard it. Time passed, the interview came up in discussion here or there. A year ago? I thought about it, found the interview on YouTube and watched it. That part was edited out. So yes, by using blunt tactics or slight of hand, they do get to tell us they own the afterlife. That does not mean they are right.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2023 07:46AM by tensolator.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: April 01, 2023 02:47AM

I love you

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Posted by: OP ( )
Date: April 02, 2023 05:27PM

They don't even own that. It's temporal! Portfolio

They only own members... but not themselves.

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Posted by: madeguy ( )
Date: April 07, 2023 09:50PM

They're deeply entrenched in the psyche of members who have been indoctrinated since birth. Good for you for rooting out the falsehoods that kept you marching in lock step.

Of course they don't own you, but they would if you let them.

You're totally free. You always have been.

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Posted by: SirMatthewHale ( )
Date: April 07, 2023 10:02PM

I'm just here to beat my chest.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: April 08, 2023 12:18AM

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