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Posted by: americangirl406 ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:36AM

This will sound so weird...but I distinctly remember learning about two guys who were from bible/Bon times that are still walking around living today? I wanna research the origin of this story but no idea where to start. No one I know remembers learning it.

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Posted by: americangirl406 ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:36AM


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Posted by: Joseph's Myth ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:42AM

What you are talking about are the three nephites. I remember when we studied the BOM in seminary two years ago we learned about them. The three nephites are in the part of the BOM where Jesus comes to the Americas. They are some of his disciples who want to live and preach until he comes again. That is what I remember about it.

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Posted by: americangirl406 ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:44AM

Oh ok good so I'm not crazy lol

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Posted by: Queen of Denial ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 12:48PM

I testify that the 3 Nephites are alive, young and have very cute butts. Earlier this year they rescued me from the icy roads in Lake Tahoe by installing chains on my tires.

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Posted by: vasalissasdoll ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:56AM

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Posted by: kolobian ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:52PM

Yeah, on the mish they used to talk about how one of the three nephites paired up with John so they could go "two by two" throughout the world, helping kolobians change their tires, helping delta force murder dictators, perhaps feeding info to the CIA...

They were so busy trying to figure out who would be the senior companion in those immortal duos they forgot to ask questions about the book of abraham...


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2011 02:52PM by kolobian.

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Posted by: luckychucky ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:04AM

John the author of the Book Of Revolation is also supposedly alive untill he sees all the revelations fulfilled, check it out. D&C 7:1-3 "1 And the Lord said unto me: John, my abeloved, what desirest thou? For if you shall ask what you will, it shall be granted unto you.

2 And I said unto him: Lord, give unto me power over bdeath, that I may live and bring souls unto thee.

3 And the Lord said unto me: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, because thou desirest this thou shalt atarry until I come in my bglory, and shalt prophesy before nations, kindreds, tongues and people."

What always got me a TBM was the question of how the whole "Gerat Apostasy" thing was supposed to be credible if there were 4 bonafied prophets walking the earth. I thought they were supposed to be prophesying to the people. I think a 2,000 year old guy that looks 30 would be more convincing running Gods Church than anything TSCC could offer in reality.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:05AM

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Posted by: americangirl406 ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:24AM


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Posted by: imalive ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 04:26PM

I showed this to my son. It astounded him. He said, Now why would a Buddhist or a Moslem report a Nephite sighting?????"

I gotta post this to my Facebook page. I gotta. I gotta.


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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:39AM

It is important that every Nephite sighting be documented. We are waiting for the government documents to be released showing that the three Nephites, with their accumulated wisdom, are advising our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Having fought wars which transversed an entire continent yet did not leave so much as a metal Dixie cup behind, they have a lot to teach American troops.

There are credible insider reports that the three Nephites were behind the No Child Left Behind since not even a single skeleton of any age was left behind. Open minded individuals will understand this to mean those employed in Education should keep a specially watchful eye out for the Three Nephites.

Critics say that no hard evidence exists to support even one sighting of a Nephite. I submit that the Elizabeth Smart story shows us how easy it is to hide in plain sight if you are wearing a veil. Yet another clue! Every woman (? could be a man....) wearing a chador or burqa is a possible Nephite. Check their shoes --look for man feet in sandals.

Finally, look for droppings. Nephite scat is from a celestial body and reportedly looks like crystals (which do not dissolve in water). If your neighbor's toilet repeatedly runs over, a super alert person would understand that to be circumstantial evidence and carefully investigate.


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Posted by: baura ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:03PM


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Posted by: Queen of Denial ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:08PM

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Posted by: Don Bagley ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 04:35PM

Ha ha ha. Now, anagrammy, that's MY kind of post. Hilarious.

