As a mormon, I had no problem with that notion. If the church was true, and who was I to argue that point, then what it was teaching had to be the truth..., like "day follows night," "et tu, uber lyft," and "hipso fatso, fartso."
But at the same time, I had no problem giving up the Celestial Kingdom, later, for orgasms, now!
When I stopped believing in the inerrancy of the church in general, and the prophet, in particular, it opened up many so many more whores to me than had I stayed a believer ... although there is a reason Kirton, McConkie & Poelman had to change their name to Kirton-McConkie ...
And another thing — this Elohim clearly isn't "God" in the sense of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent intelligence, but instead is a once mortal alien who was an interstellar Mormon on whatever planet he originally came from and granted godlike powers and given his own planet to rule as a reward — and is just one of many such "gods" who have similarly been elevated.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2023 09:10AM by anybody.
I raised a son, and he wasn't him for years. Like all of us, he's the product of genetics and environment. He didn't exist as a complete personality at first. The pre-life notion violates my understanding of life. The believers so desperately don't want to die that they deny death. The only thing that we're guaranteed, and they refuse to accept it.
My instructor was somewhat taken aback when I challenged him on Kolob. I told him such a planet didn't exist....and then I walked out of the class...never to return. Loved that extra hour of sleep.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2023 08:11PM by Lethbridge Reprobate.
...I don't mind the extra effort it takes to sign into RfM but the piteous wailing and crying from my desktop's OS is a bit of a bother, such that I've had to turn off the sound...
Even as a TBM, I wondered if we didn’t get an apprentice god, and this was his first attempt at running a world. It just did look like it was being done with great competence.
And I never believed the sun got its light from Kolob.