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Posted by: justawho ( )
Date: October 31, 2011 11:54PM hey I don't even like babies but wow I can parent better than this

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Posted by: justawho ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 12:05AM for peeps that don't want to waste a day looking for the WTF stuff

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 02:41AM

Yikes! That kid is going to bond with the toilet while his mother is on the computer for ELEVEN hours a day.

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Posted by: goldenrule ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 03:36AM

The kid sleeps in the bathroom, she lets him play with blind cords, and mom spends ALL day on the computer and is annoyed when baby gets up from a nap? Someone needs to call CPS on her ass. (Kidding, but seriously WTF?)

Sadly, I think this is the plight of a lot of young TBM moms. Having babies when you're too young and poor is never a good idea. Fucking church. Smh. She looks like she's one missed Prozac away from a nervous breakdown :/

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Posted by: melissa3839 ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 03:47AM

I agree, its not good to make people feel like they MUST have kids. A lot of Mormon mothers I know really cannot stand their kids, and wish they didn't have to spend their days babysitting them. They rejoice when the kids go to school.

I understand that being a mom can be stressful. But you should not be wishing that your kids had never been born... Its sad.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2011 03:48AM by melissa3839.

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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 05:04AM

She doesn't play with her child at all. The only time he gets played with is when his dad gets home. I understand she was doing work on the computer but really? She couldn't take her kid for a walk outside, take him to the park, read him a book, play a game with him? So sad.

I also find it strange she just gives him a bottle and lets him feed himself. When I worked at a day care we held the babies while feeding them- whether it was a bottle or solid food.

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Posted by: mormonimposter ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 07:12AM

I didn't even see any toys for him to play with...although I'm sure they had no money for those.

I made the mistake of reading comments that defend her. They seem to think it's great parenting to put a baby in the bathroom (I hope they don't use it at night--those toilet germs travel 5 feet through the air when you flush!!), cook all day, and be online 2/3rds of your waking hours!

BTW, playing DDR while your child watches IS NOT PLAYING/BONDING TIME. Your child hanging off your leg while you cook isn't, either. What's the point of being a SAHM if you don't PLAY with your kid?! Obviously it's NOT one of those "busy with housework" days...I didn't see ANYTHING about vacuuming, sweeping, scrubbing the bathroom, dusting, doing laundry, cleaning the house... You know what she did? She filled a garbage bag with dirty diapers. I think she did the dishes a couple times. She also spent hours making a stew that should've been chopped up in 15 minutes and thrown in a crock-pot SO SHE COULD SPEND THAT TIME PLAYING WITH HER CHILD.

Seriously...that woman needs to get a dishwasher and a crock-pot and sit her @$$ down on the floor and interact with that sweet adorable happy baby boy...or he'll grow up to NOT be very sweet OR happy.

I don't care if it's winter...that's what coats and mittens and hats and strollers are for. TAKE HIM FOR A WALK INSTEAD OF PLAYING DDR!! At least he'll learn what snow is. Oh, wait, they're probably too poor to afford coats, because they had kids too soon.

End of angry rant.

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Posted by: shannon ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 08:36AM

So they can use a room for "other things?" What, pray tell, could be a more important use of a bedroom than using it for your baby?! You know, a CHILD'S room - with a dresser, closet, rocking chair, toys, books, music, visual stimulation (cute pictures on the walls, bright paint).

I feel sick to my stomach. I'm in nursing and, I promise you, a child sleeping inches away from a toilet is jaw-droppingly unhygenic. What the hell is she thinking?! And what the hell are the "important" uses for the extra room that supercede a precious child's health and normal development?!

And don't get me started on the damn blind cords! You don't need expensive hardware to get them out of the way . . . just flip them over the curtain rod or tack them up to the wall. The kid plays with the blind cords because there are no freaking TOYS in the house!!! HELLO???????


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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 08:49AM

I don't understand the bathroom thing either. Why can't they put the crib in their own bedroom??? And you'd think they'd need to keep the bathroom "available" more than this other room. Poor child. He'd be better off in daycare. At least he'd get social interaction and mental stimulation there.

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Posted by: imalive ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 08:45AM

Looking at that sure made me glad I didn't fall for the "breed 'em young"mentailty shit. I sure saved myself a lot of regret. Neil Anderson can take his guilt-trip talk and shove it up his ass.

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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 09:04AM

Oh and I just read the comments. There was one girl who commented about no pics or posts about her playing with her child and everyone ganged up on her. They went on about how good of a mom she was and how they wanted to be like her when they were moms. Crazy!

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Posted by: dogzilla ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 09:53AM

I can't get over baby-in-the-bathroom. Don't you need the bathroom for "other things"? Not only is it horribly unsanitary, but just... ew.

I'm thinking she needs the baby's room for her computer room so she can spend 11 hours a day on the 'puter. I don't know where she's going to put the baby's, but he won't be playing World of Warcraft for at least another six months or so, so I guess she's got time to figure that out.

What is she going to do when the kid is 2? Or 3? Make him sleep in the bathtub?

Cute baby. Mama appears to be an idiot though. Sad.

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Posted by: archytas ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 10:02AM

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 10:05AM

The good -- the apartment looks clean, she's cooking good meals and snacks, the baby's clothes are nice, and she and hubby don't look overly tired. My guess is that she's doing DDR to get some exercise in, so I'm not going to quibble with that.

The bad -- the baby sleeping in the bathroom (ewww!), and not getting him outside for some fresh air. Also, I'd like to see her take half an hour to sit down with her husband at the table and have a proper dinner.

The ugly -- the pillow in the playpen is a potential suffocation hazard. Babies should not be encouraged to play with objects (i.e. venetian blind pulls) that could potentially harm them (she probably doesn't realize that the time will come when he can move faster than she can.) And 10+ hours a day on the computer with an infant at home?! I realize that she's trying to get a business off the ground, but yeesh. Can it possibly be paying her enough to justify all that time away from her child?

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Posted by: angsty ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 10:17AM

it was winter in Chicago-- I don't blame her for not taking the kid outside for fresh, freezing air. And I'm not seeing how she could have photographed herself playing with her child the way her husband did when he got home from work, so I'll assume she spends more time with him than this one "day in the life" indicates.

He looks happy enough-- although I do totally object to letting babies play with choking hazards.

Gawd I hate Mormon mommy blogs. Like with a passion. Every time I read them I feel nauseated. I'm so, so, so glad I'm so, so, so different.

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Posted by: maeve ( )
Date: November 01, 2011 11:13AM

Quote from angsty:

"so I'll assume she spends more time with him than this one "day in the life" indicates.

I don't think so.

You have to realize that this isn't a typical "day in the life" of this kid. This was a day that the mom picked to showcase a time she thought made her look like a good mommy. She showers at 6:00 pm(!?) but makes no mention of giving the baby a bath that day. She's made a big deal about the fact that she's cooking dinner that day. (Which, by the way, looks vile.) She probably doesn't cook much. She admits to spending over 11 hours on the computer that day plus the time spent watching TV while eating dinner.

I'll bet this poor baby gets even less interaction time with his mom on most days than what this blog shows.

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