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Posted by: Hollywood ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 11:32AM

Such a strange feeling to be sitting here, knowing that had I not found the strength to turn away the missionaries, that today is the day I was to be baptized. I made pancakes and mimosas this morning (Such a rebel), while they are all sitting in sacrament meeting, and perhaps wondering why I disappeared. Such a strange feeling to think how different my life would be.

It's a very odd sensation, just thought I'd share it.

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 11:35AM

Can you post your story?

I'm sure we'd all like to know why you changed your mind?


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Posted by: Hollywood ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 11:43AM

I actually posted it a few weeks ago, when I first decided that I was not going to convert after investigating for about 6 months.

I'll see if I can find it, but it came down to a few key points.

1) I was really creeped out by General Conference, and there was no way I believed that the Apostles and the Presidency were divinely inspired, let alone revelaters.

2) I started paying attention to those around me more in Services. While they always seemed friendly and enthusiastic to me, they seemed like they were going through the motions, like cogs in a machine.

3) No one in my family would ever convert, and I didn't think I would even want to marry a Mormon girl. Growing up as the only male in my household, I was used to strong women, and I expected any female I would be with to have balls, so to speak. Most of the Mormon girls I met were just looking for someone to marry and take care of them, and have lots of babies with. If that was the case, then even if I lived a "perfect" life, I wouldn't reap the benefits anyway.

4) I couldn't reconcile how black members were discriminated against for so long. I could accept polygamy and other unorthodox practices that I simply did not understand, even if I thought they were odd, but this seemed so contradictory. While it was no longer taught, the timing of the revelation seemed awfully convenient.

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Posted by: nomilk ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 11:54AM

I got an email a few days ago about a baptism, then a few hours later, canceled, for this Sunday.

That'd be funny if it was you.

I think you saved yourself a lot of future anguish. Good for you!

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Posted by: honestone ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 01:06PM

All good reasons for changing your mind. YOU are one smart individual and when something doesn't feel right, DON'T do it. Now have fun being someone who can make their own decisions on their time, money and "church" jobs if you do attend another church in the future. Happy for you.

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Posted by: Greyfort ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 11:44AM

Lucky escape for you. Congrats.

Now you can take that 10% of your income you were going to give to the LDS Church and put it into a Retirement Savings Plan.

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Posted by: jazzskeeter ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 11:48AM

Don't feel badly. You made the right choice. Keep your distance. Keep your freedom.

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Posted by: mav ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 12:02PM

I'll have to go to Mimi's for lemon poppy seed pancakes and mimosas.

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Posted by: freeman ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 12:11PM

Congratulations on your lucky escape!

I only wish I was given a choice.

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Posted by: FreeRose ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 12:32PM

corporation lies. You noticed the cog dis! So glad you didn't join. It really was a nightmare for me.

Now return and report any "love bombing" contact you may receive. Learn to say NO and keep your distance. Those smiling faces really are plastic.

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Posted by: deconverted2010 ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 03:55PM

Yes, they do wonder why you changed your mind. Good for you for being able to not get baptized.

I too didn't show up for my original baptism date. I had told them the date was not good but they insisted. The mishies did come back and I felt so guilty and confused I ended up getting baptized a few weeks later. I look back and I'm angry when I remember those feelings of guilt and confusion, that should have been a glimpse of what was to come, instead I got convinced it was the devil trying to keep me from the truth. I'm sure some good tactics were used on me and I wanted to believe in something.

Enjoy the pancakes and mimosas!


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Posted by: Ex-CultMember ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 04:13PM

Hi Hollywood! Please tell us more of your experience watching General Conference. I am really interested in how a never-Mo views this and what they think of the talks and the "Prophets and Apostles."

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 09:02PM

I'm so proud of you. Much better to dodge a bullet before it hits its mark!

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Posted by: Sorcha ( )
Date: October 30, 2011 09:14PM

Way to go, Hollywood. You were very brave to "disappear" on the mishies and save yourself a tonload of heartache later trying to get away from the cult. "Ya done good."

