Posted by:
Date: November 26, 2023 07:39PM
I remember when I went to the temple for the endowment. At the end, after seeing the people in the seats glossed over, we did the other stuff (Sorry, I am still decompressing), I asked myself, 'What the hell did I just participate in?'. I regret not giving my recommend in right then.
I almost removed my garments and folded them up, and left them there. That's how whacked I thought I was after. I should have left then when I found out what it was, what it really was. Evil permeated the place, but my ex told me that she would leave me if I quit. So I stayed in. I did temple work, and paid my meager tithing. I did everything I could to build Zion. I really did! My brain would help me undo everything 7 years later.
The sayonce was the thing that undone the core of it. The sayonce was known as witchcraft to me, because I investigated the entire endowment about a year before.
At the end of it all, I knew I would leave, after all my ex was not pregnant, the break would be clean. My illness and God told me that I needed to get out. That I would be judged by love, not excessive works, works that did not matter.
I didn't leave because I was in love with my wife at the time. But after 6 years of lies, by both the LDS Church and my wife, my brain could not hold. It let go...
My shelf had cracked that day.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2023 07:50PM by lousyleper.