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Posted by: BoydKKK ( )
Date: February 03, 2024 10:06PM

Did the saints and others travel West on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Trail?

Is "Mormon Point" in Death Valley going to be changed to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Point?

How about "Mormon Bridge" in Nebraska & Iowa?

Mormon Mountains, Mormon Peak and East Mormon Mountains in Nevada?

How about Mormon Pioneer National Heratige Area in Utah?

Will MFMC pay for all the new signs required? Maybe pay for the new brochures to be printed? Or all the maps to be re-done?

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: February 03, 2024 10:30PM

It really is one of the dumbest ideas anyone ever came up with.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: February 03, 2024 10:55PM

Pigs do look better if you find just the right shade of lipstick.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: February 03, 2024 11:40PM

I couldn’t believe it. I think Russ has been the dumbest prophet in church history.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 12:03PM

Without doubt.

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Posted by: squirrley ( )
Date: February 06, 2024 03:24PM

He's the country club president of LDS Inc. seems kind of like Judge Smails from Caddy Shack.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: February 03, 2024 10:40PM

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Posted by: Silence is Golden ( )
Date: February 03, 2024 10:58PM

If God is all knowing and in charge.

I am sure God would have said, don't say Mormon from day one!

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Posted by: BoydKKK ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 06:21PM

Silence is Golden Wrote:
> If God is all knowing and in charge.
> I am sure God would have said, don't say Mormon
> from day one!

Remember, this is the same guy who let joey & Co go with two or three other names before finally giving them the Real One.

and then let the outfit change it with a hyphen and lower case "d" decades later.

Not even Jesus seems to be able to get it right?

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 07:53AM

I think the next prophet will quietly reinstall the name, "Mormon." And the membership will claim that it was always thus.

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 10:12AM

All the problems in the world and the thing the prophet of the lords true and living church on the face of the earth tries to solve is calling the church "Mormon"?

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Posted by: montanadude ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 10:29AM

Mormon Row was a group of historic cabins just outside of Jackson Hole, Wyoming settled by pioneers. There are signs everywhere and they promote it as a tourist destination.

Another favorite is Mormon Road, a small road just outside of Whitehall, Montana. I often wonder if they banished the Mormons to live outside of town. That would be quite an insult if you've ever spent time in Whitehall.

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Posted by: fossilman ( )
Date: February 06, 2024 02:02PM

We've got a Mormon Road right here in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. I'll let TDOT know that all the signs need replacing.

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 11:16AM

You left out the most obvious impediment to getting rid of the Victory for Satan,
the Book of Mormon

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 03:00PM

That is the precise reason they are attempting to abandon the word “Mormon”. They can’t ditch the book (because of its inherent racism) unless they ditch the name first.

They have already cancelled all church pageants that have to do with the BoM. Rumor has it that when the renovation is finished on the SL Temple, that Moroni is not going back on top. Jesus will get the catbird seat.

However godawful the name change is, I really don’t think they can go back. The racism is too blatant in the BoM. It has to go at some point.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 03:42PM


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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 08:36PM

Thank’s to Broadway The Book of Mormon is impossible to erase. That play was way to popular.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 08:41PM

That is precisely why the church is trying to de-emphasize the Mormon title: it wants the public not to recognize, immediately, that the LDS are the same ones who venerate the BoM.

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 09:40PM

That new Red Cliffs temple (Now open for public tours!) in St.George UT has Moroni tooting his horn at the top of the spire.

What's up with that? I thought Russ fired Moroni and promoted Lutheran Christus as the new symbol.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 09:52PM

That darned Moroni is just too proud of his spire.

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Posted by: BoydKKK ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 06:22PM

Shinehah Wrote:
> That new Red Cliffs temple (Now open for public
> tours!) in St.George UT has Moroni tooting his
> horn at the top of the spire.
> What's up with that? I thought Russ fired Moroni
> and promoted Lutheran Christus as the new symbol.

Moroni knows how to play the trumpet. Very important...

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Posted by: decultified ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 01:54PM

"Hey, aren't those Mormon crickets?"

"No, that's a slur. They're Latter-day Saint crickets."

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Posted by: schrodingerscat ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 02:47PM

They’re ‘Victory For Satan’ Crickets!

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 02:57PM

Most of the year Mormon Lake in Arizona is swampy and shallow lacking any real depth.
Fitting name actually.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 09:11PM

they still use 'Mormon' online, as in request a visit from Mormon Missionaries.

If Mormons 'LDSs' paid attention to setting better examples of Kindness, Honesty, Empathy, real charity (not just for Mormons-from Mormons) even just simple courtesy... they'd have much better rep/cred, that's for sure!

What color is your parachute?
What color lipstick on your pig?

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: February 04, 2024 09:53PM

Rusty is like a new emperor defacing monuments and changing street names.

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Posted by: I ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 02:03AM

Don't forget, TSCC rides on the bare back of the book of MORMON. They can't take that back. It's too bare.

Mormons love their romance
More like a fantasy... (for only a fan-to-see)
Maybe a bromance: book of boring romance

The 'church' was founded on it
And it'll be found dead on it

Mormonism is dead
That's what I read

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Posted by: + fries ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 06:27AM

Nelson's hyperbole on “victory for Satan” is extreme. It would imply that both Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson were leading "victories for Satan" with use of tithing funds for the “I am Mormon” campaigns and the decades of usage of the term Mormon.

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Posted by: Trails end ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 11:29AM

Rusty likely sets a new record for the most years staying butt hurt when he tried promoting his drivel when Hinkley was leading the charge….Hinkley promptly shot down his drivel at the next conference….so what’s the first thing Rusty pulls out of his hat…yup you guessed it…Mormon is bad….his ego must be massive….what say thee Wendy

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Posted by: BoydKKK ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 06:25PM

Trails end Wrote:
> Rusty likely sets a new record for the most years
> staying butt hurt when he tried promoting his
> drivel when Hinkley was leading the
> charge….Hinkley promptly shot down his drivel at
> the next conference….so what’s the first thing
> Rusty pulls out of his hat…yup you guessed
> it…Mormon is bad….his ego must be
> massive….what say thee Wendy

His Ego?
Don't forget..., he is a surgeon. God complex, anyone?

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 12:02PM

The problem is they watered it all down by losing their brand, when anyone in advertising knows that you just up the game with "Mormonism--Now in Extra Strength!" "Mormonism, Now with more added Christ!" Look for the new package today! But for heavens sake, don't ask your doctor if it's right for you!

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Posted by: Silence is Golden ( )
Date: February 05, 2024 01:16PM

Akin to big bold letters on a cereal box saying "New and Improved" or "Family Size", but once you open the box you find it half empty and the recipe changed from what it once was.

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