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Posted by: forestpal ( )
Date: October 31, 2011 01:10AM

Congratulations for having "balls"! I'm quoting you.

You will need to stay strong. Many of us have gone through what you have. You can expect a lot of what we call "love-bombing" in the next few weeks. The Mormons will fellowship you, pay attention to you, arrange meetings with missionaries, invite you to lunch--whatever they can do to get into your good graces.

The negative side of this "love-bombing" is that they will make you feel guilty. They will tell you to pray more, and to read the Book of Mormon more. They will offer to pray with you, in order to get more intimate with you. They will try to manipulate you, emotionally. They will make you feel that you let them down, made them sad, ditched out on them at the last minute.

Next comes the harassment. The Mormons did all this to my children, too, which really made me angry! They will threaten you that you will be separated from your family forever, that you will go to a lesser Heaven, that God will punish you, if you leave. They will threaten you with financial ruin, if you don't pay your tithing. They will warn you that if you don't attend their church meetings, that Satan will get hold of you. My children were terrified of Satan, and God, and they were also terrified of the adult Mormon leaders.

Remember, you are leaving a cult, and leaving a cult is not easy! The Mormon cult is not a Christian church, that lets its visitors walk in and out the door as they please. You are lucky to have your strong sisters at your back! You will need support. Welcome to RFM!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2011 01:12AM by forestpal.

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Posted by: koolaide ( )
Date: October 31, 2011 02:29AM

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Posted by: Ester smith ( )
Date: October 31, 2011 02:58AM

For a few months I have been reading these posts. I actually never intended to respond. I just read for info and to confirm things I needed too.

I did join the church with the best of intentions. I wanted to go to church, and this seemed like a good place for me. I had never felt so welcomed anywhere. It was the "meat" after the "milk" that caused me to question, and I realized one does not question the gospel. However, I tried to find answers and this led me here.

I should have known better. I have lived many years without joining a religion and never thought I would ever join one...but those missionaries, who were like my grandsons, "talked me into it!" I admit I knew better, but I thought it would be easy to go if I wanted too, or not. Not the case! I did stop going, but mostly I hide out! My kids tried to warm me,and they told me it was a cult! I didn't listen to them to my regret.

There is a long story here, but at this time I don't have the energy to share it. I just want to start by saying thank you all for posting your experiences with the LDS.

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Posted by: saviorself ( )
Date: October 31, 2011 02:43AM

The Mormons feel so sure of their religious views that they think it is their duty to convert people. In reality they are a false cult and are just looking for more victims to give time and money to power their treadmill cult.

Congratulations!!! You "done good" to see that and quit. Now forget that you ever knew any Mormons and have yourself an enjoyable happy life.

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Posted by: tiptoes ( )
Date: October 31, 2011 10:20AM

I wish I would have been more skeptical, and not so trusting of the information I received back in the day--however, I do love my husband and kids and cannot imagine not having them had I not been so gullible. CONGRATS!

I was talking to my niece the other day and one of her dinner guests started talking about weird things that happened in her life and she started talking about TSCC. She told my niece about a boyfriend she had who was Mormon and how she called the 1-800 # and received a BOM, their relationship ended, and she never joined. Over the last 10-12 years, this young lady has moved 6 times, all over the US and the church found her at each location, pressing her to join. She at first, politely said she was not interested, but became irritated with each time they located her. She told my niece, that the missionaries said she needed to sign a paper that would prevent them from coming again. WTH? This poor girl is harassed for an extended period of time for getting a free BOM and she needs to sign a piece of paper to get them from harrassing her! Then my niece told her that her aunt left the church after 20 years and the hell I have been receiving ever since.

My point: You are going to be on their radar for a long time. We had a poster here for a while named Deb--maybe she will come back and coach you thru the inevitable parade of concern and love that the church is going to heave upon you. Be strong or they will never leave you alone. Loves

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