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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:05PM

O.K., Bp X, here's today's scenario:

you get up in the morning, have your morning routine taken care of...

during the day, U hear that Bro. X and/or Sis. Y have BEEN INDICTED for ABC ponzi or other scheme... arraignment to follow..

'Of Course' your clerk told u last nite that today's appts include a TR renewal interview for X / Y...


-do you specifically ask them about the news story?

What if they Confess?

What if they Deny?

What if the evade - D/Won't answer?

- do you Cancel their appt - interview?


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2011 05:21PM by guynoirprivateeye.

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Posted by: Jesus Smith ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:07PM

Get the confession on tape and blackmail the mofos. If I were

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Posted by: imalive ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:09PM

First I would have the clerk get on the internet or I would and print out a copy of the story. Then when they came in I'd show them the picture during the interview. If it really was them, no recommend renewal.

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Posted by: MJ ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:09PM

So we could get our stories straight and I could be sure they were not going to implicate me as the person that requited them into MY scheme.

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Posted by: Tabula Rasa ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:15PM

If it doesn't involve asking teenaged girls about masturbation, then I, as Bishop, have no interest.

Just sayin'...


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Posted by: aja ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:35AM


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Posted by: FreeRose ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:34PM

I would make a rule, no interviews, so...

If they call me for advice/support, I would help. Other than that, it's between X/Y/God.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2011 05:35PM by FreeRose.

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Posted by: ORDER66 ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 05:48PM

Ask the TR questions. Their answers are on them. It's between them and God.

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Posted by: dressclothes ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 06:41PM

Bah. I thought this was going to be a thread about roleplaying. Thanks for nothing.

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Posted by: The StalkerDog™ ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 08:15PM

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Posted by: JoD3:360 ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 08:42PM

Having the Mantle of Discernment, the news was no surpise and in fact the couple and I had this discussion in the past. It was surely a surprise to them when I brought it up.

I then called my Clerk and told him that in the event their names should show up in the news to set an appointment on the day after, wherein I would take away their recommends.

Without that direct line revelation, I would be unable to foresee issues facing my precious flock and make plans to protect and guide them.

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Posted by: kolobian ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 08:48PM

For being indicted or convicted?

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Posted by: Gentle Giant of Perdition ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 08:56PM

> during the day, U hear that Bro. X and/or Sis. Y
> have BEEN INDICTED for ABC ponzi or other
> scheme... arraignment to follow..
> 'Of Course' your clerk told u last nite that
> today's appts include a TR renewal interview for X
> / Y...
> -do you specifically ask them about the news story?


> What if they Confess?

As a member of the clergy, I would be solemnly bound and obligated to keep their confessions confidential. Nevertheless, I would require those guilty of being less than honest with their fellow man or breaking the laws of the community to surrender their recommends, and I would convene a "court of love" (depending on the severity of the law breaking) to determine whether they should be excommunicated or simply disfellowshipped.

> What if they Deny?

As a member of the clergy, I would be solemnly bound and obligated to keep their lack of confession/denial confidential. I would also rely upon my intuition as to the truthfulness of their answers and decide whether or not to give a temple recommend accordingly. (Of course if Caspar the Holy Ghost wanted to whisper in my ear, that'd be good too) Simply being indicted for a crime is not the same as being guilty of a crime. Innocent people are indicted all the time; just not nearly as often as guilty people are.

> What if the evade - D/Won't answer?

I would refuse to grant them a Temple Recommend on the basis that they are not being honest in all their dealings with their fellow man.

> - do you Cancel their appt - interview?


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Posted by: snowball ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 09:43PM

Just make sure they paid tithing on the ill-gotten gains, and a "generous fast offering."

"Though I speak with the tounges of men and of angels, and have not money, I am become as sounding brass, o a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not money I am nothing. And though I bestow allmy goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not money it profiteth me nothing. Money suffereth long, and is kind; money envieth not; money vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not eaisly provoked, thinketh no evil; regoiceth not in inquity, but rejoiceth in truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things...and now abideth faith hope, money, these three; but the greatest of these is money."

1 Corinthians Ch. 13 (adapted by George Orwell)

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 10:05PM

This is one of the things I hate most about LDS bishops, and if it's anything like boys being alone with a middle-aged man, fending off questions about what one of my bishops called "self abuse," you can see why it shouldn't happen. Scenario: The executive secretary has informed you that your daughter needs a worthiness interview, and makes an appointment for her to be alone with the Man With Authority for her required interrogation session. You drop her off at the office while you talk in the corridor with some busybody who has too many kids.

Your daughter: "Hi, bishop. Mom says you need to see me."

Bishop: "Hello, young lady! Sit right there while I close the door. So, girls' camp is around the corner, and I guess it's time for a worthiness interview."

Your daughter: "Uh, okay."

Bishop: "There are just a couple of questions to see if you're worthy..."

Your daughter: (Looks at the picture of red-robed Jesus.)

Bishop: "Do you ever touch yourself?"

Your daughter: (has funny look, turns her head down)

Bishop: "Do you know what I mean? Do you ever put your hand between your legs to make yourself feel good?"

Your daughter: (Looks at red-robed Jesus, then turns and looks at the hunky version of Joseph Smith clutching the Book of Mormon manuscript. Then she looks at her shoes.) "Uh... I..."

Bishop: "C'mon. You have to tell me if you do. I have to know if you're worthy for girls' camp. You can't go with the other girls unless you tell me, can you. Do you touch yourself?"

Your daughter: (mumbling) "Sometimes."

Bishop: "How often? How do you do it? Do you do it when you're in the bed?"

Your daughter: "I guess."

Bishop: "You guess? You don't know? When you go to bed, do you put your hand down there and rub back and forth and make yourself feel good? How about when you're in the shower? Do you do it then? I need to know what you do and how often you do it."

Your daughter: (Wants to leave, but Man With Authority is practically knee to knee with her.)

This is unfortunately what some of us put our kids through, and it needs to stop. I'm ashamed I had a part in it.

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Posted by: FreeRose ( )
Date: September 15, 2011 11:24PM

This behavior is disgustingly sick on so many levels. I hope the Morg gets a fatal wound over this practice.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2011 11:25PM by FreeRose.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:21AM

And I would give everyone else a TR.

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