Posted by:
Silence is Golden
Date: April 03, 2023 01:15AM
Several times it has been brought up, that when the current prophet contradicts past ones, then the current one is right, because now it is updated revelation. Unless of course the other was speaking as a man.
So I pose this question?
Why is anybody, especially Mormanism using the bible? If Rusty superceeds all others, and he is right and past ones are now outdated and\or speaking as men.
Then why do we even consider the bible scripture anymore, and why do Mormons consider the Book of Mormon scripture anymore. If they use the clause of "speaking as a man" or "modern revelation". Then past teaching or writings may be no longer relevant. And if God is perfect, then current teachings cannot contradict old teachings. Otherwise, the speaking as a man or current inspiration clause negates those prior writings. Then again perhaps the old writings were correct, and they negate the current teachings. If this old is right, then the BOM has been negated, and we need to go back to stoning people for picking up sticks on the sabbath.
I mean Christ was a prophet, per what I was taught as a youth?
Mormanism has thrown 100,000 marbles on the floor and is telling us its our fault if we slip and hurt ourselves.