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Posted by: hotwaterblue ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 10:46AM

Relating a mission story:
My first area was in Glasgow attending the Claremont Terrace ward. The second Sunday I was there a couple of men walked into Sacrament meeting and sat down on the back row. Normal looking men in standard church attire. After about 20 minutes they got up and left. After the final speaker of the day wasted 5 minutes of our time the Bishop stood up and announced to the congregation that he was inspired to let us know that these two men were 2 of the 3 Nephites and how thankful he was to have them softening the hearts of the Glaswegians and allowing the missionary work to flourish in Scotland. I went out a non-believer and it was all I could do to contain myself. Walking home my companion (very level headed) thought the bishop was nuts. We both had a good laugh.
BTW,the missionary work was not flourishing. The mission average was 1 baptism per missionary for the entire 2 years. They were assuming room temperature faster than that.

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Posted by: SpongeBob SquareGarments ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:13PM

hotwaterblue Wrote:
> Relating a mission story:
> My first area was in Glasgow attending the
> Claremont Terrace ward. The second Sunday I was
> there a couple of men walked into Sacrament
> meeting and sat down on the back row. Normal
> looking men in standard church attire. After
> about 20 minutes they got up and left. After the
> final speaker of the day wasted 5 minutes of our
> time the Bishop stood up and announced to the
> congregation that he was inspired to let us know
> that these two men were 2 of the 3 Nephites and
> how thankful he was to have them softening the
> hearts of the Glaswegians and allowing the
> missionary work to flourish in Scotland. I went
> out a non-believer and it was all I could do to
> contain myself. Walking home my companion (very
> level headed) thought the bishop was nuts. We
> both had a good laugh.
> BTW,the missionary work was not flourishing. The
> mission average was 1 baptism per missionary for
> the entire 2 years. They were assuming room
> temperature faster than that.

That's outrageous. But reminds of something similar. My bishop told me once when a well-dressed man came into the ward, sat in the back and then left before it was over. People started saying he was one of the 3. But the bishop knew it was some guy from another ward. He brought it up as an example of how unfounded faith-promoting rumors get started.

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Posted by: presbyterian ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 11:59AM

As a never-mo, this is so amusing. Good points made. Why don't these guys help us out? Maybe they don't want to interfere and accidentally mess up the progression of the end times.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 01:49PM

John is still alive and somewhere on the planet, and the time comes to restore the MP along with Peter and James. Now, Peter and James are resurrected beings, or some such thing, and they can beam in from heaven. But John needs to get there via conventional means.

So JS and OC are making their way to the river and John, not wanting to be late, is there already, hiding in the bushes, behind a rock or up in a tree. He has changed out of the 19th century clothes he wears to blend in, and into his 1st century dress white robes. He's telepathically communicating with Peter and James, who are ready to step into the transporter as soon as JS and OC kneel to pray. There's a bright light as Peter and James rematerialize, and John comes out of hiding before JS and OC can adjust their vision. Ta-dah!

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 02:02PM

of special beings that are on earth to do special deeds. Christians have their John, Mormons have their three Nephites.
Religion is filled with supernatural, mystical, metaphysical claims.
I used to hear a lot of urban legends about the three Nephites being seen here and there, almost always saving someone in dire need.
Ghosts, sightings, etc, - same category.

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Posted by: upsidedown ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 03:11PM

I have a brother in law with family in Hurricane Ut. They have enough stories about the 3 Nephites to fill a book. They will actually repeat their eye witness account of being given money from the three amigos on horseback in Cedar City of all places.

If they are real and they are going to go to the celestial kingdom then mormon doctrine would necessitate that they all pratice polygamy and are married to the harem prior to death. I bet there are some good spirit (porn) sex stories floating around the inner circle of believers. These guys could be responsible for all kinds of mischief.

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Posted by: nickerickson ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 04:05PM

Seminary, Primary, Church, I couldn't wait to meet them and knew I would - when I was much younger. Now, I realize it was a nice story.

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Posted by: Charley ( )
Date: September 16, 2011 06:22PM

I mostly heard that they hang out around Moab and help people who are lost or have car trouble. Then they vanish in the "twinkling of an eye."

I think they only help people who they can sense have temple recommends. They don't like non members and they hate apostates.

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