Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2023 05:24PM
Before the covid pandemic, church attendance in the U.S. was around 56% for people who attend at least once a month.
After the pandemic, at least once-a-month attendance is at 35%.
When I was TBM, I attended every week, as I'm sure you and most TBMs did. Once a month is wishy-washy at best.
So, people got used to staying home on Sunday, having a leisurely breakfast, walking the dog, letting the kids sleep, taking it easy. They had time to think.
Some denominations preach you are already saved. It's a done deal. If that's true, then why go to church?
Many people are waking up to the fact that you don't need to be saved. You don't need to go to church. This is a controversial idea that churches strongly argue against.
LDS attendance is also down. I think members are waking up.