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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: April 05, 2023 11:35PM

I can think of a few TBMs who became widows/widowers. In a few instances it was due to a tragedy. These people remarried fairly quickly (IMO)...less than a year after spouse passed away. Each of them were sealed to the new spouse.

So when the TBM spouse dies, does anything happen to their celestial marriage, or are these people now polygamists? It must be so confusing for the children involved. It's very cringey to me.

I never went through the temple of doom beyond baptisms at age 14, so the 'marriage' stuff is pretty foreign to me.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: April 05, 2023 11:46PM

The temple marriage is still in effect so they are polygamists according to their beliefs. As far as the state is concerned, they are legal because only one spouse is living. Mormons believe that polygamy will be practiced in the Celestial Kingdom so they prefer to get a head start.

So I'm not sure widowers get the same benefits as widows. I think competing husbands are supposed to sort it out in the afterlife. Which is when I plan to catch up on my tithing.

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Posted by: tensolator ( )
Date: April 05, 2023 11:47PM

That does cause issues. I know a lady, her first husband died young. She remarried, young. She has probably been married to husband number two forty years. Then that Paint Your Wagon scenario begins. She has weaponised their marriage. She tells the poor bastard if he doesn't fly straight she will spend eternity with husband number one. I have watched her do this. She is just ugly inside. She makes the assumption she is headed to the top.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: April 05, 2023 11:52PM

Second husband should say, "Your first husband appeared to me the temple. I told him he could have you."

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Posted by: moehoward ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 10:10AM

Second husband should put his clothes in his car and drive....

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 04:30AM

I can't help you understand it because it is total nonsense born from one man's sex drive.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2023 04:30AM by slskipper.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 12:13PM

This is where the church tries to cover up one of Joseph's greatest sins.

On the simplistic end, I can talk of my case. My mother died shortly after my birth. My father remarried about 9 months later.

At the time, having a very young child, it was accepted that he didn't wait the traditional year.

Both wives were married in the temple.

For myself and my half brothers, it was never an issue that according to church teachings, Dad had two wives and would have both for all eternity.

But the reverse is a different story.

My aunt remarried after her husband was killed in WW II. She had children with both men.

According to old church teaching, as taught by Joseph Smith, Joseph F Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith and Heber J Grant, all of my aunt's children by her second husband would belong to her first husband in the next life.

The specific case in point is Heber J Grant himself. Grant's mother was sealed to Joseph Smith. She later remarried after Joseph died and had children, specifically Heber.

When introducing Heber, he was often introduced as Joseph Smith's son by both Joseph Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith.

In fact, Heber was held up as fulfilling a prophecy the Joseph's descendants would one day lead the church.

Now the great sin, in my opinion.

Joseph would take women as his eternal wives even when the first husband was alive. In my case Patty Sessions and her daughter Sylvia Lyons were both sealed to Joseph and at least in Sylvia's case had sex with Joseph.

They both considered themselves Joseph's wives AND claimed that all their children and descendants now belong to Joseph.

It wasn't until recently that the enormity of this sunk in.

If the church was correct, then myself and thousands of my relatives were literally ripped from our true families, true fathers, true lineage and added to that of Joseph.

Joseph wrecked the families of so many followers for his own greed and lust.

Yes we focus on the sexual aspect of what he did, but there was some financial gains as well.

So in the end. Yes, if it was all true I was fine with my father being a celestial polygamist, but no I'd rather be sealed to my true family vs being sealed to Joseph.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 04:31PM

>If the church was correct, then myself and thousands of my relatives were literally ripped from our true families, true fathers, true lineage and added to that of Joseph.

I am not aware of any instance in which actual family trees were changed beyond the standard rules of family trees, regardless of what the church teaches about who is sealed to whom. Nobody was literally ripped from their family, and it's a stretch to even say they were figuratively ripped from their family.

>Yes we focus on the sexual aspect of what he did, but there was some financial gains as well.

Like what? The legal rules of inheritance still applied, regardless of who the church claims was sealed to whom.

>So in the end. Yes, if it was all true I was fine with my father being a celestial polygamist, but no I'd rather be sealed to my true family vs being sealed to Joseph.

I, Jerry's Brother, do hereby cancellate your sealination by the power invested in me by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, in the name of Newman's Own Marinara Sauce. Bon Apetit.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 05:35PM

Great post, Heartless.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 01:07PM

One of the lesser-known truths about JoJu's CK (and it's quite obvious why they're kept secret) is that females only exist to be pliant sex objects and incubators.

Some people believe that females in the CK will not be able to speak...only moan.

And if they can speak, they certainly will have neither the right nor the power to speak first. No CK male resident will ever be interrupted by a cellphone call or telepathic message while lining up a putt!

There's also the issue of schooling ... Who teaches newly created spirits? How do they learn things? How do they get to the point where they're allowed to make decisions, such as choosing to follow Lucifer rather than Jesus? How do you choose to 'sit on the fence'?

Are there left-handed ghawds?

Who is going to cut my hair? Can I go back in time and hopefully hit a better tee shot? Can I pause reality and rush home to get my other putter?

But all these concerns pale when compared to JoJu's belief that women were only good for pleasing men and having babies.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2023 06:30PM by elderolddog.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: April 06, 2023 05:36PM

> Who is going to cut my hair?


Don't worry, I won't tell them.

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Posted by: I ( )
Date: April 07, 2023 03:23AM

Because there is no such thing!

Polygamy was born (by the devil?) on this earth
And it'll stay and die on it too.

It is fictitious.

There is no such thing.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 07, 2023 11:12AM

There's a good argument to be made about 'polygamy' being real, in the sense that humans don't possess, like some avian species, 'mate-for-life' genes.

Did you know that some of these mate-for-life avians are gay, and also will mate for life?

And then there are the Bonobos...

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: April 08, 2023 02:06AM

Well obviously us exmos don't believe in such silliness. I'm just wondering the thought process of TBMs and I'm too afraid to ask one of them. Ha!

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Posted by: ziller ( )
Date: April 07, 2023 05:37PM

in b 4 ~

it is just turtles and wives all the way down OPie ~

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Posted by: tumwater ( )
Date: April 08, 2023 05:37PM

This celestial polygamy thing bothers me in the logistics, distribution and numbers.

As far as I can research, there seems to be about an equal number of males and females, world wide over the ages. So if you die and take 10-12 polywives, wouldn't somewhere down the line there wouldn't be any woman left for the newly deceased males.

So I guess, it's good to die young just to have a chance at getting an extra mate or two.

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