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Posted by: Duder ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 02:29PM

There was a thread about this general conference talk:

I can't get it out of my head.

One of the things I noticed is that the found purse account apparently comes from an email directed to this GA from a Stake Young Women Pres.

Now, we're all familiar with warnings that are given not to waste a GA's time with concerns or questions about doctrine or misguided leaders. Time after time, church leaders have reminded us to take them through the proper priesthood channels.

So, "uplifting" emails about judging a young lady based on the contents of her purse make sense, but don't waste the precious time of the brethren with epistles of grief or despair of any actual depth?

When are we going to get a conference talk addressing the wonderful letter that was written to BKP about a suicidal gay son? (


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Posted by: Rebeckah ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 02:40PM

Never. Because gays are evil and CHOOSE to be perverted. Therefore, they must be ignored, shunned, electrocuted, shamed, and/or hit but never, never, never spoken of.

I feel the love. Do you?

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Posted by: vhainya ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 02:42PM

I first read that letter years ago. It made me cry. Church's stance and how they treat gays, doing things like condemning them after 5 gay teens commit suicide in the news just 2 weeks prior, is why I resigned from that corporation.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 03:04PM

and I got a response. Rudest letter I've ever received--burned it. Wish I hadn't. That would have been something to share!!!

Think about it--A LOT OF TALKS given by the GAs talk about stories about experiences that someone shared with them in a letter. What letters? What letters get through?

As for the purse--I don't know about the rest of you women, but I NEVER took a purse to a dance in all my life.

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Posted by: Thread Killer ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 03:12PM

You know that 2/3rd's sealed portion of the plates? Faith promoting letters....

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Posted by: Raptor Jesus ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 03:25PM

But the story clearly shows them putting everything on display in her purse, and then judging her character by each item in her purse.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 03:29PM

Yea, but they went through everything and were judging her to be a nice Mormon girl based on what she had in the purse. They even read her personal notes and recipes.They were downright snoopy and way too interested in what they found. they were doing a lot more than looking for ID.

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Posted by: Duder ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 03:29PM

why would a man who claims authority to act in the name of God tell the story during an international address to a church?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Other times, a cigar is clearly a metaphor - you know, for a dick.

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Posted by: Rebeckah ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 10:58PM


To see or carry a purse in your dream represents secrets, desires and thoughts which are being closely held and guarded. It symbolizes your identity and sense of self. Consider also the condition of the purse for indications of your state of mind and feelings. Alternatively, a purse symbolizes the female genitalia and the womb.

To dream that you lost your purse denotes loss of power and control. You may have lost touch with your real identity. If you find a purse, then it represents a renewed sense of self.

To see an empty purse represents feelings of insecurity or vulnerability.

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Posted by: Stunted ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 08:09PM

Fucking idiots.

I actually watched the stooopid fucking video on

Stoopid fucking cult.

So these Mormon hags are pawing through a purse and it's like Christmas fucking Morning!? What kind of shitty childhoods did these bitches have? My father was a school teacher with 8 kids and even though our Christmas' were always on the lean side, any one of them would have kicked the shit out of digging through some random Laurel's purse. How fucking stoopid do Mormons have to be to think this is anything other than a half baked propaganda shit cake?

And what is it about that droning, syrupy sweet, general conference voice pattern that makes me want to kill something?

Goddamned idiots.

If the Celestial Kingdom is anything like General Conference or the Temple endowment ceremony then Jesus can just bend me over and fuck me in the ass now because I'd honestly rather roast in hell than spend eternity in that kind of fucked-up Mormon environment.

Gag me with a used condom!

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Posted by: Rebeckah ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 10:59PM

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Posted by: Quoth the Raven "Nevermo" ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 08:17PM

Yeah, why didn't they just take out her wallet FIRST, where one is most likely to find an ID?

That was just a nauseating display of twisted boundary issues and of being judgemental.

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Posted by: Rebeckah ( )
Date: October 28, 2011 11:10PM

I noticed they tried to give it legitimacy by naming names and a ward. Why do I suspect they're made up?

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Posted by: almafudd ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 11:44AM

Why would a young girl put For the Strength of Youth in her purse when she's going to a dance? Was there a flashlight in the purse, too? ....In case she got into a tempting situation, she could whip out her pamphlet and read it to keep the demons of sexual desires at bay.

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Posted by: imalive ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 11:25AM

I read this damn stupid story to my nevermo mom over the phone after GC and she was appalled. "What the HELL gives them the right to go snooping and violating her privacy???" she roared. I just e-mailed her the link to the video. I'm just waiting for her reaction to that one!

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Posted by: almafudd ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 11:41AM

This "faith promoting" story and video is so wrong on so many levels. If it is true - it's outrageous that they snooped in someone's purse and made personal judgments and opening its contents "like it was Christmas morning." That's really disgusting!!!!

If it's a fabrication - it's disturbing that they wouldn't see that the whole thing reeks of lack of ethics so why promote a story like that? Only a lemming would see this story in a positive light.

I worked at a college library for years and have found many purses, wallets, and backpacks. The college staff would never have looked through the pages of a diary/notebook or open a coin purse. Usually ID is found in a logical place, you look there and that's that. You don't pull out all the contents with glee and make comments about the owner.

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Posted by: WiserWomanNow ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 11:57AM

+ 1 "So, 'uplifting' emails about judging a young lady based on the contents of her purse make sense, but don't waste the precious time of the brethren with epistles of grief or despair of any actual depth?"

