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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: August 26, 2023 10:55PM

I saw a post on another site that got me to thinking about literary clues that JS wrote a religious novel; beyond the well-known mistakes like KJV bible mistranslations, but things like JS writing himself into the story.
According to church history, the plates were "abridged from other sets of plates" to conveniently made a single bound book "written for the Lamanites"--the plates were very difficult to inscribe, so why copy them over to new plates? Where are the original plates? And "abridged"? What plain and precious truths might have been left out of an abridgment? The bible is made up of all kinds of other disparate scrolls, but JS just happens to be, after 1,400 years of people wandering around upstate New York, he's the one guy who gets directions from an angel on how to find them, all nicely bound.
Another thing is JS' dramatic story of being assaulted while retrieving the plates from a hollow log--3 guys spread out along the path take him on one by one like some kind of low-budget action movie, instead of the logical "You guys grab that Smith guy and hold him down and I'll wrestle the plates away from him."

Anyone else ever thought of giveaway the apologists haven't tried to answer?

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Posted by: RPackham ( )
Date: August 27, 2023 07:16PM

Many people do not know (and I just recently learned), the idea of binding "plates" or sheets of any material into a book was completely unknown to anyone in the world until about the first century CE, and only in Europe. Look up "codex" in any reference work. ("Codex" is the technical term for doing that.) The preferred (and ONLY) method of recording long texts until then was on scrolls of papyrus or parchment. (Yes, some texts were in clay, but even those are not for a long text.)

Obviously, Joseph Smith didn't know it, either.

Has anybody also objected that Smith supposedly also had the "breastplate" with the "interpreters", which would have made an additional burden when he was running home. It is not a believable story.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: August 27, 2023 08:54PM

I do know that apologists often cite ancient texts on metal plates, but always fail to mention they are either very small (not much bigger than dogtags) or only one large plate, similar to a dedication plaque on a building. In any case, never, NEVER, has a complete book with a continuous narrative been found.

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