Posted by:
Date: April 21, 2023 01:38PM
I read with interest the posts about Palm Sunday and the new emphasis on same in the Mormon Church.
Like all things they co-opt, they will make a crafty hash of it instead of bothering to learn from those who have long practiced the ritual. So, next year will they add Ash Wednesday to the list?
In denominations that observe Palm Sunday, the palms are burned and the ashes saved for the following year's Holy Week services. The ashes are used by the priest/pastor for the imposition of an ash cross on the forehead of the observant faithful.
Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday, then proceeds to Shrove Tuesday (palms are burned on that day), Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, The Great Vigil, and Easter.
I can see Mormons getting behind the pancakes served on Shrove Tuesday, but being clueless about the rest. Ash cross on your forehead, eew, that's just weird.