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Posted by: unconventional ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 07:21AM

The heroes in Mormonism are mostly white, Type A, businessmen or lawyers with lots of money.

They are “God’s anointed”.

Overlooked or given lip service are the humble, the pure, the ones who always sacrifice for the greater good.

Such misplaced adoration messes up a lot of minds and lives.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 07:36AM

Imagine if Gary Stevenson were to actually meet Jesus.

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Posted by: unconventional ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 08:48AM

The fact that that is a valid point is all you need to know about Mormon leadership.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 09:49AM

The Mormon church tends to promote high tithe payers. Those are normally the men that they look at from bishop on up. The church has always been very clear about its priorities, and it shows.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: April 23, 2023 12:12PM

They also lack examples of women to admire.

Aside from Emma the horse thief and murderer, they give no one.

When I was young they nit only had pioneer women like Eliza Snow, Patty Sessions, Mary Fielding but in the Relief Society magazine they'd highlight ten women each month from around the world that had outstanding accomplishments.

They did not limit themselves to LDS women. They highlighted scientists, athletes, politicians, judges, inventors, pilots, explorers, artists, writers etc.

Once the women were muzzled this all went away.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: April 25, 2023 05:16PM

All Type-A people disparage non-Type-A people. Although I'm proudly Type-B, I've always been compared to Type-A's and found wanting. It was late in life that I finally thought, "Wait a minute...," and concluded that the last people we should lionize and compare ourselves to are Type-A's.

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Posted by: unconventional ( )
Date: April 25, 2023 06:07PM

Yes, their priorities are way off.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 25, 2023 06:15PM

Growing up in the church, I met many humble people, along with introverted people, with some from each group getting into bishoprics and RS leadership...

Not having practiced the faith of my youth for the past 50 years, I have no current knowledge regarding this still being a thing...

Is it?

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Posted by: matt ( )
Date: April 25, 2023 07:56PM

In the UK I don't recall that being pushed?

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