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Posted by: Regulargal ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 12:25PM

I was waiting to read that they found birth control pills and how all their previous assumptions collapsed, but then they found out the real reason for the birth control pills. They do have other legitimate uses besides birth control. The story was very anti-climatic. :(

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Posted by: shoesandmoreshoes ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 12:34PM

It's sophomoric, juvinile, moronic, and hollow: just the type of drivel that Mormons seem to find 'inspiring'.

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Posted by: shoesandmoreshoes ( )
Date: October 29, 2011 12:41PM

My apologies for taking an absolute posture and over-looking an obvioustypo, as well. I'll rephrase my statement (and spelling) to say: It’s sophomoric, juvenile, moronic, and hollow: just the type of drivel that MANY Mormons seem to find ‘inspiring’

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Posted by: snowowl ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 05:23PM

I missed the original post on this story which is now closed, so please excuse me for posting here. I am so astonished that the Mormon church would produce the video and then laud such actions represented in it by a GA giving a talk in General Conference.

I worked for a major national retailer for thrity-five years, thirty of those years in management. It is amazing the things that customers leave in a retail store, especially wallets and purses.

Sales personnel were instructed that when they found one of these items, they were not to open or search them under any circumstances. They were to take the item to the nearest check-out terminal and use the phone to call and report the item as found. Failure to follow that protocol could result in termination. If the item was a purse or wallet, then security or management would respond to pick it up. Sales personnel were instructed to place the item in a bag, secure it in a safe location if possible or hold it in their possession until security or management arrived.

Whether it was security or management, two people were always dispatched to handle the item. If I was called, then I chose the second person which was usually a security agent, another manager or a floor supervisor. We took the item to the main office and checked for three things:
1. Identification
2. Valuables
3. Weapons

If identification was found, it became my responsibility to make sure the customer was contacted, either by phone (if it could be determined) or letter.

If valuables were found, then they were listed and any money was counted and verified by both of us who were present.

If a gun was found (which I never encountered) that became a security issue and police would have been notified to determine if the weapon was legal.

Everything was then replaced as it was originally and the item was again placed in a bag and sealed. Both of us would sign the seal and then the bag was numbered and listed in a log with sequential numbers. The ID name, and valuables were listed in the log entry and both of us signed the log. The item was then placed in the store vault if there was enough space, or in a secure locked cabinet in the cashroom which was always locked.

The miscellaneous items were of no consequence to use and I do not remember anyone discussing those items in the manner of judging the character of the person who had inadvertently left their personal possessions with us and we were now responsible for its security.

In the video, there are three persons looking at everything in the purse; the third person having no reason to be invoved. If the incident actually happened, were there more than three persons involved? Apparently there were.

The three persons in the video are depicted as smiling sweethearts who are so infatuated with how wonderful they have determined the unknown person to be. In point of fact, in the original incident, they were grinning, nosey harpies who went far beyond their duty to determine an identity, protect the personal information contained in the contents of the purse and then notify the owner. Instead they took on themselves the task of evaluating every item in the purse in detail, discussing those items among themselves and making a judgment of the person who was the owner. Instead of restricting their actions to a determination of ownership, they assumed a right to peruse in detail personal information to which they should not have been privy, which had nothing to do with the identification of the owner.

Next, the YS president (Monica Sedgwick) decides that the information they gleaned and the judgments they made should become the personal knowledge of the nearest GA and the GA (Quentin L. Cook) decides that the same information should be broadcast during general conference for the whole world to hear.

Why didn't it occur to any of those people that they were revealing to the world their lack of personal integrity. Their inability to keep confidential what was not their duty or right to divulge to others speaks volumes as to not only what they actually believe, but who they are deep inside. A person's personal integrity restrains them from acting outside the bounds of what is proper, but that was all lacking in this case, from the lowest to the highest individual. They obviously admitted that they knew the information was personal and private:

“We didn’t want to pry; this was someone’s personal stuff! So we gingerly opened it and grabbed the first thing that was on top—hopefully, it would identify her."

And they knew that they had made a judgment as to her character:

"The sisters immediately wanted to meet this stalwart young woman."

Why did YS president Monica Sedgwick, exercise her responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the information entrusted to her instead of conveying it to the sisters? Why was she reading and discussing in detail information that she knew had nothing to do with identifying the owner of the purse? Why did she determine that she should pass the information on to a higher level church official who was not even involved in the event and had no need to know what had transpired?

Why did Apostle of the Quorum of the 12, Quentin L. Cook, deem it a positive teaching moment to broadcast to the world the actions of gossips and busybodies cloaked in a facade of deep spiritual conduct.

This may seem like a small issue, but in a church that claims to conduct itself under the mantel of revelation and inspiration, it reveals that the smallest of actions, when carried out improperly can make its way to the top echelon undetected, uncorrected and without any inspiration and even the self-proclaimed apostles don't have a clue how inappropriate are their actions.

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Posted by: imalive ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 05:42PM

I totally agree with what you said. Talk about lack of respect for personal boundaries!

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 06:16PM

I had a student leave a purse in my class. She came back to get it while I was looking for ID. I explained why I was in her purse and had her check to see if anything was missing. I certainly didn't go through her personal stuff and compare it to Christmas morning.In fact, I was a bit embarrassed and worried about going through it. I could have been accused of stealing for starters.

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