Posted by:
Date: July 24, 2023 11:44PM
The LDS church, it seems, can't help but keep tripping over its shoelaces every other day at least. We have missionaries starving. We have bishops telling rape victims to get over it. We have area presidencies giving the members their marching orders, and those are getting more horrendous every month. We have temple building going crazy. We have tax fraud. We have bullies getting the top positions. The only way to make any sense of it is, in part, to recognize that the only Mormons left are the ones who have decided that the world is in a state of war. I won't go into the logic of such a conclusion. That's a whole other topic. But I just wanted to point out that fact as a way to help sane people comprehend what is going on.
They see themselves as soldiers. Soldiers don't question. Soldiers deal with hardships. Soldiers don't care who gets hurt. And soldiers do not stop until their leaders tell them to.
Have a nice day.