Posted by:
Henry Bemis
Date: November 18, 2024 02:47PM
"The Earth is far older than six thousand years. Much, much older. Deny all you want, but you can't make it untrue."
COMMENT: Older than six thousand years by what reference frame? One would expect that the reference frame intended in the Bible, would be the reference frame of the Earth; after all any other reference frame would be grossly misleading. Nonetheless, I suppose it is open to question. If so, does that get the Bible off the hook on this issue?
The Jewish nuclear physicist (and fundamentalist) Gerald L. Schroeder, wrote a book in 1997, entitled: *The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom.* this book, Schroeder argues that the 'cosmic' reference frame matches the Bible perfectly. Here are a couple of quotes:
"This book accepts neither Bible nor science as being individually sufficient for a hungry mind seeking explanations of and purpose in life. In that sense, it is for skeptics and religious believers alike. These seemingly disparate sources of knowledge are combined as a single data base from which generalized conclusions are drawn. What appear to be diametrically opposed biblical and scientific descriptions of the creation of the universe, of the start of life on Earth, and of our human origins are actually identical realities but viewed from vastly different perspectives. Once theses perspectives are identified, they coexst comfortably with all the rigorous science and traditional belief anyone could demand." (p.3)
"The immense stretching of space since the big bang has strong implications for our cosmic clock. Waves of radiation that have propagated in space since the early universe have been stretched, expanded, by the same proportion that the universe has expanded. For example, as the universe doubled in size, the distance between wave crests (and hence the time between ticks of its clock) also doubled as the wave was stretched by the expanding space. For that clock, time would be passing at half its original rate. Again, please note that this time dilation relates solely to the stretching of space." (p.56)
"This cosmic clock records the passage of one minute while we on Earth experience a million million minutes. The dinosaurs ruled the Earth for 120 million years, *as measured by our perception of time.* Those clocks are set by the decay of radioactive nuclides here on Earth and they are correct for our earthy system. But to know the cosmic time we must divide earth time by a million million. At this million-million to one ratio those 120 million Earth years lasted a mere hour. That's the peer-reviewed physics and the biblical tradition of this discussion." (p.60)
The essence of this point of view is that not only has space expanded since the big bang (a known fact), but time also. Einstein showed us that neither space nor time are absolute, both being subject to reference frames. Schroeder coupled this idea to big bang cosmology, which implies that just as space is, and has been, expanding, so has time. In other words, the time frame as measured from the big bang (creation) was relatively 'short' in duration as compared to the time frame on Earth, which is relatively long in duration. Thus, millions of years on Earth is merely thousands of years in cosmic time.
I am not qualified to evaluate the workability of this thesis in any detail, except to note that this seems to be roughly the same argument (but without the religious connotations) as provided by theoretical physicist Lee Smolin in this book, *Time Reborn*. The problem is making time duration meaningful, as opposed to Einstein's static (block) universe. Of course, Schroeder not only wants to resurrect time per se, but also Biblical time.
The lesson here, if there is one, is not to be too quick to jump to a conclusion of religious nonsense in the face of modern science, where matters are rarely neatly established, especially as to space and time.