Posted by:
Date: April 07, 2023 11:47AM
Of all the things that cause Mormon shelves to break, consider **The Restoration**.
No one really expects doctrines to make sense. After all, God works in mysterious ways and it will all be sorted out in the afterlife.
But consider God removes the "gospel", "the priesthood", the keys of salvation sometime after Jesus established his church on earth because there was "widespread apostasy". He decided to have it restored again by Joseph Smith.
Well hell! How about those who lived after the time of Jesus and after God took away the gospel up till Joseph Smith got it back 1830ish? They got screwed. Why were those believers thrown under the bus because of the wicked apostates? Now their only hope is for someone to find them in the vast genealogy records and baptism them by proxy?
And God didn't even care enough about his African and Asian children to send a prophet even the first time around. What are the chances those millions will encounter a righteous missionary who can share the gospel and have them saved by the plan of salvation? Pretty slim.
I'm not suggesting that God plays favorites but WTF?