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Posted by: Fascinated in the Midwest ( )
Date: June 19, 2023 08:51AM

on Father’s Day since his family hadn’t contacted him. He asked to attend his local ELCA church.

When attending any service, I think of myself as an observer and nothing more.

Interesting. Lengthy service, similar to Catholics but more than 75 minutes. Tons of singing, including by the woman pastor. Only one melody was familiar, no songs were known to me. Nicene Creed and Lord’s Prayer were included. I didn’t see other Episcopalian, Methodism or Community of Christ similarities. Lots of standing up, less sitting down and then a walk through the sanctuary for the altar call route for communion.

Meaningful recognition of fathers, step-fathers, individuals who play the role of fathers. There was lots of talk about the shortage of youth and young families. A congregation of ~800 with 50 in attendance on a Sunday morning. Nearly all the heads in pews were gray-haired.

Without the LDS bankroll, religion does not seem financially viable. This congregation mirrors others of various denominations I have visited.

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Posted by: fischfrei ( )
Date: June 19, 2023 12:17PM

All the mainline Protestant denominations are shrinking -some dramatically. But so are other denominations. In the Evangelical world you can find lots of church hopping/shopping that is personality driven. And we don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the lapsed Catholics.

ELCA is still a pretty strong denomination and they support lots of well respected smaller colleges, especially in the Upper Midwest and Pacific Northwest.

I notice with my Mormon relatives that the younger generations of my great nieces and nephews are quietly slipping away. They get "busy." And I think when my generation is gone (age 76) you will see a big shift. The organization is adept at hiding the reality. Funny, I know some Christian Scientists my age and the evasions they claim about lack of attendance are the same as I hear from my Mormon cousins - e.g. people move, it is a holiday weekend, someone is sick, etc. But they never say no one believes anymore.

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Posted by: Caffiend nli ( )
Date: June 19, 2023 03:17PM

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