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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: September 28, 2023 08:38PM

Two hundred years have passed by since Moroni visited JS. I just read a church article about it. That's where I got the title of my post.

Exciting times.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2023 08:39PM by Nightingale.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 28, 2023 09:21PM

Your headline also makes sense if we were all playing poker with Moroni.

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Posted by: [|] ( )
Date: September 28, 2023 09:30PM

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Posted by: Honest TB[long] ( )
Date: September 28, 2023 09:40PM

Moroni is one of my heroes thanks to how I was raised and molded by the beloved Correlation program. He was a great prophet-historian-commander and record keeper for the Nephites. In an era where the Lamanites were the most meticulous battlefield evidence cleanup experts that the world has ever known he managed to keep those wagon loads of records safe deep in the Hill Cumorah. Well, it probably wasn't that deep when you compare it to 21st century Coal Mines, Oil Fracking wells, and other wonders that modern technology has made possible. But that record room and its wonders inside Hill Cumorah (in the Rochester, NY area) must be there because Brigham Young said so and only an Apostate would dare to deny this peculiar teaching.

Moroni said lots of amazing things to Joseph Smith in his 8 or more visits with Joseph. Those things he said have basically been the genesis of what leaders in the Church have taught throughout the Church's history about the origins of the Amerinds and so much of the history of the entire Western Hemisphere since God sent Jared/Mahonri and some other families on barges with honeybees and other things to the Americas at the time of the Tower of Babel shortly after the Ark where 2 of every kind of carnivore exercised great patience in allowing 2 of every kind of their prey to multiply/replenish enough so that whenever some carnivore needed a snack that they wouldn't be causing their food supply to go extinct. At the time of Moroni's visits to Joseph not only was he one of the greatest prophet-historians in Nephite civilization but he had spent about 14 centuries carefully protecting the plates until Joseph was in mortality and ready to undertake his mission and Moroni had also become an omnipotent resurrected being and Angel of the Lord.

So, whenever you hear any of my fellow apologists talk about the origins of the Amerinds it's important to keep in mind the full context of Moroni on where he was coming from and how the thoughts of Moroni on the origins of the Amerinds would've trickled down from Joseph Smith to the rest of the Saints. There may be some Anti-Moroni apologists out there, but if they don't admit that they're defying Moroni's role on all this then they don't have credibility.

With the bicentennial of these first glorious visits I think the Church may be making some plans on Google Maps to make some changes to give Moroni the respect that he'll be getting in the Church for the next 200 years.

Next time you are in the Rochester, NY area then be sure to go visit the Visitor's Center on Hill Cumorah and ask them to let you go see the Record Room. If you're in the Room then please go on Facebook Live or Twitter Live or some other social media streaming service so the rest of us can watch you examine the Sword of Laban, Gold Plates with the Sealed Portion, Wagon Loads of Plates, Brass Plates, and much more. This is of course assuming that Brigham Young was telling the truth. And if he wasn't telling the truth then why would there be a brand like BYU instead of some other name? Brigham Young is deeply revered in the Church for his teachings on monogamy, racial harmony, love for all of God's children like the Fanchers, and much more which will always be part of our wondrous legacy.

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